Sentences with phrase «of keeping the house clean»

They have an energetic nature of keeping the house clean and organized.
We Need to Phase Out Fossil Fuels, Quickly & Regardless of Cost - It's the Moral Thing to Do Slavery wasn't abolished, either in the United States nor in Great Britain, because a more economically efficient way of plowing, planting and picking produce was developed, not a better method of keeping houses clean, or building, or... or anything.
I learned just a few years ago that tips 1 and 2 were the foundation of keeping a house clean.
These are great tips in terms of keeping house clean and organized.

Not exact matches

Women are called to keep the home, according to Strachan, doing «the vast majority of the cooking, cleaning, and managing of the house,» while a man «provides for the family.»
- Make meals and keep the house clean - She provides food for her family (vs. 15), She watches over the affairs of the home (vs. 27)
Ruth is not identified as a woman of valor because checked off some Proverbs 31 to - do list by keeping a clean house and producing children, but because she lived her life with incredibly bravery, wisdom, and strength.
«Our team members also are taught why and how to keep both the front and back - of - the - house clean for guests and team members alike.»
Of course, it helps keep the house cool and we end up with a lot less clean up too which is a big plus.
Best of luck with the house sale and with keeping it clean!
One thing I've noticed is that when there are clean and healthy snacks lying around the house, it's easier to ignore those junky foods that keep eyeballing me, and it's not like I can completely get rid of them because most of them aren't even mine.
My Dh is always complaining about how cluttered our house is, like it's sooooo easy to keep the house clean with a four - year - old running around and undoing any of our futile efforts to tidy up.
If you develop the habit of cleaning as you go, you will be the champ of keeping your house gleaming.
We allow her to eat what she dropped on the floor (we're not scared of germs, as we don't sanitize the house, thus we keep it clean, but not sterile and we don't allow to have super-germs like ones you can find in hospitals = no need to worry about bacteria).
Rather than being resentful, I used this opportunity to be SuperMom: my job was now to keep Max happy and the house somewhat clean — and try to let Matthew relax when he was home instead of nagging him to take the trash out.
By not only buying organic products to keep your house clean, but also serving organic and healthy foods to your family at dinnertime, there's a lifetime of issues that can be easily avoided.
«My partner and I had no idea what we were doing, and she made us dinner, took care of Willie, and kept the house clean.
It reminds me of a poem that my mom had hanging in our house and I've always been so fond of it - Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep I'm rocking my baby And babies don't keep.
They are asked to help with various things around the house — some of them are things they need to do to take care of themselves (like put their clean clothes away and keep their rooms somewhat tidy) and some of them are things they are asked to do to help take care of our home and our family because they are part of our family and they contribute just like the adults do (like empty the dishwasher, help cook dinner, or help a younger sibling).
My husband has shampooed the carpets and we maintain a twice weekly quick and general cleaning of the whole house to keep it up.
Child Proof the House (Set the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees F, use covers on electrical outlets and latches on cabinets, keep household cleaners, chemicals and medicines completely out of reach and always store them in their original container and know the Poison Control Center number (1-800-222-1222), do not carry hot liquids or food near your child and do not allow your child near stoves, heaters or other hot appliances (especially curling irons), and when cooking, use the back burners and turn pot handles inward, to prevent drowning, never leave your child alone near any container of water, keep a list of emergency numbers near the phone, and lock rooms that are not child proof).
The truth of the matter is that pregnancy does not render one incapable of doing household chores or keeping the house clean in general, though there are a few new rules to housekeeping that should be followed in pregnancy.
It includes a lot of little things you can do each day that will go a LONG way toward keeping your house clean so that you can avoid a lot of the stress that comes with a messy and cluttered house, and it can also help you to avoid what I like to call «marathon cleaning
It's a missed opportunity for us to teach our kids how to keep the house clean, which they'll eventually need to know when they leave for college and some day have a house of their own to take care of.
Also keep in mind that the start and end of daylight saving time are good chances to get caught up on safety measures around the house, such as changing the batteries in your smoke detectors and cleaning out your medicine cabinets.
Though Gwen keeps track of which house needs what, and until recently, pitched in with the cleaning, she hires help for routine maintenance and to check the houses periodically.
Holiday season is the busy time of the year — gift shopping, holiday decorations, house cleaning, family and friend gathering,... How do you keep up kids» learning and education when there are so many other things need be taken care of?
Along with washing pillowcase and keeping your house clean, you need to take care of your skin because dirt causes pimples and acne on face.
Thank goodness I have a cleaning lady who comes once a week, but trying to get one teenager and a pre-teen to keep the house clean the rest of the time is driving me nuts.
