Sentences with phrase «of joint angle»

Measuring peak moments helps establish the maximum turning force that can be exerted at a joint irrespective of joint angle.
Since these results are not unusual, there is clearly a different type of joint angle - specific strength gains after isometric training with short muscle lengths, compared to after isometric training with long muscle lengths.
Overall, there is a slightly different pattern of joint angle - specific strength gains after isometric training with either short or long muscle lengths.
This is in line with the expected effects of joint angle - specific changes in neural drive being most relevant at short muscle lengths.
At some joints, the effect of joint angle on the resulting moment that can be generated is not marked.
This section sets out a summary of the research that has explored the net joint moments during the split squat exercise, using inverse dynamics calculations based on data from motion analysis of joint angle movements and on ground reaction forces measured using a force plate.
However, Zebis et al. (2013) did not find any effect of joint angle on EMG amplitude during the Nordic hamstring curl.
And this explains why the patterns of joint angle - specific strength gains differ between isometric training with either long or short muscle lengths: they are caused by different adaptations.
The reason for the difference between the changes in joint angle - specific strength and the changes in joint angle - specific neural drive is that both peripheral and central factors are operating, and the impact of joint angle - specific neural drive is greater after training at short muscle lengths, while the impact of peripheral factors (like regional muscle size and / or muscle fascicle length) are greater after training at long muscle lengths.
It is true that isometric exercises strengthen + / - 15 - 20 degrees of the joint angle being engaged (2).
In contrast to the moment arm findings, this suggests that exercises involving peak contractions at a range of joint angles may be optimal.

