Sentences with phrase «of less relevance»

Thus, as we deal with the concept of justice, let us not suppose that it is of lesser relevance or importance for the Christian than the concept of love,

Not exact matches

By 2030, solar - plus - storage could threaten the economic relevance of their distribution grids by making less necessary the connection with the local electric utility.
Same thing IMHO with Google's unofficial «Do No Evil» motto — a perfect example of the law of inverse relevance: the less you intend to do about something, the more you have to keep talking about it.
Balancing matching options, words versus phrases, and general versus niche keyword selections to accurately segment your audience enables you to improve quality scores (a measure of relevance as perceived by the search engines,) find less competitive «niche» keywords, and expand impression exposures within your budget parameters (e.g. synch to Google's recommended daily budget.)
A Christianity of charity without truth would be more or less interchangeable with a pool of good sentiments, helpful for social cohesion, but of little relevance.
10 By valuing comprehensively is meant that religious valuation is boundary - spanning; it has a domain of relevance that includes no less than the entire life of the one who holds it.11 By intensive valuation is meant that religious valuation «must rank among the last that the valuer would be disposed to sacrifice.
Putting the kibosh /» google» on all religion and its lack of relevance to preventling violence in less than ten seconds: Priceless!!!
Second, although the issues raised had direct relevance to U.S. foreign policy and the practices of U.S. businesses, their implications were less immediately threatening than were black demands.
The extant literature is all more or less immediately of religious relevance, yet there was considerable secular writing that has disappeared, the quality of which we can estimate from what we know.
Reinhold Niebuhr is less dualistic in that he stresses the relevance of love as an «impossible possibility» to every human situation, but he warns so continually against a sentimental substitution of love for the requirements of justice that the major impact of his thought is a dichotomy in which again justice, and not love, is the determining principle of social ethics.
Both steps have seemed necessary where both honesty and relevance were prized, but the lack of unity in the process has been less than satisfying.
In fact, «the more the elementary particle physicists tell us about the nature of the fundamental laws, the less relevance they seem to have to the very real problems of the rest of science, much less of society.»
Here the problem is less one of doctrine than of doubts about the relevance of a clerical presence in organizations that lay people manage pretty much on their own.
And, like I've already stated, I don't need anybody that believes a 600 year old man even existed, much less built a floating zoo, tell me anything about anything of any relevance.
For them argument has less and less relevance, for they rest on the reality of God.
White does not simply present Malory's romance as an allegory for the ills of his age, though he recognizes its relevance, much less as a panacea for his own afflictions in any sense other than the humble one in which all polite literature is a welcome respite from terrestrial agonies.
Our inherited services of worship — our prayers, our hymns, and many of the other things that are part of that worship — are not only less than fully Christian in statement but also impossible for us to accept if we have any regard for intellectual integrity, for honesty, and for relevance to the concrete situation in which we find ourselves.
But i'm more concerned by the the end comment «Lehmann will not let anyone hide or get away with anything less than full focus and effort», which implies a level of slackness is allowed to take place at arsenal training or something else of relevance that negative occurring on arsene wengers watch... interesting...
Technical Folksy users probably appreciate the tech - speak, could you please just spell out the relevance to those of us less clued up.
However, a less knows fact is that the same countries have offered generous humanitarian assistance to countries of little or no direct strategic relevance.
«You may still be working on the same question, but you give less relevance to the NASA or remote - sensing aspect of the project,» says Letelier.
«This prior experience was associated with less negative attitudes, which has implications for how we think of the relevance of that experience in recruiting for a mental health workforce.»
These less acknowledged mechanisms of interaction and molecular control might have made the initial pathways to prebiotic systems evolution more intricate, but were surely essential for sustaining far - from - equilibrium chemical dynamics, given their functional relevance in all modern cells.
In addition to disputing the relevance of your source trial (which doesn't appear to offer a duration or suggestion that the tests increase healthy lifespan of the mice in question), I'd like to point out that protection is less beneficial in the long term, because you can not stop damage from occurring completely no matter how well you defend an organelle, and that damage will accumulate over time.
GSK3β, the first neighbour of β - catenin is a central, highly multi-functional protein known as a key protein difficult to inhibit without causing side effects and toxicity.41 In glioblastoma and NSCLC cancer, previous studies found that the decreased level of FRAT1 influences the GSK3β activity to phosphorylate β - catenin and by that, inhibit the WNT pathway.39, 40 The role of FRAT1 in colon cancer is less known but based on its function in other cancer types and its special influencing position in colon cancer signalling, we point out its relevance as a potential target in colon cancer therapy (Fig. 3d).
