Sentences with phrase «of kilowatt hours of electricity»

While California's solar plants have generated billions of kilowatt hours of electricity for the past two decades, the Nevada Solar One plant will use new technologies to capture even more energy from the sun.

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Rosatom is Russia's largest electricity generating business, and produced 196.37 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2016.
Put simply, for every kilowatt hour of electricity the company used in 2017, it bought a kilowatt hour of renewable energy from a solar or wind farm built specifically for Google.
The analysis assumed each car drove 15,000 miles — roughly the national average — at a rate of 30 kilowatt hours of electricity per 100 miles, based on the median mileage rate for Tesla Model 3 and Model S vehicles, according to figures reported to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
They find that coal accounts for 95 % of GED in this sector (though it also accounts for the largest percentage of total power generation), and coal power has the highest GED per kilowatt - hour (kWh) of electricity generated (though as noted in Table 2, petroleum has a higher GED / VA ratio).
In New York state, the average price of electricity is above the national average of 12 cents per kilowatt hour, coming in at 17.5 cents per kilowatt hour.
Its goodness can be measured even in pounds: «If I turn off the lights during afternoon hours, I will save x kilowatts of electricity and z pounds of greenhouse gases, thus contributing y to the common good.»
The T factor is difficult to measure, but one index might be the grams of sulfur produced per kilowatt hour of electricity generated.
The government's Energy Star program reports that on average, supermarkets use 50 kilowatt - hours of electricity and 50 cubic feet of natural gas per square foot per year for an average annual energy cost of more than $ 4 per square foot.
He estimates the cooling effect of 100 000 mature urban trees — inner city Melbourne has around 70 000 — could save a city 3 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually.
For every kilowatt hour of electricity purchased, renewable energy goes onto the power grid and displaces fossil fuel production.
A large part of the electricity gap should be met by energy saving measures: the National Audit Office recently found that efficiency schemes cost 1.8 pence to save a kilowatt hour of electricity, cheaper than all known means of generating electricity.
It currently estimated that Ghana imports about 185 megawatts of power from Cote d'Ivoire and according to the electricity sector players, Côte d'Ivoire generates thermal power at the cost of 9 cents per kilowatt hour and sells it to Ghana for 11 cents.
The town had hoped to take advantage of LIPA's plan to buy 50 megawatts of electricity from solar projects throughout Long Island at a rate of 22 cents per kilowatt / hour over the next 20 years.
The 1.9 - megawatt array is anticipated to produce nearly 3 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually, avoiding the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to burning 2.4 million pounds of coal or more than 5,000 barrels of oil each year.
The plant has a tariff of 15 cents per kilowatt hour, but the same power is sold to the Electricity Company of Ghana at a cost of 5 cents per kilowatts hour, leaving a deficit of 10 cents per kilowatts.
The amount the county pays for the electricity will increase 2.9 percent per year for 20 years, to a final cost of 10.35 cents per kilowatt hour.
Energy experts have questioned government's decision to cap electricity price, in terms of power purchases negotiation, at 10 cents per kilowatt hour, stressing that it will not attract investors into the power sector.
The study found that, on average, an individual microwave appliance uses 573 kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity over its lifetime of eight years.
Today photovoltaic cells can not compete with electricity in terms of price per kilowatt - hour.
In the United States, the residential and commercial sectors consumed 412 billion kilowatt - hours of electricity in 2014, amounting to 11 percent of total electricity use, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
In fact, the price per kilowatt - hour of electricity from batteries has more than halved from 2007 (about US$ 1000) to 2014.
To put things in perspective, the average U.S. home consumes about 10,656 kilowatt - hours (kWh) of electricity a year.
Those solar panels will produce 6.5 - million kilowatt - hours of electricity per year.
Thanks to a two cents per kilowatt - hour production incentive from the U.S. government, they are being built at a rate that will increase the amount of wind - generated electricity by nearly three gigawatts a year.
Energy efficiency is not a primary concern, because operation is inexpensive — a typical ceiling fan running 24 hours a day consumes about 60 kilowatt - hours a month, for an average electricity cost of about six dollars.
Those suburban turbines began turning in earnest on January 20, providing 35 million kilowatt - hours of electricity to Beijing through July, or roughly 300,000 kilowatt - hours a day.
