Sentences with phrase «of kenosis»

Shanti Grumbine literally and laboriously excises the content from the New York Times, evolving the work through the process of kenosis.
Of course, Altizer's conception of the kenosis necessarily excludes a transcendent being who continues in existence after the coming of the Lord.
I was convinced that Altizer's doctrine of kenosis was both accurate and inevitable.
The tides of kenosis and love.
This, as you know, is all part of the Kenosis doctrine, that Jesus chose to set aside the independent use of some of his attributes in order to fulfill His mission, to become fully man.
Certainly the great Christological Councils do not present the kind of kenosis Altizer says the Christian must believe.
Therefore, in Christ's life and death the Christian must believe that transcendence was fully transformed into immanence and finally died to itself.5 It is not at all clear why the Christian must accept so literal an interpretation of the kenosis doctrine.
Open theism argues that God does not know «the future», either because it does not yet exist to be known, or because God chooses not to know it, in an act of kenosis (self - emptying).
Only the acceptance of the mission of the Suffering Servant, i.e., mission in Christ's way, and a theology of kenosis or self emptying, will enable us to cross a frontier.
If you want to bring a misty - eyed contemplative smile to a Christian from the Orthodox Church, mention the theology of kenosis — Christ «emptying» himself.
Experience itself, therefore, is only truly consummated in the passion of generation where the spontaneous expression of bodily energy duplicates and even makes incarnate in each individual body the universal process of the kenosis or emptying of the Godhead.
Altizer betrays his assumption of a metaphysics when he states, «Hegel's central idea of kenosis, or the universal and dialectical process of the self - negation of being, provided me with a conceptual route to a consistently kenotic or self - emptying understanding of the Incarnation, an understanding which I believe has been given a full visionary expression in the work of William Blake.»
I think I probably hold a more Eastern Orthodox view of Kenosis according to Wikipedia.
Theodore Runyon claims that Altizer's exegesis of the kenosis hymn is invalid and shows an ignorance of Paul's doctrine of God.15
Or else the notion of kenosis can become so spiritualized that actual suffering bodies are unattended to.

