Sentences with phrase «of lexicographers»

The majority of lexicographers work on a freelance basis and rates of pay will depend on your experience and skills.
The majority of lexicographers work on a freelance basis for publishing companies producing dictionaries and related resources.
But even if the Word of the Year quickly fades into obscurity — actually, particularly if it does — the fact that it was selected in the first place captures a distinct moment in our culture as reflected through a group of lexicographers and dictionary consultants.

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Instead, the Word of the Year is chosen because, in the opinion of Oxford Dictionaries» lexicographers and consultants, it is «judged to reflect the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year and to have lasting potential as a word of cultural significance.»
Their use is loaded with meaning, and it's part of our job as lexicographers to capture this meaning as best we can.»
The Arabic word qahwah was traditionally held to refer to a type of wine whose etymology is given by Arab lexicographers as deriving from the verb qahiya, «to lack hunger», in reference to the drink's reputation as an appetite suppressant.
A writer, editor, lexicographer and onetime student of Ely Culbertson, Morehead edited Culbertson's Bridge World magazine, and later, from 1959 to 1963, wrote a daily bridge column for The New York Times.
For a half century, the lexicographer of the sport was Keith Jackson, and everyone else came in at a distant second at best.
Our multidisciplinary team of educators, lexicographers, data scientists, and developers, united by a love of words and a good challenge, designed and built
In 2013, Dr Saul Frampton of the University of Westminster argued in The Guardian that Shakespeare's lover and the Dark Lady of his sonnets was not Aemilia, but Avis Danyell, the wife of John Florio, an Elizabethan lexicographer and translator.
The internet has enabled dictionaries to expand far beyond the limitations of print books — you no longer have to worry about things line breaks or page counts — but it also pushes lexicographers to work faster even as it completely upends the business side of things.
All the Oxford lexicographers look forward to choosing the Word of the Year.
Bryan A. Garner, the president of Dallas - based LawProse Inc., was originally a Shakespearean scholar, then a legal lexicographer, then a writer on jurisprudence — as well as a book collector.
Laval law professor Mario Naccarato, in his paper «Of Couch Potatoes and Lexicographers: The Eternal Struggle Between Usage and the Imposed Neologism, and its Application to Legal Neology», 39 Rev Gen 229, talks some about neology and law.
The preeminent lexicographer H. W. Fowler described this species of quotation - mark abuse succinctly:
It provides the evidence of how language is used in real situations, from which lexicographers can write accurate and meaningful dictionary entries.»
Its strangeness is due to the identity of its authors — the fiercely intelligent and challenging Justice Antonin Scalia the senior justice of the US Supreme Court, and the leading legal lexicographer of our time, Bryan Garner of LawProse in Texas... [more]
A team of 80 lexicographers are currently preparing the third edition of the OED, which is 28 per cent complete.
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