Sentences with phrase «of kelp forest communities»

As a result, the kelp forest begins to grow back, changing the structure of kelp forest communities.

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«We posited that giant kelp fed herbivores in the system and provided structure and habitat for predators, and that it was fed upon by sea urchins and affected the understory communities of algae and sessile invertebrates in the kelp forest,» said lead author Robert Miller, a research biologist in UCSB's Marine Science Institute (MSI).
[58] Indeed, many now theorise that the first colonisation of the Americas was due to fishing communities following the Pacific kelp forests during the last ice age.
Community - wide distribution of predator - prey interaction strength in kelp forests.
The ecology of giant kelp forests in California: a community profile.
Temporal and spatial patterns of disturbance and recovery in a kelp forest community.
Effects of a large sewage spill on a kelp forest community: catastrophe or disturbance?
The architecture of a kelp forest ecosystem is based on its physical structure, which influences the associated species that define its community structure.
[3] The importance of this contribution has been rapidly acknowledged within the scientific community and has prompted an entirely new trajectory of kelp forest research, particularly emphasizing the potential for a spatial refuge from climate change also the explanations to evolutionary patterns of kelps worldwide.
Severe storm disturbances and reversal of community structure in a southern California kelp forest.
Channelkeeper is also supporting biological monitoring of nearshore underwater habitats such as kelp forests and rocky reefs in partnership with scientists from UCSB to track how fish populations and marine communities associated with these habitats respond over time to the protection provided by MPAs.
These events resulted in substantial ecological and economic impacts, including sustained loss of kelp forests, coral bleaching, reduced surface chlorophyll levels due to increased surface layer stratification, mass mortality of marine invertebrates due to heat stress, rapid long - distance species» range shifts and associated reshaping of community structure, fishery closures or quota changes, and even intensified economic tensions between nations.»
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