Not exact matches

In a whirlwind tour, the Nobel laureate who is democracy's champion in Poland, received the Medal of Freedom from President Bush, addressed a joint session of Congress, spoke to his fellow trade unionists in the AFL - CIO, went to New York to engage questions about Polish - Jewish relations, and there was complete silence from the paper that claims «to cover the news from the angle where church and world intersect.»
These make it relatively simple to measure joint angles and the speed and acceleration of each limb during the throwing motion and thus to calculate the forces at each joint.
In van de Panne's model, for example, once the path of the swinging foot is specified by the controller, the angles between various joints in the leg and hip are automatically calculated.
For example, the robotic arm on the International Space Station is operated by controlling the angles of its joints.
«Automatically tracking the joint angles enables the system to produce a high - quality map even if the camera is moving very fast or if some of the sensor data is missing or misleading,» Klingensmith said.
It also has onboard sensors that measure the angle of the joints to help it adjust its wing position on the go.
Whitson and Tani spent most of their outing pulling off covers to look at the 3 - metre - wide joint from different angles.
He and his team looked through the scientific literature for data on normal walking, and found a complete dataset that represented one person's gait, including the angle of their joints, the weight of each leg segment, and the ground reaction force — the force between the ground and the foot — during a single step, or gait cycle.
Sensors in each joint measure the bending angle or the degree of a twisting motion, and transfer this information to a software that computes how the virtual characters should move.
The team is now trying to nail down the specific role of stum proteins in Drosophila and to determine whether the human version of stum — which has never been characterized — also works in joint angle sensing.
What hasn't been clear is how such a neuron can specialize in sensing just one type of membrane - distorting stimulus — such as the angle of a limb joint — yet exclude others, such as impact pressures.
On completion of the 6 - week program, the movement of the hips and knees in relation to each other improved for both groups of runners, showing increases in joint angles between the shin, foot and thigh.
Isometric exercise is a type of strength training in which the muscle length and joint angle do not change during the contraction.
Computer - based estimation of the hip joint reaction force and hip flexion angle in three different sitting configurations.
You can't see it, but when you hold a plank or other isometric pose, muscle fibres are pulled from both ends of the contracting muscle — not just one section — meaning your body recruits more muscle fibres than if you were changing the joint angle.
Strength gains occur mainly around the joint angle of the exercise performed.
Regardless of what feels most comfortable to you, a wide grip will move your elbows out and put your wrists at an angle which excessively stresses the joints, as well being too hard on your shoulders.
Like if you're getting close — the closer you are getting to the weight you wan na be, those — those last pounds are gonna be harder to come off, so walking may not get you there because of the fact that the muscle that you need to stimulate fat loss and put on muscle, you have to have a higher level of stimulus and especially like the glutes for instance, these are phasic base muscles, meaning you need a lot of hip extension and deep angle at the hip joint to stimulate them.
Where if you look at a walk, you know, you're kinda only moving your hip joint through like maybe a 50 - degree range of motion, but you look at a sprinter who's leaning in at a 45 - degree angle and that knee coming all the way and then kicking all the way back, it's just — I mean, you're almost moving that hip joint at 160 degrees.
To indicate body position, nerve endings in your joints signal the angle of your limbs, trunk, neck, and head.
This continuous change of angles and stresses along the joint will help make your ankles more resilient and better conditioned for negative stresses down the line.
They're called hip flexors because they create flexion in the hip, which is the technical term for a bending movement around a joint in a limb (such as the knee or elbow) that decreases the angle between the bones of the limb at the joint.
Knees and elbows help swimmers be more propulsive in their kick or their catch, respectively, because they can move more water past the normal angle of the joint.
This continuous change of angles and stresses around the joint will help make your shoulders more adaptable to strains and forces encountered in all your training and daily activities.
The dumbbell power snatch differs from the barbell power snatch insofar as there is substantial asymmetry between sides, both in respect of peak force and joint angle movements.
They noted that there was substantial asymmetry in the GRF and joint angle movements profile of the dumbbell power snatch, which therefore differed from the patterns of the barbell power snatch, indicating that the exercises were performed in different ways and may therefore not produce the same effects.
Narici et al. (1996) reported that the resting fascicle length of the medial gastrocnemius muscle was 57.0 mm and decreased to 34.0 mm depending on the joint angle measured.
Comparing different knee joint angles in the deadlift, Escamilla et al. (2002) explored muscle activity of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius at knee joint angles of: 90 — 61 degrees (lift - off position), 60 — 31 degrees (mid-range), and 30 — 0 degrees (lockout).
Exploring the effects of training variables, Kellis et al. (2005) found that joint angles differed between relative loads but did not identify how the individual hip, knee and ankle joints differed; however, List et al. (2013) found that increasing load caused peak ankle angle to become more acute, from no load to 25 % of bodyweight, to 50 % of bodyweight.
This section sets out a summary of the research that has explored the joint angle movements during the squat exercise, using motion analysis software in either two dimensions (2D) or three dimensions (3D).
It is very difficult because these ratios «not only vary with joint angle, joint velocity and type of movement, but also with muscle group and the type of athlete.
Exploring the effects of training variables, Kellis et al. (2005) found that joint angles differed between relative loads but did not identify how the individual hip, knee and ankle joints differed; however, McKean et al. (2010) reported that peak hip angle was more acute with load compared to no load, while both List et al. (2013) and Gomes et al. (2015) reported that peak hip angle became less acute with heavier relative loads.
Comparing the effect of shoulder joint angle, Pizzari et al. (2014) measured muscle activity in all three regions of the trapezius muscle while performing a standard dumbbell shrug with the arms by the sides or abducted 30 degrees.
Brandon et al. (2013) assessed the reliability of a novel analysis system for Olympic weightlifting, comprising surface electromyography (EMG) equipment (to measure EMG amplitude within a muscle), synchronised with electrogoniometry (to measure joint angles), and a barbell position transducer (to measure the height of the barbell and thereby its displacement and linear velocity).
They're called hip flexors because they create flexion in the hip, which is the technical term for a bending movement around a joint in a limb that decreases the angle between the bones of the limb at the joint (such as the knee or elbow).
Weir, JP, et al: The effect of unilateral concentric weight training and detraining on joint angle specificity, cross-training, and the bilateral deficit.
The effect of unilateral eccentric weight training and detraining on joint angle specificity, cross-training, and the bilateral deficit.
A common mistake people make when doing this exercise is raising the leg too high, so you want a maximum angle of about 45 degrees otherwise you not target the correct muscles (due to the physiology of the hip joint).
Notice the large hip joint angle from the top of the legs to the hip.
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