Sentences with phrase «of libration»

NASA now has four space missions in the works that will use the gravitational weirdness of libration points for everything from mapping the whisper of radiation left over from the Big Bang to photographing Earth 24 hours a day.
After this success, Farquhar got out of the libration point business, but by that time Breakwell had enticed another graduate student to take over — Kathleen Howell.
While studying at Stanford with John Breakwell, a legendary aeronautical engineer, Farquhar started working out the dynamics of libration points and «halo» orbits — three - dimensional loops around the points — so named because from Earth the orbit would look like a halo around the libration point.
The study of libration points has become the pursuit of free rides.

Not exact matches

But if you arrive at one, you may stay there with extraordinarily little effort, or you could orbit around one, as though the libration point were a planet rather than a spot of nothing.
For instance, a spacecraft nudged off a libration point in one direction might float into space, following the curve of the manifold, while if it went off in another direction, it would float right back to the libration point.
Put a satellite at a libration point and it would appear motionless from Earth, hanging in space as though the laws of gravity had been suspended.
For instance, Lo has shown that the manifolds surrounding the libration points of the outer planets all intersect.
However, the discovery in 2015 of an oscillation in Enceladus's rotation known as a libration, which is linked to tidal effects, suggests that it has a global ocean and a much thinner ice shell than predicted, with a mean thickness of around 20 km.
The team plugged their measurement of the wobble, called a libration, into different models for how Enceladus might be arranged on the inside, including ones in which the moon was frozen from surface to core.
In most lines of sight it is not possible to fit both the H2O 3 um stretching, the 6 um bending and the 13 um libration band intensities with a single pure H2O spectrum.
Recently, the availability of solar wind parameters and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) measured outside the magnetosphere (for example, ACE satellite at L1 libration point) made them appropriate for short - term drivers, due to the fact that the travel time from the L1 point (1.5 million km from the Earth) to the magnetosphere is around half an hour.
as you like) in the input of hindsight and prediction models, as in all of them, ever since TAR, you will not and can not have correct predictions...... The missing forcing agent is the Libration forcing (see Wikipedia: Libration, with animated picture of the Moon).
of cycles is still obscure...» But, analyzing the planetary (now its time for the planet Earth) oscillation (or Libration: see Wikipedia: animated picture for the Moon), [other terms: perturbation, ligation, osculatio] we will detect further RF (radiative forcing).....
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