Sentences with phrase «of liberty of»

He added that (para 95) «the key point is that article 5 (1) was intended to avoid arbitrary detention», ie it is concerned with the physical liberty of the person, and aims to prevent people being dispossessed of their liberty in an arbitrary fashion, and is not directed at mere restrictions of liberty of movement, as here.
Requiring deprivations of liberty of disabled people who lack capacity to be carefully justified by the state is an important part of ensuring an appropriate answer to this question.
In our view, Justice Wilson's decision properly balances the (often competing) considerations of liberty of contract, access to justice, the protection of vulnerable children, and the integrity of the justice system.
«The selector begins, ideally, with a presumption in favor of liberty of thought; the censor does not.
In the novel, Ron and Hermione's first kiss comes after Ron makes a stirring statement in support of the liberty of the Hogwarts's house elves, whom he once considered willing slaves.
That's everything you should have to find a companion to trance of the liberty of these online dating websites.
That we send this petition in the interest of justice and in pursuit of the liberty of our clients who have been held in police custody without bail since January 2017for a crime they did not commit.
Vacherot thus reverses the definition of the liberty of work that we find amongst economists, according to which it is by working for the self first that one works for all:
QS: Hobbes's argument about law and liberty, which he develops most fully in chapter 21 of Leviathan — which is entitled «Of the liberty of subjects» — depends on his view about how laws operate.
His rather long - winded question wraps up with a suggestion that the proposal for a fiscal union poses «a great threat to the whole of the liberty of Europe».
All men have the need and the obligation to participate not only in the struggle for the liberation of man from all forms of oppression, exploitation and ignorance, but also in the positive effort to master all wisdom and power in love so that all may attain to the fullness of the liberty of the children of God.28
«The American episcopate has been strong in its defence of the liberty of the Church against the attacks of the Obama administration, and a healthy majority of our bishops now think of themselves as evangelists as well as administrators.
There is a basic incompatibility between Islam's belief in all encompassing doctrines that embrace religion, private and public life and the American principles of liberty of belief and speech and the absolute separation of state and church affairs For Americans belief is a private matter, not so for Islam, where theocracy rules over all human affairs.
The goal was to slander all English Catholics in order to keep the duke of York (then proprietor of New York and a great champion of liberty of conscience) from the throne.
These days, however, many religious and moral traditionalists in America can easily relate to the young Madison's anguished plea for pity and prayer — or at the very least for a revival of liberty of conscience.
For them, this egalitarianism promoted by the Welfare State is destructive of the liberty of the citizens and the vitality of abilities, two qualities on which depends the prosperity for all.
It is God who finally obtains what he hoped for by means of the liberty of each participant.
«Our stance in support of the liberties of peaceful, personal expression afforded to all Americans will remains strong and we will continue to encourage our players to respectfully use their earned platform to inspire positive change in our nation and throughout society.»
Herman Melville's much - read novel White - Jacket, for example, described Americans as «the Israel of our time» and the nation as a «political Messiah» sent as an advance guard to «bear the ark of the liberties of the world.»
There are not only potential economic costs to political redistribution; there are costs in terms of democracy and in terms of the liberties of individuals, as well.
The British way is that every measure we take to enhance security is complimented by additional protections against any arbitrary treatment and in defence of the liberties of the individual.
«We are sceptical that the proposed protections will prevent the erosion of liberties of religion and conscience,» the signatories declare in the letter, which is published in today's Telegraph newspaper.

Not exact matches

I don't want public attention because I don't want the story to be about me... I want it to be about what the US government is doing... I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building.
That liberty can be difficult to come by at large corporations where the name of the game is to not rock the boat or do anything that might put existing revenue streams at risk.
Yet in so many workplaces, employees are stripped of these liberties.
What I am for is protecting, with the highest standards in our courts, the religious liberty of Hoosiers.
The coin is emblazoned with the bust of a woman with flowing hair who represents liberty.
Creative types will thrive off this liberty and feel more in charge of their future with your company.
Most notably, Sarah Paulson, who won an award for her role in the miniseries The People vs. O.J. Simpson, used her acceptance speech to drum up more support, asking everyone who is able to donate to the ACLU «to protect the rights and liberties of people across this country.»
And yet despite his dim view of capitalists, Smith remained a great fan of capitalism — or rather (since the term «capitalism» hadn't been coined yet) a fan of what he referred to as «a system of natural liberty
you can also fill the airwaves of all these surrounding nations with disruptive ideas / propaganda like freedom of the press, individual liberty, economic opportunity, etc. — dangerous ideas to the surrounding kleptocracies / oligarchies.
When you're one of the richest people on the planet, you have some liberty to set your own style.
«My profound attachment to Canada stems from the great liberty and freedom that my ancestors were able to enjoy in building their lives in a new country, the same liberty and freedom which allowed me as a young French Canadian from Northern Ontario to realize his dream in building a business in all parts of Canada and abroad.»
Now, however, Silicon Valley's reduced involvement frustrates civil liberties groups because of a widely held view that Section 702 poses a far greater threat to privacy than the telephone program, which did not harvest actual content.
Due to the obvious civil liberty concerns I could never see the CBSA ever doing this, which makes the end user certificate even more pointless since a large portion of it is unenforceable.
While tech companies often lobby Washington on privacy issues, the major firms have been hesitant to enter a fray over a controversial portion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), industry lobbyists, congressional aides and civil liberties advocates said.
The best part of this sometimes eerie subculture is its emphasis on personal liberties and how it fosters safe digital practices.
But had Sony stuck to its guns and released the movie as planned, it would have made a strong statement about standing up for freedom instead of giving in to fear and threats as Ben Franklin once wrote, «Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.»
It cost a lot of money, it was an excuse to violate the civil liberties of a lot of Americans, and it challenges the notice that people get to make their private choices.
Most importantly, further eroding civil liberties is likely to fuel what I believe to be the underlying cause of the unrest that's popping up around the globe: a deep frustration with a system that is seeing the world's growing wealth increasingly controlled by fewer and fewer people.
After all, for years we've been subjected to a relentless assault on our civil liberties, with the War Party running roughshod over what weak dissents have surfaced - and now, finally, a clear voice of reason has emerged, to answer their war cries with a resounding «No!»
«This really puts at risk both the security and liberty of the American people,» said Senator Ron Wyden, D - Oregon.
Cook wrote that the government should drop the legal request and instead «form a commission or other panel of experts on intelligence, technology, and civil liberties, to discuss the implications for law enforcement, national security, privacy, and personal freedom.»
Paul's 13 - hour stand on civil liberties also solidified his standing among the more purist fans of his father, Ron Paul, who have long been skeptical of the younger Paul's dedication to the Movement.
Liability issues raised by companies and privacy concerns of civil liberties groups contributed to the failure to implement such laws.
Your customers may not know (or be at liberty to explain) all the ramifications of the purchase.
Every year, the firm's Democracy Index provides a snapshot of global democracy by scoring countries on five categories: electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture.
The increasing role played by non-elected technocrats, increased voter abstention and curbs on civil liberties are among the main symptoms of this global malaise, the EIU said, noting that almost half of the 167 countries covered by its index registered a decline in overall scores between 2006 and 2016.
«A lot of what we do in the city is fight for local liberty and local control,» Adler said.
Civil liberties organization Electronic Frontier Foundation, meanwhile, has a separate concern: Will there be sufficient transparency in this new process of combating misinformation in Facebook's News Feed?
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