Though visually never less than striking, acted with rough - edged vigorousness by the three leads, and laced with a couple of nicely unresolved ambiguities, Zvyagintsev's bid for political relevance is hobbled by the film's melodrama and ultimately it's all very obvious — but it makes its point, and it leaves Winter Sleep all the more anemic by comparison.
As teachers, we are often asked to «do» a lot more than necessary: memorize standards, plan lessons, prepare for various assessments, call homes, provide a warm environment for our students (and visitors), attend faculty meetings with varying effectiveness and relevance, grade mounds of papers, and take what little time we have left to eat and sleep, usually less than we should.
We use the term deliberately and in place of the more common term «expository» writing because to us it encompasses a wider array of texts, many of which are growing in relevance and importance with the rise of electronic media: interviews, speeches, opinion pieces (including op - eds and columns but also blog posts and less formal writing), letters, and primary historical documents, for example.
It is noteworthy that four of the top five blogs address questions of direct relevance to classroom teachers, while less than half of the others do.
Adult learning principles suggest that if learners don't see the relevance of how learning a particular skill directly applies to their job, they are less likely to transfer and retain that skill.
The best policy is likely to push these decisions about teacher compensation downward below the district level to the school level, as the teachers» present management will likely be better positioned to judge the value and relevance of teachers» (often commendable) efforts to improve their subject knowledge than is the personnel office of a huge, wasteful district like LAUSD, while making these decisions at the state level is even less likely to prove efficient.
I wonder, then, if teaching history should be less about forming identity and more about establishing relevance (with the assumption that the former will be a result of the latter).
Each of these studies is no less rigorous for the relevance it bears on the pressing problems of education in our time.
It will appear with the other reviews as normal and it won't have more or less relevance in the product page of the Kindle book.
That slime sells a lot of books... and so your conclusions in this article have even less relevance than your opinions.
In the last 50 years or so, however, serial publishing has lost much of its relevance and become much less common.
As others have pointed out your particular credentials of being a published author have no relevance in understanding price elasticity of books, and even less relevance in your ability to evaluate statistical data.
Both her and K. Rool have less relevance than they did back then, but they still have lots of votes for the Ballot.
From Kiehl's perspective, these pieces bring to light a lesser - known side of Wojnarowicz as an environmentalist and have new relevance in the age of fracking.
Eduardo Paolozzi presents new research into previously overlooked works and lesser - known aspects of his practice and highlights the relevance of his work for artists today.
The singular relevance and dominance of a New York, or even U.S. - centered art survey has far less credibility now.
But Brian Clamp, the gallery's owner, said, «With the notion of medium specificity having less and less relevance, we will begin mounting occasional solo exhibitions by artists producing nonphotographically related paintings and works on paper.»
Context and relevance will bring you closer to the truth than naive assertions based on data out of context and less relevant.
[Response: I would agree with much of this comment, though I'm far less sanguine about our understanding of D - O events, and I'm far less convinced of their relevance to modern climate.
They are both important figures in examining the evolution of the environmental movement as it confronts a century in which mainstay messages such as «woe is me» and «shame on you» will have ever less relevance (BP drills, we consume; who's the bad guy?)
A related alternative metaphor, perhaps less objectionable while still making the most basic point, comes to mind in connection with an image of crashing of massive ice sheets fronts into the sea — an image of relevance to both climate tipping points and consequences (sea level rise).
Apart from the fundamental scientific advances of the breakthrough papers, there is an hierarchy of classes of lesser papers, along the lines of those which — • Confirm or deny the main thrust of a breakthrough paper by arriving from other angles • Provide an alternative or improvement to the main findings of breakthrough papers • Contribute more observation to the breakthrough paper and discuss its relevance • Seek to set a complementary base for a breakthrough in a related aspect of science • Report the views of a clutch of authors about a topic they deem to have political importance • Ditto for educational importance • Write papers that are knowingly lacking good science to place authors in one camp or another • Lambast an author or authors for being on the «wrong» side of a polarised topic • Perform meta analysis Etc..
The alleged long lifetime of 500 years for carbon diffusing to the deep ocean is of no relevance to the debate on the fate of anthropogenic CO2 and the «Greenhouse Effect», because POC can sink to the bottom of the ocean in less than a year (Toggweiler, 1990).
Yet in any of the literature I rarely see a mention, much less a graph, showing solar output in the past, lets say 150 years, or to correlate to something like the Hockey stick let's say 1000 years, wouldn't it be nice if we had some data showing the trends since let's say the beginning of industrialization, I mean it has to have some relevance to the discussion.
It's of relevance to weather forecasting but the short term chaotic nature of the atmosphere makes it less suitable for climate change analysis or to detect global [surface] warming.
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