Sentences with phrase «of kinds of fish»

All the values reported in the study are high enough to change the sex of some kinds of fish, says aquatic toxicologist Daniel Schlenk at the University of California, Riverside.
Dozens of kinds of fish and shrimp, still swimming about in buckets and basins, are offered for sale.
As the only marina in the region, here is where you'll find the beautiful array of all kinds of fishing trawlers and modern sport fishing boats.
Enjoy barracudas, morays, school of fish, rays, turtles and infinity of all kind of fish.

Not exact matches

Think of it like fishing: You use different kinds of bait for different fish.
Soon after Brown took leadership of Arby's three years ago, the company began pushing different kinds of sandwiches — all super meaty — with a special focus on quirky limited - time - offerings like the current King Hawaiian Fish Deluxe.
It's known for excellent fishing — the perfect kind of self - sustaining career if times were to get really bad.
He asked me what kind of fish I usually like.
The magazine was kind of a reflection of how I grew up in New Hampshire, which was doing really interesting things with my family — skiing, hiking, fishing, etc..
Bonito is a kind of tuna, and these fish flakes are simply dried portions of bonito skin.
You can spend your days doing any kind of water sport... fishing, kayaking, snorkeling, or just lazing on the beach in the sun with a cold cerveza or margarita — just $ 1 at Happy Hour — and a couple of shrimp tacos for a dollar each.
I think there is a broader point for all kinds of selection scenarios, including investing: its all about finding the right fishing holes.
There are two kinds of fisherman: those who fish, and those who teach others to fish.
-- Luke 5:10 This fishing motif has traditionally been regarded as a kind of recruiting slogan.
First, by singling me out on the day of his resurrection, second by appearing to me by myself, third, by helping me with the fishing, and then fourth, fifth and sixth, by showing me how much he loved me even though he knew I could not return that kind of love.
Here the place of the field is taken by «a net which was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind,» both good and bad.
Louis Lapham of Harper's recently estimated that publications making any kind of intellectual demand» e.g., Harper's, Atlantic, The New Republic, the New York Review of Books, Commentary, First Things» are all fishing in a potential subscription pool of perhaps no more than a million people.
We find there the parables of the sower, of weeds growing in the wheat until the harvest, of the mustard seed, of the leaven, of the treasure hid in a field, of the pearl of great value, of the dragnet taking in all kinds of fish, of the householder bringing out of his treasure what is new and what is old.
I mean the burning passion of lived awareness that we occupy a precarious existence on this planet together with the soil and its flowers, the water and its fishes, the air and its birds, the fire and energy sources; that our fellow human beings are truly brothers and sisters with whom it is better always to make love - justice than war; and that gentleness lasts longer and touches more deeply than other kinds of power.
Everyone knows the adage that says, «If you teach a person to fish...» But in Afghanistan and throughout the developing world, people already know how to fish and farm and make and sell all kinds of goods and services.
You may think a fish sticker is a bit naff, but in my (limited) experience, the Holy Spirit seems to be able to transcend any kind of cliché.
But since humans live on ground and fish live in water, it is kind of like fish are from a different world.
«I'm a fisherman, and want to have experience catching all different kinds of fish
Both kinds of fish will adapt.
A few that pop to mind are the Coconino Sandstone, the meandering / lateral channels in the Grand Canyon, the progressive order of the fossil record (complete with a pre-hominid through hominid progression), forms which bear features bridging the specially - created kinds (i.e. fish with tetrapod features, reptiles with mammalian features, reptiles with avian features, etc), the presence of anomalous morphological / genetic features (e.g. the recurrent laryngeal nerve, male nip - ples, the presence of a defunct gene for egg - yolk production in our own placental mammal genomes), etc, etc..
14 To change the metaphor, they are «fishers of men,» 15 and fishers with a dragnet, 16 which gathers in fish of all kinds, without discrimination.
It's kind of like that story I started out with — the man on the shore who invites you to go fishing for the mythical Lake monster.
Simon had just finished cleaning his nets, and was kind of hoping to get some sleep because he had to go fishing again later, and now Jesus wants to borrow his boat.
Islam, for hygienic reasons and in order to form kind and good habits, forbids Muslims to eat pork, animals dead by themselves, animals not killed by Muslims, blood, food given to gods, snakes, poultry which eats meat, and sea food not shaped like a fish, and forbids smoking, drinking, and the use of narcotics.
Dan hates any kind of fish, including shellfish.
I don't know what kind of fish it was, but I was in a Red Lobster restaurant this past Friday night, and on the wall, they had a picture of the biggest fish ever caught.
This fishing motif has traditionally been regarded as a kind of recruiting slogan.
He commenced the blessing: «Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe...»; Then, with his mind's eye first on the loaf of bread baked from barley flour, he said, «who brought forth bread from the earth...; then for the pot of lentils he prayed, «who created different kinds of seeds...,» and for the plate of onions and radishes, «who created different kinds of herbs...» For the locusts fried in a batter of honey and flour, he continued, «by whose word all things exist...»; for the bowl of figs, «who created the fruit of the tree...»; for the wine, «who created the fruit of the vine...» And for the baked fish, he exclaimed, «Blessed be the One who created this baked fish; how beautiful it is!»
Gospel Mt 13:47 - 53 Jesus said to the disciples: «The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind.
I have had those kind of arguments in the kitchen before, too;) like the other day when my boyfriend wanted to have fish and ships for dinner and I suggested zucchini fries (a my new roots recipe) instead.
«They would eat another kind of stew, with frogs and green chile,» Sahagún recorded, «and a stew of those fish called axolotl with yellow chile.
Solyanka's popularity is attributed to its versatility (using any kind of leftover meat or fish) and the combination of piquant flavors that make you crave a second bowl of it.
Since he was the one requesting the meal, I decided to go with beef as my protein (I'm usually more of a fish and chicken kind of chick) and I had to include some sort of sauce, as he's big on sauces.
The only thing that when I do this kind of food (meat) have to be careful because my daughter is almost vegetarian (eating only fish).
I've listed some gelatin alternatives, such as fish - based gelatin as well as vegetarian substitutions, or people could swap out nut / soy or another kind of milk, for the cream.
I love all kinds of fish, and one of my favorite ways to eat them is in a taco!
Well, sadly the story is kind of blurry, but is connected to the fact that in some part of France, the year - end was celebrated around 1st of April in the Middle - Age, and the end of Lent during which meat was forbidden and fish was the alternative.
I mean I'm Mexican and Tacos are kind of a regular thing here, but I was craving fish and, like you I like my food to be colorful and fresh.
what kind of fish cake..
So, the fish flesh that you're then eating is probably pretty badly contaminated, and eating some kinds of fish has been linked to causing cancer and brain degeneration thanks to the lovely contaminants and heavy metals we dump into the oceans and lakes.
I ended up getting Gordon's fish fillets and a new kind of...
Yum I bet these would be delish as fish sticks too (my kind of meal).
As an «Aussie» we love our fish in any kind of dish and this looks yummo.
My girls were the best eaters as babies - they ate all kinds of veggies (including mushrooms and asparagus), any type of protein (including fish) and basically all fruit.
I kind of forgot about this fish.
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