Sentences with phrase «of judicial office»

A judge should avoid lending the prestige of judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others.
I acknowledge that wearing the hat was a breach of the principles of judicial office and was a lapse in judgment that I sincerely regret.
And — most importantly — he needs to ensure that doing so does not interfere with his discharge of his judicial office.
The text of the statute provides, in s. 3, that a judge or justice of the peace shall swear to «honestly and faithfully» exercise the powers of judicial office.
However, reg 17 excluded any individual in his capacity as the holder of a judicial office if he was remunerated on a daily fee - paid basis.
The ABA found it appropriate to apply the basic tenets of appropriate judicial conduct, such as judges» duty to «respect and honor the judicial office as a public trust and strive to maintain and enhance confidence in the judicial system» and to «maintain the dignity of the judicial office at all times» when it applied rules of offline conduct to judges» activities online.
Otherwise, a judge should not personally participate in fund - raising activities, solicit funds for any organization, or use or permit the use of the prestige of judicial office for that purpose.
Judges should maintain the dignity of judicial office at all times, and avoid both impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in their professional and personal lives.
Provide assistance with the management of the judicial office of the 16th District Court including judge's office and court proceedings.
Provide assistance with the management of the judicial office of the 16th District Court including judge's office and court proceedings.
Roe and the decisions reaffirming it are equal in their audacity and abuse of judicial office to Dred Scott v. Sandford.
I am grateful to have enjoyed this privilege and mindful of the honour and public trust that attach to the holding of judicial office in Canada.»
But at other times, such as this time, the gowns of judicial office enabled this judge to lose sight, however momentary, of the public he served and, in that moment, we were all diminished.
The interaction of most litigants with the judicial system is a transient one and it is of seminal importance that the fairness, impartiality and detached objectivity of the judicial office holder are manifest from beginning to end.»
Others have also raised the concern that the use of confidential judicial information involves trading on the lustre and the independence of the judicial office.
For instance, Linkedin profiles of judicial office holders are likely to state their judicial appointment as you would on any CV, particularly if they are volunteers or part time and still potentially «in the market» for work or career development.
But sadly, this guidance is not the sort of guidance which embraces the transformative potential of social media and aims only to help a new generation of judicial office holders avoid pitfalls along the way (for example the Law Society have produced a detailed guidance note for solicitors along these lines, which explains in words of one syllable how social media works).
Creating Principles of Judicial Office for Justices of the Peace, through the Justices of the Peace Review Council, recognizing justices of the peace as judicial officers; a document that is identical to the counterpart for judges once you substitute «justice of the peace» for «judge.»
As the Canadian Judicial Council's «Ethical Principles for Judges «observes, «a judge who uses the privileged platform of judicial office to enter the political arena puts at risk public confidence in the impartiality and the independence of the judiciary.»
What assisted the panel was there was no dispute in the facts, Justice Zabel acknowledged that «his actions were contrary to the standard of conduct expected of a judge and contrary to the Principles of Judicial Office for judges of the Ontario Court of Justice,» and he agreed that the conduct warranted sanction from one of the penalties found under s. 51.6 (11) of the Act.
There are of course very good reasons for quite significant constraint on public pronouncements by holders of judicial office.
(B) A judge shall not, in connection with cases, controversies, or issues that are likely to come before the court, make pledges, promises, or commitments that are inconsistent with the impartial performance of the adjudicative duties of judicial office.
[64] We find that Justice Cosgrove has failed in the execution of the duties of his judicial office and that public confidence in his ability to discharge those duties in future has been irrevocably lost.
Propriety requires avoiding conduct inconsistent with the dignity of the judicial office.
They are required to be impartial, to act with propriety, and to uphold the dignity of judicial office.
The Ontario Judicial Council has developed criteria for continuation in office and standards of conduct «Principles of Judicial Office,» which states,
As Principle 3.2 of the Ontario Judicial Council's «Principles of Judicial Office «states judges «must not participate in any partisan political activity.»
I will condense the following extracts from the report that highlight the committee's findings on the foundational principles of judicial office — impartiality, integrity and independence — and why, in this case, correctness was eclipsed by conduct:
Regulation 17 of the PTWR, entitled «Holders of judicial offices», provides that the regulations do not apply «to any individual in his capacity as the holder of a judicial office if he is remunerated on a daily fee - paid basis».
«A judge should not lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of others...»
[5] In addition to appointing lawyers to serve as counsel for indigent parties in individual cases, a judge may promote broader access to justice by encouraging lawyers to participate in pro bono publico legal services, if in doing so the judge does not employ coercion, or abuse the prestige of judicial office.
The duties of judicial office, as prescribed by law, shall take precedence over all of a judge's personal and extrajudicial activities.
In defining the appropriate degree of involvement of the judiciary in public debate, there are two fundamental considerations.The first is whether the judge's involvement could reasonably undermine confidence in his or her impartiality.The second is whether such involvement may unnecessarily expose the judge to political attack or be inconsistent with the dignity of judicial office.
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