You will be using the mop numerous of times during your potty training days to clean your child's pee and sometimes poop from the floor and to keep your house clean and hide the hot mess that it turns into.
Here is a hack for easily keeping the house clean, and is part one of a 7 part series, Hacks for busy, busy moms.
This means disposing of dirty diapers outside the house immediately, keeping the fridge fresh and free of sketchy leftovers and rotting vegetables, and avoiding the use of cleaning products with noxious fumes.
Therefore, keeping your house clean increases the value of your house and there is no reason why you should not maintain it well.
Duties include newborn care, light house work (dishes, sweeping, counters, folding clean laundry and keeping things tidy) and care of two kind dogs (let them in and out, take them on walks with baby and feed if needed) $ 17 per hour
Hi my vacuum that i have the cord is hard and tight it twist into knots and wraps it self around it self, it doesn't reach top of stairs, the tools don't clean the claims it doesn't lose suction but i feel it does, i got it because i was injured and thought it would be easier for me to keep the house clean but it has made it harder for me.since it cost alot for us my husband said i'm stuck with it
A changing table also keeps the house cleaner: if the baby is always changed on the table, whose cover is then wiped down with a damp, soapy cloth or an antibacterial wipe, you will minimize the movement of germs throughout the household.
They not only easily keep kids out of cabinets, drawers and other places that house cleaning supplies and hazardous materials, but they also can keep certain areas of the home completely off limits.
He said «To set the records straight, the land in question is a plot of land which shares a common fence with Ladoja's house and he has been the one weeding the plot and keeping it clean.
If you live in pre 1978 housing, it is important to safeguard the children in your home or apartment from suffering the damaging effects of lead poisoning, by keeping the home clean and keeping painted surfaces intact.
So if can keep them out of the environment by keeping the environment as clean as we can keep them out of the house, then we can find a cure to it faster than we are doing now, Omosehin disclosed.
«If Bob Cohen can't keep drug dealers out of his own houses, he can't clean up Albany.
We need to make sure that we are in control over the things that affects us.Anytime there is flood and people loose their life, most of the blame goes to sitting presidents.I am not saying that the central government does not have responsibility to ensure that enabling environment is created.They have a great work to do but as citizens what is our quota?When you move around Accra, sometimes i becomes angry within myself because i am in doubt as to whether our sanitation laws exit.People because of the tax they claim they pay waits for zoom lion workers to come and clean the choked gutters before our houses and shops either than that, it will remain like that.Is it modernity or civilization that has turned us to forget our traditional values or duties of ensuring that our environments is clean?Everybody in our Ghanaian setting knows the responsibility of men and women in making sure that our environments are clean not waiting for flood to occur and we start blaming sitting presidents.To the media, though your responsibility is to keep governments on it toes, you equally have a mandate in educating the public of what we are expected to do as citizens in other to ensure that our dear nation is a better ecosystem for all of us to live.The attention of the media should be shifted from making politicians popular to making us aware as citizens of our responsibilities.I sometimes get confused to hear journalists calling opponents to comment on issues concerning the sitting governments and the only thing that comes to my mind is what do the journalist want to hear from the political opponents?Nothing.They will end up criticizing without giving an alternative.The media should rather resort in questioning people directly to where the problems are coming from.Let us build our institutions.When it comes to energy issues.Citifm will call Hon.KT Hammond who was a deputy minister living who he worked under (His boss at that time) and I always become confused because what can we expect from him?nothing.
Under the deal that Mark - Viverito struck to earn unanimous backing, she will allow the counties to keep their designated committee chairmanships instead of cleaning house and appointing her own, a sign that the new speaker is looking to make nice with her recent opponents, sources said.
The sides of the splitter house little cradles that keep the wood from tumbling off, making clean up quick and easy.
Here's the deal: choosing the right microfiber mop can help keep your house clean, save you a bit of money, and keep some disposable mop pads from taking up space in a landfill.
The Littermaid Litter Box Mega System has everything you need to keep your house cleaner and your litter box less of a hassle.
I'm still not sure about the mathematics of this, but I do my best to try to at least keep surfaces clean... though in the summertime I will say we do live with a lot of sand in the house, which at this point I've come to accept as inevitable.
During an average week, I do 5 - 8 loads of laundry, cook three meals from scratch each day, attempt to keep the house clean, homeschool the kids, and try to keep up with writing.
That being said, I do still keep a bottle of white vinegar with organic orange and lemon peels around the house for degreasing and descaling, I just don't use this as my all purpose cleaner.
The normal advice to «make sure to keep counters and floors clean and put food away so insects aren't attracted to your house,» doesn't works so well when you are fermenting jars of sweetened tea (kombucha) and sugar water (water kefir) on the kitchen counters.
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