Sentences with phrase «of legal clients»

The agreement would also require lawmakers to disclose details of their outside income, including the names of legal clients who they've referred to law firms for a fee.
But why would that require disclosing the identity of his legal clients?
If the customer is always right, then that term certainly doesn't describe a significant percentage of legal clients who pay quite a bundle for a lawyer to fix their mistakes?
This kind of email personalization can be adapted appropriately for the lifecycle of legal client.
Contactually is CRM (contact / client / customer relationship management) software well - suited to building and maintaining a network of legal clients and referral sources.
As someone on the outside looking in (I'm the Director of a branding agency and we work for a lot of legal clients) I think it's key to find a middle ground where you retain that bespoke, personalised approach to client relationships but with a consistent company culture behind it without everything becoming cold or impersonal.
Law firm clients do not behave in a linear, easy - to - capture fashion, but there are aspects of the legal client experience you can control.
Ms. Rich participates actively in the teaching and education of lawyers, as well the pro bono representation of a variety of legal clients.
The report offered 22 recommendations on how the Canadian legal profession can innovate in response to «a new wave of competitors, a new breed of legal clients, a new generation of lawyers and law students [who] are planning and acting as if the future were already here.»
But the downward spiral of many legal services towards commoditization and the increasingly active and sophisticated purchasing strategies of legal clients both point us in the same direction as the consumer market.
Similarly, many of your legal clients come back, even though they believe that the client service has been poor, because they are convinced that competitors provide no unique or superior value to warrant a change.
The most frequent complaints of legal clients is that their attorneys do not return their phone calls in a timely manner, do not communicate with them regularly and pass their matters off to less - experienced associates.
We'll help you grow your base of legal clients — and make it more profitable — with CosmoLex.
Neil Rose, founder and editor of Legal Futures, wrote yesterday «Deloitte has previously said it would not (emphasis added) go down this road due to the number of legal clients it has, but a spokeswoman explained that this position had been kept constantly under review.»
Jay Benegal is a senior leader and ground - breaker in the field — with years of experience understanding and meeting the needs of legal clients.
[The results are below and were produced by Benjamin Chiriboga, the founder of Legal Client Funnels.]
They promised ethics reform, yet won't walk the walk by requiring legislators to reveal the names of their legal clients
The Daily News first reported this afternoon that Garcia, considered a possible challenger to Democratic Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, is being retained after lawmakers received letters from the commission seeking more information on their non-public income and the identity of their legal clients.
In attendance were Chambers Director, Andrew Meyler, various Members of Brighton and London 1COR Chambers, Clerks and staff and our network of legal clients.
The report also revealed that Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R - Nassau), a lawyer with large Long Island firm Ruskin Moscou Faltischek that represents health - care clients before state agencies, was refusing to agree to disclose the names of legal clients, although he backs the disclosure of outside income.
Cuomo's not - very - veiled threat came as Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D - Manhattan), a lawyer with the huge personal - injury law firm, Weitz & Luxenberg, confirmed The Post's report Monday that he had dropped his opposition to two key planks in Cuomo's ethics plan: public disclosure of legislators» outside income and the names of legal clients.
Asked again yesterday if he's willing to join Silver in agreeing to divulge the names of legal clients, a Skelos spokesman yesterday repeatedly refused to answer.
For two of our legal clients, we found out that there was one local ranking factor in particular which made an immediate, significant impact when it comes to their local SEO presence and overall Google local visibility.
Within the past month, two of my legal clients have had their spousal support deductions disallowed, despite having filed copies of the documents (court order or separation agreement) proving that they have to pay.
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