Sentences with phrase «of journal styles»

Investigators face a dizzying array of journal styles that include commercial, not - for - profit and academic society journals that are supported by a mix of subscription and page charges.

Not exact matches

A study in the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies suggests that leaders who are humble and critical of their own leadership styles have the best success.
WeWork's CEO was in the spotlight this week after reports from The Wall Street Journal and The Information highlighted some unusual aspects of his leadership style.
Speaking of bus stop chatter, I can not believe that this fashion trend story in the Wall Street Journal is true: «Dad Style» Is Now in Fashion.
(Indeed, if you search the Japanese word for kakeibo on Amazon, dozens of different style paper journals turn up.)
If a new generation is convinced that the publisher of religious books or journals expects them to hold to the style of their predecessors, they may be even more prone to resist the troubling urge to write.
The Reformed Journal editor recognizes that suffering will be the necessary style of the Christian's entire life.38 Just as God entered fully into history in the Christ - event, taking upon himself its pain, so Christians must commit themselves to the human situation, assuming its misery.
I love blogging — it's my glorified journal - but most of my days I spend behind the scenes as the owner of MBS Recipe Development; a cullinary studio specializing in food development, photography, prop styling, and food styling in Dallas, Texas.
One study, published in the Journal of Family Psychology in November, 2016, examined the link between parenting styles and inflammation and immune activation in kids, which are risk factors for later illness.
Tein, Sandler, and Zautra, in the March 2000 Journal of Family Psychology, note that past studies have discussed «diminished parenting» to describe the parenting style seen in divorced mothers.
The images of «Anne Geddes» style newborn pictures are now non-existent, and the baby book to journal milestones and newborn achievements is often left blank, as the journey through the NICU is much different from that of a newborn baby.
Parenting Styles and Child Behavior in African American Families of Preschool Children Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 31 (2): 272 - 277.
With all the fuss over the harshness of Amy Chua's unrelenting «tiger mother» parenting style — the discussion, which was sparked by a Wall Street Journal excerpt of Chua's new memoir about motherhood, made its way onto the cover of TIME this week — few have commented on one simple fact.
He says the team routinely posts «descriptive statistics of our research» on its website, written in a reader - friendly style, before drilling down on specific questions and submitting the analysis to a journal.
Moreover, these programs come with referencing styles for thousands of journals, which will save you hours of work in adjusting them to a journal's specific format by hand.
Those cautionary examples, described in 2015 in the Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, made me want to duct tape my children's eclipse glasses to their heads, mummy - style.
The article closely resembled the style of articles from the peer - reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, down to the typeface.
Grave says the post-war pottery is Balkan in style because the Trojans were keen to align themselves with the people there, who had become the new political elite in the region (Journal of Archaeological Sciences,
The scientist reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health in May that the girls who wore traditional Bangladeshi clothing were less likely to suffer later from psychological problems, such as depression, than were those who wore Western - style garments.
In October in the Journal of Human Evolution, Metin Eren, a graduate student at the University of Exeter in England and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, appraised the qualities of flint knives he had re-created in the styles of both Neanderthals and Cro - Magnons, the early modern humans of Europe.
Three psychology journals rejected their study because reviewers were unconvinced: Perhaps, some reviewers suggested, language style matching was simply a matter of liking, as Pennebaker had initially assumed.
This led Slocombe and her colleagues to conclude that traveling chimpanzees could use signature drumming styles to convey their location to distant troopmates, they report in this month's issue of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.
The tag data showed that the minkes did most of their feeding under the sea ice, often skimming just below the frozen water while rapidly snapping up krill swarms — a feeding style seen in no other whale, Friedlaender and his colleagues report online today in The Journal of Experimental Biology.
Open any random sample of science journals, and you will find a range of styles of scientific paper, from brief «letters» or reports occupying only a few pages to monographs many tens of pages long, and from terse accounts of new results to opinionated commentaries and weighty reviews of broader fields.
The style of a research paper is quite formulaic, with most journals following some version of the standard Introduction - Methods - Results - Discussion sequence.
This new style of journal hijacking can flourish only when journals are careless about website administration and security.
A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that TT - style workouts kept the «afterburn» effect going for 38 HOURS after the workout ended.
A study published in the Journal of Obesity on April 6, 2012 found that TT - style workouts cut dangerous belly fat by 17 % in just 60 minutes per week of exercise.
International Journal of Cardiology 133, no. 2 (2009): 145 - 41 Mark Houston, MD, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease (New York: Grand Central Life & Style, Hatchette Book Group, 2012) Ibid M.A. Carluccio et al., Olive Oil and Red Wine Antioxidant Polyphenols Inhibit Endothelial Activation: Antiatherogenic Properties of Mediterranean Diet Phytochemicals.
Published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, the first few short term studies showed greater short term weight loss with the Atkins styled low carbohydrate plan.
For samples of Kate's styling work, swing by her portfolio and Journal.
But a study published in the journal «Metabolism» proved that this high intensity «finisher» style of training burned 450 % more fat than traditional long cardio sessions.
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In a study published in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences, women with PCOS followed a Mediterranean style anti-inflammatory diet for 3 months.
Julie Gudmestad is a physical therapist, founder of Gudmestad Yoga in Portland, Oregon, and frequent contributor to Yoga Journal and Yoga International, She is well known for her unique anatomy - based teaching style which applies the principles from anatomy to facilitate our understanding of the factors that impact or even hinder alignment in yoga poses.
There is no need for fashion journals in order to develop your sense of style.
For style inspirations, promotions, client profiles, and lots of pretty photos, sign up for GraceNotes, our bi-monthly online journal.
Their talented Studio Girls designers provide quality digital scrapbooking and art journal designs in a wide variety of creative styles.
Rebecca's blog is a journal of her life, personal style, and all the things and thoughts that make her smile.
You were really lucky to get your hands on them since they're so on spot this season!!!! < 3 JOURNAL OF STYLE
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