Sentences with phrase «of legal employers»

No matter what your practice area or kind of legal employer, you can learn a significant amount by serving the needs of others through pro bono work.
However, these types of legal employers hire a very small percentage of all the nation's law school graduates, making these positions extremely competitive.
At present, we are most in need of legal employers.
SeltzerFontaine works with a wide variety of legal employers throughout California and across the country.
IFLP is fortunate to have an anchor set of legal employers who want to create a talent pipeline that combines traditional training in substantive law with foundational training in data, process, technology, and business (T - shaped lawyers).
A core group of lawyers, legal educators, and allied professionals believe that the best way forward is to create an independent organization, the Institute for the Future of Law Practice, that can agilely coordinate the interests of legal employers, law students, law schools, clients, and the public interest.
Additionally, students and alumni may export data from the NALP Directory of Legal Employers into an Excel document to use for mail merge purposes.
A Look at Associate Hours and at Law Firm Pro Bono Programs (NALP Bulletin, April 2010)-- While billable hour expectations have inched up over the years, analyses based on NALP's 2009 - 2010 Directory of Legal Employers show that a requirement of 2,000 billable hours per year is still not typical, and although it is not possible to track changes at individual firms and offices, a requirement of 2,000 hours has become only slightly more common on an aggregate basis.
The NALP Directory of Legal Employers provides detailed information about legal employers including demographic and employment information.
However, as numbers of legal employers are paying attention in seeing the resume that covers the chronological picture of your growing career through your past employment, a functional resume will make confusion and will make an employer doubtful of your objectives.
Bear in mind that the majority of legal employers often pay their apprentices considerably more than the NMW.
This is according to Perspectives on Fall 2009 Law Student Recruiting, an annual report published by NALP on selected aspects of fall recruitment activity and the experiences of both legal employers and law schools.
Each year, the Fall Recruiting Program offers Chicago - Kent students in their second and third years the opportunity to interview for summer associate / law clerk or entry - level associate / staff attorney positions with a variety of legal employers.
For instance, among all employers listed in the 2013 - 2014 NALP Directory of Legal Employers, just 7.10 % of partners were minorities and 2.26 % of partners were minority women.
NALP Directory of Legal Employers: The annual NALP Directory of Legal Employersincludes information on more than 1,600 employers nationwide.
For additional information, please visit the NALP Directory of Legal Employers to view our online NALP form and Workplace Questionnaire.
The NALP Directory of Legal Employers has long been the most trusted legal career resource, and with this redesign the NALP Directory is even better than ever.
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