Sentences with phrase «of lack of compassion»

This is a story of the lack of compassion and responsibility on the part of the Chinese government.
This isn't because of morality, religion or even because of a lack of compassion for the terminally ill.
I don't know, but I've wondered because of the lack of compassion toward the new mom that comes across.

Not exact matches

In one recent conversation, one board member called the lack of societal compassion a deeply troubling problem.
But I can not begin to understand a government that seems to glory in its lack of compassion for Canada's most vulnerable — injured vets, pensioners, and now children.
Jesus was angry at churches because of their greed and lack of compassion.
There are no easy answers unless you have a total disregard for the law or a complete lack of compassion.
Just another example of the total lack of compassion and empathy that so many Christians display so proudly
Gives me hope that the human spirit will always survive, despite the hate, intolerance, and lack of compassion which seems to be everywhere, especially during election season.
How does she lack the compassion of Christ?
Although I'm sure that you mean well, you have the potential to do a lot of damage to people in need who might not have the critical thinking skills to see through your lack of compassion and knowledge.
His ridicule shows his lack of understanding, compassion, and faith.
The final irony is that this advanced critic of Arendt speaks disparagingly of her «lack of several of the essential qualities of the historian: sympathetic imaginative insight, open mindedness, compassion, balanced judgment and the capacity to sift and weigh evidence.»
But when Dad got sick, I saw and felt the response of these «good» people for what it was — cold, hard, rigid dogma utterly lacking in compassion, empathy, or any type of wisdom or truth.
But your fanaticism and lack of compassion to to mention covering your blatant hatred for those different than you is so off base of what Jesus's message was really about.
I too was amazed at the lack of empathy and compassion in my so called Christian community.
In fact, Jesus had more to say about the the dangers of greed, love of possessions, and the lack of compassion for the the «poor» and the «least of these» than he did about any other single subject in christian scripture.
It's stunning that people would do this over giving the money to people that need it — it shows a brazen lack of compassion and a sense of greed and avarice that is truly frightening.
But God's reliability and immutability do not mean that he is incapable of responsive, empathetic love and compassion or that he is an unfeeling God lacking all passion and emotion.
I guess Kimster is just feeling guilty about his / her own lack of charity and compassion — Sucks to be you, but don't blame your lack of action on those who actually do good thing with their time and money.
The fundamental issue with the generational disconnect here is that millenials see church members as completely willing to call out the sins of others, but lacking in humility, compassion and the outward appearance of spiritual growth themselves.
Republicans have taken their lack of compassion to the level of being a life style and it is sickening.
I sincerely hope your God will forgive you your ignorance and lack of compassion
A concern for compassion and justice for the victims, however, does not excuse a lack of faithfulness to the truth, and frequently the occasion of sexual abuse by Catholics has itself been abused in the service of dishonest propaganda against the Catholic Church, and our Priests in particular.
Her lack of compassion for the ones who were lost because of the «high» of the win was telling.
Or, «IMO, that showed a complete lack of compassion
For Blacks to chastise another persecuted group is appalling & shows a complete lack of compassion (& if they claim to be «Christian», a complete lack of faith in their Jesus!!!
Locating problem drinking in the moral universe neither legitimates simplistic judgmentalism nor authorizes a lack of compassion; rather, it asks that a sober look be taken at a self - destructive behavior so that the desires giving rise to it can be squarely and honestly addressed.
Doing nothing would be a lack of compassion
Us pagans believe we are endowed with reason which allows us to judge whether or not someone can be trusted to deliver on their promises, if they are dangerous, or harmful — by watching their behavior - We judge — not some other being upstairs - Obama has shown his lack of human compassion and untruthfulness for 4 years, we have seen that his God is re-election money and that is at who's feet he worships.
What seems at first like an expansion of our compassion — for those who lack these capacities — very quickly becomes a restriction of the scope of human community as they become candidates for elimination.
The sacrificial process was designed to develop compassion, remorse and sensitivity in the offender; however, since the intentional sinner is unapologetic and lacks these necessary characteristics, the sacrifice can not absolve him of guilt.
I like to think that those apologists who endorse the view of god as an indiscriminate killer of children and infants will be judged for their lack of compassion and their embrace of such defamatory stories.
I can not believe the lack of compassion and outright arrogance of your posts.
Does it speak to the problem of my monumental ego shackled by «religion,» «peers,» my philosophy, my bias, my prejudice, my lack of compassion, my theology, my hermeneutics, my personal vision, my terms of desire, surrounded by goodies — all of which prevent me from helping others, from being free?
«They have been injured by the lack of compassion shown by some, who cling to a small number of disparate and disputed verses that exist in pockets of the Bible, and claim a divine rejection of gay people».
My heart tore at me when I read the ad and I felt truly convicted about a stinky attitude that surfaced in my heart this week: it is a lack of genuine compassion for the very people God has called me to serve.
we all know the greek scriptures turns decidedly towards the poor and belittles the rich for their lack of compassion.
«They have no need of sermons; they need the most basic thing of all, compassion»: And that is one thing that I find lacking in the world today.
Although in this case I will say, you might have a lot of knowledge, but as a Pastor, your compassion is lacking.
These people act like they are witnessing to people and giving testimony that will win people over for God, but they've turned more people off to any kind of religion because of their hatred, insensitivity, lack of compassion, anger and fear!
As an African American, I'm marginalized by the lack of compassion on the Right.
The history here is long and detailed, but there are two incidents that exemplify the city's complete lack of compassion and common sense.
It is this lack of compassion that results in thousands of inmate deaths each year.
Is it just the «Get a job» att itude and a perceived lack of compassion?
Such a lack of compassion and loving acceptance only widens the gap between the church and the women who work in the streets or brothels.
This critique suggests that the problem is rooted in a lack of compassion.
Similarly, it seems more accurate to say that it is a lack of compassion rather than political conservatism that would prompt a person to believe that blacks are basically less intelligent than whites, or that blacks have failed to achieve equality because they lack initiative, or that the poor remain poor because they are lazy.
«The hardhearted person lacks the capacity for genuine compassion... He gives dollar to a worthwhile charity, but he gives not of his spirit.»
If I stress the need to be concerned about those who are hungry, ill - treated, and without power, it is simply because it is so easy for all of us who feel we have been saved to be maneuvered into doing some very unchristian things out of fear, indifference, or a lack of sensitivity or compassion.
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