Of course, the more time kids spend playing outdoors the less time they'll spend at video - game consoles — which consume an estimated 16 billion kilowatt - hours of electricity annually, about four times the output of Hoover DaOf course, the more time kids spend playing outdoors the less time they'll spend at video - game consoles — which consume an estimated 16 billion kilowatt - hours of electricity annually, about four times the output of Hoover Daof electricity annually, about four times the output of Hoover Daof Hoover Dam.
They show that 32 grams of carbon dioxide is emitted for each kilowatt - hour of electricity generated by the latest solar cells.
In other words, for every kilowatt - hour of electricity used the microbes could scrub 130 grams of CO2 out of 230,000 liters of air to make 60 grams of isopropanol fuel.
The only thing that has kept servers from sucking up ever more energy has been a little known corollary of Moore's law: over the past 65 years, the number of computations that can be done per kilowatt - hour of electricity used has doubled every 1.6 years, according to Koomey's research.
Server farms, according to data center expert Jonathan Koomey of Stanford University, now account for roughly 1.5 percent of global electricity use, or about 300 billion kilowatt - hours of electricity per year.
Basically, it is a conversion factor that measures the electricity required to run the car (usually expressed in kilowatt - hours) in another unit of energy: gallons of gasoline.
We looked up a month's electricity and natural gas usage for the entire building where we lease our offices and estimated our respective portions to be 9,091 kilowatt - hours (the average single - family home uses 1,000 kilowatt - hours per month) and 589 therms, the equivalent of burning about 58,900 cubic feet of natural gas.
By looking at the plant's total annual utility use and the fraction of yearly operations needed to print a single issue of DISCOVER, David Hakenewerth, a manager at Quebecor's Jonesboro facility, determined that producing one month's edition of the magazine consumes 63,364 kilowatt - hours of electricity and 1,704 therms of natural gas.
«Using the average U.S. electricity rate of nine cents per kilowatt - hour (kWh), 30 miles of electric driving will cost 81 cents,» the group maintains.
Moniz notes that just 0.1 cent per kilowatt - hour of electricity and 2 cents per gallon of transportation fuels would yield about $ 8 billion per year, although such surcharges would need to be developed «with collaboration from industry and consumers.
It costs $ 500 to $ 600 to store a kilowatt - hour, and the round - trip efficiency is 65 to 75 percent — meaning the battery loses 25 to 35 percent of the electricity put into it.
But manufacturing each one consumes more than 2300 kilowatt - hours of electricity — adding a tricky ecological dimension to the decision of whether to buy.
Even the electric utility industry recognizes that where residential electricity costs reach 15 cents per kilowatt - hour — or roughly 16 percent of the U.S. retail electricity market — solar is already as cheap as grid electricity.
The mass conversion of the U.S. to solar power might involve an incremental cost of roughly four cents per kilowatt - hour, with overall electricity costs on the order of eight to nine cents per kilowatt - hour.
Engineers proposed dotting the island with 15 turbines, each capable of generating 750 kilowatts an hour, to meet all the native electricity needs.
When complete, the 410 - mile - long reservoir will generate 84.7 billion kilowatt - hours of electricity per year, the energy equivalent of 50 million tons of coal.
250 billion Kilowatt - hours of U.S. hydropower production in 2007, representing 6 percent of the country's total electricity supply.
But the benefits of increasingly powerful data centers come at a steep cost in energy usage: as much as 61 billion kilowatt - hours in the U.S. alone — 1.5 percent of the country's entire electricity consumption.
He estimates that electricity from the process would cost around 3 pence per kilowatt - hour, comparable to the price of generating it from coal, gas and nuclear stations.
Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study shows that in the most polluted areas of northern and eastern China, aerosol pollution is reducing the potential for solar electricity generation by as much as one and a half kilowatt - hour per square meter per day, or up to 35 percent.
Those inefficiencies meant that it cost $ 64,000 for the space shuttle to put one kilogram into low - earth orbit (LEO); an elevator, Laubscher calculates, could do it with 17.2 kilowatt - hours of electricity — about two dollars» worth.
The «well - to - wire» research showed new natural - gas power plants are responsible for less than half as much greenhouse gas per kilowatt hour of electricity generated as existing coal power plants.
Until advanced coal - combustion technologies become widely available that allow CO2 to be captured and stored safely underground, the shift to coal is bad news for climate change because coal plants usually emit about twice the CO2 per kilowatt - hour of electricity that gas plants do.
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