Sentences with phrase «of liberating truth»

In like manner, learning is not a source of liberating truth if truth is conceived as a finished structure of reality to be passively registered by the mind of the learner.
Christian women of a reformist orientation — who regard themselves as feminists and yet claim the Christian tradition as bearer of a liberating truth, capable of reform in a more humanizing direction — find themselves addressing sisters who share some fundamental positions but who reject some that are to the reformers at least of equal importance.

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Now we clearly need all of these, but my sense is that one is more healing, one is more liberating, one is more attune to the affinities of what our type actually really needs to begin to tell ourselves the truth.
But having embraced him who is truth as the truth because they have entered into friendship with him, evangelical Catholics are liberated from the epidemic and soul - withering skepticism of postmodernity and are empowered to embrace the authority that Jesus represents and incarnates: the authority of the living God, who reveals himself in deed and word to the people of Israel, and who finally and definitively reveals himself in his Son.
May Jesus open your eyes to see the light.He's the way the truth and Life.May many pastors thru Gods help liberate many people who have various strong hold of addictions to be set free» (Pg 3, Christians really seem to like that «fool» quote)
Indeed, as post-modernity decomposes into ever more bizarre forms of irrationality, the cleansing, liberating truth of the gospel and the vision of life well lived found in the Beatitudes ought to be a compelling offer.
Only one theological position has ever resulted in the Romans 6:1 question, and it is the position which says that eternal life is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, and that once a person has received eternal life in this way, it can never be lost.And when we realize the truth of this, it is incredibly liberating.
And this freedom in truth brings in its wake a new and liberating way of seeing reality.
It will be a new language, perhaps quite non-religious, but liberating and redeeming as was Jesus» language; it will be the language of a new righteousness and truth, proclaiming God's peace with men and the coming of His kingdom.20
Dr. Cobb suggests that Christianity needs the actual adoption of already - developed ideas as well as new ideas: «It is as important to liberate theology to pursue saving truth wherever it can be found (scientists, philosophers, Hindus...) as to liberate particular groups of people from oppression.»
Once we grasp the radical Christian truth that a radically profane history is the inevitable consummation of an actual movement of the sacred into the profane, then we can be liberated from every preincarnate form of Spirit, and accept our destiny as an occasion for the realization in the immediacy of experience of the self - emptying or self - annihilation of the transcendent and primordial God in the passion and death of Christ.
Some scholars were daring to speak the truth concerning the history and composition of the Bible, thus liberating some churches from literalism.
In the Buddhist tradition the liberating truth is not mainly a matter of rational assent but of practical understanding of the cause and cure of human suffering.
«It will be a new language, perhaps quite non-religious, but liberating and redeeming - as was Jesus» language; it will be the language of a new righteousness and truth, proclaiming God's peace with men and the coming of his kingdom».
Referring to C. S. Lewis's much - cited claim in The Abolition of Man, Kass writes that if «man's so - called power over nature is, in truth, always a power exercised by some over others with knowledge of nature as their instrument, can it really be liberating to exchange the rule of nature for the role of arbitrary human will?»
His Word is Truth that liberates and heals, but also challenges and divides as it penetrates the very heart of a man, «where the soul is divided from the spirit», and demands a response.
... issues such as these need to be faced together, in a spirit of openness, mutual respect and fidelity to the liberating truth and saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ».
It is a suspicion that those who express the truth of our darkness are on some mission to distract from the victory of the Cross rather than liberate it.
But in order to be really liberated and therefore truly an individual, I must know the truth about my attachments, and being aware of them, be truly free.
If I may again paraphrase George Orwell: In an age of deceit, seeking truth is a liberating act.
Telling the truth has a liberating effect on everyone else in the room, and this was evident in the final night of the conference when we listened to one another's stories:
Each myth is replaced with life - transforming truths that liberate readers and «break the cycle of guilt and failure» says Fields.
I believe there is a lot of truth in those few words, and it's truth that was so liberating for me at the conference.
Unlearning is the intentional letting go of what we have learned and the openness to explore our own personal truths and be liberated from our past...
Acceptance of the emergent truth is liberating, as painful as it may be.
Here is a more or less complete list of the most common myths you need to stop believing if you want to move from the dead spot, and the liberating truths that hide underneath them.
For a young black female growing up in Mississippi, there were already a number of historical factors and cultural attitudes that were set up to make me feel bound, and my education — and the truth that I found within it — became one of the most liberating experiences of my life.
You only need to compare the population of cats out and about in your community to the number of cats in your shelter on the most crowded day to realize a liberating truth: admitting a few more, or a few less cats, will have no impact on the overall risks caused or suffered by cats in the community, but an enormous impact on the shelter's ability to ensure capacity for care.
A scientist is a person «who cares deeply and passionately for truth and clarification, for the liberating experience of finding order and beauty in a chaotic jumble of natural events.»
Although the idea of cutting the cord on expensive cable or satellite TV costs sounds amazingly liberating, the unfortunate truth is that this would mean losing access to some of your favorite shows and channels.
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