Sentences with phrase «of lines of code»

One program can contain tens of millions of lines of code.
After months of hard work, writing thousands of lines of code, we finally released our first minimum viable product into the market in our beta phase.
Who is to say that ownership of a line of code is of any lesser value than a block of yellow metal in a safe?
Millions of lines of code are needed to translate the billions of grid points under observation.
In this particular case, the problem is very clear: If the customer is incapable of adding a couple of lines of code to his website, you've got to figure out how to add it remotely (or through a channel partner like BrightTag).
«Spark makes this creativity accessible by hiding hundreds of lines of code under familiar interfaces»
We're not talking about the usual Microsoft subjects — the company's prodigious market share, the value of its stock, or the number of lines of code in the latest version of Office.
There is more data than you can poke a stick at, millions of lines of code in the public domain, and climate scientists tripping over themselves to do outreach at schools, churches, clubs, museums, TV, radio and music hall.
«He'd be in the middle of a line of code when he'd gradually tilt forward until his nose touched the keyboard,» [Microsoft co-founder Paul] Allen said.
«He'd be in the middle of a line of code when he'd gradually tilt forward until his nose touched the keyboard.
«Rather than finding every bug or rewriting all billions of lines of code in safer languages, Shuffler instantly lets us build a stronger defense.»
There are a bunch of lines of code for «BKFaceDetect» and it has been reported that «BK» could mean Biometric Kit.
There are a bunch of lines of code for «BKFaceDetect» here, where the «BK» probably refers to «Biometric Kit.»
Project Spark makes this level of creativity accessible by hiding hundreds of lines of code beneath the interfaces that are second nature to gamers.
I've written hundreds of thousands of lines of code since 1995 and know how to create a secure, mobile - friendly website that works well in the search engines and most importantly, looks and works fantastically for your website's visitors.
The machines that are supposed to squire us around in faultless safety aren't going to be controlled by some magically capable, as - yet - undeveloped form of artificial intelligence but by millions of lines of code written by very human programmers.
The initial New York suit alleges that after Bounce Exchange provided Yieldify execs with a product demonstration in 2013, they «copied hundreds of lines of code and generally replicated the overall structure, sequence, and organization of the Bounce Exchange Software.»
They said that Alfa Romeo Giulia is programmed with thousands of lines of coding and fixing this won't be a problem for them.
Google, for instance, seems to operate some kind of prestidigitation to manage the work on their billions of lines of codes.
Instead of writing thousands of lines of code, biologists using VCell can now just define their molecules and explain to VCell how they can interact with each other.
Without the frustrations of debugging thousands of lines of code or getting the animation of a 3d model just right, why not play while watching something be created?
Hundreds of lines of codes are adapted for the new sunspot number series and for the new array of data files.
Millions of lines of code, thousands of projects, and more documentation than one would like to imagine.
... and changing only a couple of lines of code, along with changing the LocalDateTimeRenderer class name to InstantRenderer.
It could be a slew of buttons that give links to whatever we're doing, a call to action to sign a petition, or a couple of lines of code that you put on your site that allows someone to call their senator.
But the move to connected cars opens up a host of possibilities, due to the fact these vehicles now run millions of lines of code and have automated the vast majority of car functions.
In 2010, for example, IBM wrote in a press release that due to the «exponential growth in the automotive electronics industry, owning a modern vehicle is equivalent to operating thirty or more computers on wheels,» and that «the average automobile now has several millions of lines of code — more than a space shuttle.»
They claim to be the «easiest way to start coding,» letting users build «complex applications with thousands of lines of codes
The number of lines of code that need to be written for this across the entire industry will be several orders of magnitude more than a scaling solution of changing 1 MB blocks to 2 MB blocks.
This is also evident from looking at the basic Bitcoin Core wallet changes; it's just a couple of lines of code
With hundred of thousand of line of code to modify every aspect of the phone you really believe that Apple made this without planned obsolescence in mind?
But there are still things mobile isn't ready for, like debugging thousands of lines of code or editing feature films.
Office currently consists of tens of millions of lines of code that the company built starting 30 years ago.
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