Not exact matches

Humility is a distinctively Christian virtue, grounded in the doctrine of Christ's kenosis.
The bible itself testifies to the self - emptying of God, the «kenosis», the sacrifice of his own transcendence (read Philippians 2).
Divine kenosis, she insists, does not mean that divine power is sacrificed but rather that it is relocated in a «relational love» that brings about forgiveness and awakens an ethic of care and compassion for others.
Is it possible that the kenosis is so total, paradigmatic... that Jesus, let's say, from our Christian perspective, is the lens through which we understand the kenosis... a kind of historical, momentous «freezing» of the a-historical?
It is in the kenosis, the self - emptying, of the Son that the Father effects salvation in the power of the Spirit.
His attempt to build a radical doctrine of Incarnation on the kenosis hymn in Phil.
The special logic of this theory, after all, is that the Christian philosopher — having surmounted the «aesthetic,» «ethical,» and even in a sense «religious» stages of human existence — is uniquely able to enact a return, back to the things of earth, back to finitude, back to the aesthetic; having found the highest rationality of being in God's kenosis — His self - outpouring — in the Incarnation, the Christian philosopher is reconciled to the particularity of flesh and form, recognizes all of creation as a purely gratuitous gift of a God of infinite love, and is able to rejoice in the levity of a world created and redeemed purely out of God's «pleasure.»
Perhaps it is only in the eschaton, when the kenosis of the Father has come to an end and God is all in all, that God will show his justice in permitting the suffering of the world, in allowing the cries in Rama, and in every corner and breast of this world where Rachel's cry is perpetually heard.
But the kenosis doctrine reminds us that although Jesus was God, he really did empty himself of his omnipotence and omniscience.
In other words, the result of the «incarnation» of omega in alpha is a descent or kenosis, a concealment and an absence from the future, such that the very proof of the presence of omega in alpha is precisely its absence.
Such is the kenosis of the Father's love.»
For Hamann, by contrast, the kenosis of God illuminates and transfigures everything, grace transfuses all of nature, culture, and cult, and so his humor has a wealth, an overwhelming hilarity, and a truly Christian mirthfulness that Kierkegaard's does not.
God empties (kenosis) Godself of privilege, advantage and power over creation and becomes available, accessible, answerable and liable for the conditions of sin.
That insight had such significance for John Paul that he would return to it fourteen years later in Fides et Ratio, writing that the chief purpose of theology «is seen to be the understanding of God's kenosis, a grand and mysterious truth for the human mind, which finds it inconceivable that suffering and death can express a love which gives itself and seeks nothing in return.»
Kenosis Try Lord Raglan's The Hero, A Study in Tradition, Myth and Drama In it he outlined 22 common traits of god - heroes.
To explain how, he turned to the second chapter of Paul's Letter to the Philippians where the apostle speaks of the self - emptying or kenosis of God: «Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant... [and] humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.»
But before we can fully understand Altizer's call for the death sentence upon all sacred entities in general, and God in particular, we must add Altizer's emphasis upon kenosis, the Self - emptying of God into historical being.
Introduction — «The Messiness of Real Life»: «At the end of one cycle of time, they say, we experience kenosis, an emptying.
In «Kenosis and Subversion: On the Repression of «Vulnerability» in Christian Feminist Writing,» she argues that the «paradox of power and vulnerability» is best exemplified by «this act of silent waiting on the divine in prayer....
The conviction of a divine kenosis could scarcely have entered our consciousness apart from this event.
One word is deeply revealing here, and that is the Pauline word kenosis (Philippians 2:5 - 8), a word which Hegel explicitly employs in many of the most crucial and difficult passages of the Phenomenology, and that calls forth the theological meaning of Aufhebung as a divine and ultimate self - emptying or self - negation.
This is the kenosis which fully and openly occurs in the Crucifixion, but which Christian orthodoxy from its very beginning had affirmed to occur only in the humanity and not in the divinity of Christ, an orthodoxy reversed by Luther, and if only here Hegel was a deeply Lutheran Christian.
The kenosis of the pre-existent Son (Phil.
But if Jesus is the sacrament of God's own reality, as Christian faith teaches, we must conclude once again that the essential content of revelation is nothing other than the kenosis of God that opens up the future to an all - inclusive vision promised in the resurrection.
We should emphasize, though, that the self - kenosis of God is not a negative occurrence in the Godhead but a positive movement whose purpose is that of bringing about relationship to God's other.
Panikkar does not want to strengthen the rather distrustful attitude of many Hindus towards «the West» and Christianity but rather seeks to pursue dialogue through «unilateral disarmament», as it were, through unilateral kenosis.
The audacity of this belief in the divine kenosis has often been lost by long familiarity with it.
When taken together with the biblical motif of promise, the notion of a divine kenosis may provide for our own situation today a solid and compelling foundation for a fresh theology of revelation.
Informed by contemporary experience of the apparent eclipse of mystery, by the sorrow and oppression in much social existence, by the horrors of genocide, and by the modern threat of meaninglessness to the individual's existence, we now seem to be noticing more explicitly than ever before the image of God's self - emptying, or kenosis, that has always been present in Christian tradition.
But even they show that the contrary is the case, as Altizer himself demonstrates when he claims that he is talking about the absolute immanence or «presence - in - this - world» of the Word or Spirit, in consequence of the radical kenosis or self - emptying of the transcendent deity usually denoted by the word «God».
When Paul spoke of the «folly» of the Gospel and counter-posed it to the «wisdom of the world,» he was pointing to what we might call a cognitive aspect of God's kenosis, of God's abasement.
It is that crucial motif in Christianity that theologians have called the kenosis, the humiliation of God: The same God who has all power, who created this world and all possible worlds, has taken upon himself the form and the fate of an ordinary man, and indeed a man who suffered the most agonizing afflictions of betrayal, torture, despair, and death.
Barfield's conception of the incarnation as a freeing of man, in the course of time, to say the Divine Name («I am...») here coalesces with Altizer's idea that the death of God frees us to see the contemporary reality of a continuing incarnational kenosis leading to a nonhubristic apotheosis of man.15 Barfield has achieved with his metaphorical sensitivity a pre-view of a «final participation» which is the coincidentia oppositorum Altizer was insufficiently able to apprehend with his dialectical method.
«At the end of one cycle of time, they say, we experience kenosis, an emptying.
Kenosis becomes a matter of God's self - abnegation of a mode of power that God wills not to utilize.
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