Sentences with phrase «of little ladies»

My senior thrift store has a talented crew of little ladies that made them to sell.
When I was younger, I wanted badly to grow up and be one of those little ladies.
[Thanks to Susan Tang of Little Ladies Who Lunch for keeping me posted on WITS developments as they unfolded.]
Totally is a late post courtesy of my little lady who is deciding naps are optional these days - stinker!!
Totally is a late post courtesy of my little lady who is deciding naps are optional these days — stinker!!

Not exact matches

In politics, most of the time, there is a First Lady standing a little to the side and behind the Head of State.
This spring, they'll be providing shade for Toronto tastemakers and patrons of the recently opened Shangri - La Hotel, though Flader is quick to note that every custom order is special: «The little lady living with 25 cats in Burnaby is just as high profile as the Milan millionaire,» she says.
«He's an egomaniac devoid of all moral sense» ---- said the society woman dressing for a charity bazaar, who dared not contemplate what means of self - expression would be left to her and how she would impose her ostentation on her friends, if charity were not the all - excusing virtue ---- said the social worker who had found no aim in life and could generate no aim from within the sterility of his soul, but basked in virtue and held an unearned respect from all, by grace of his fingers on the wounds of others ---- said the novelist who had nothing to say if the subject of service and sacrifice were to be taken away from him, who sobbed in the hearing of attentive thousands that he loved them and loved them and would they please love him a little in return ---- said the lady columnist who had just bought a country mansion because she wrote so tenderly about the little people ---- said all the little people who wanted to hear of love, the great love, the unfastidious love, the love that embraced everything, forgave everything, and permitted everything ---- said every second - hander who could not exist except as a leech on the souls of others.»
Since non-black ladies already know the domestic violence and crime statistics, the community of colour had little to worry about black men running off wit dem uppity white women... but now that da black man is startin to get a taste for the DARK OAK... the community is getting hit hard... the ONLY way to presevere and keep the dark ladies from dyin» virgins is to condemn to hel l any black man who dares to dream (realistically of course) of coming home to anything but Thunder Thighs.
Bernice had left the church in profound humiliation when, as a little girl, one of the more prominent ladies in the congregation insulted her in the local general store, but near the end of her life she had reconnected with the church of her childhood.
In other words, the problem with poems about «Grandma's hands» is not the subject matter per se but rather that the creator of such a poem has little regard for the actual hands of the lady in question.
There were few shout outs for God from the artists, the oddest being from Sean Carter (Jay - Z): «I want to thank God — I mean a little bit for this award — but mostly for all the universe for conspiring and putting that beautiful light of a young lady in my life,» Jay - Z said, looking at Beyoncé.
Someday I know I'll be that lady in the grocery store, you know the one, the one who stops young mothers or fathers with toddlers in the little front seat cart seat with kids hanging off the end of the cart and the side of the cart with a baby strapped to their chests, the cart filled with bags of apples and two 4L of milk and three dozen eggs and cereal.
The Bible is a book of lies, written by charlatans with an agenda, and it has been used for centuries as a means to oppress innocent people, ratinoalize bigotry, justify wars, and as a hiding place for false prophets who bugger little boys and defraud little old ladies.
This may be why my favorite stories in Happy to Be Here, and the two that seem closest to the spirit of certain features of Lake Wobegon — «Powder Milk Biscuits,» «The Chatterbox Cafe,» and «Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility» — have little to do with radio.
A little blonde Transformed lady stood - up to one of the large men, and refused to move when told she was under arrest.
Who would you rather buy a used car from, a salesman who claims only to want to please you and the little lady — or the one who tells you: «David, I want to get the least car to you for the most amount of money»?
Someday I know I'll be that lady in the grocery store, you know the one, the one who stops young mothers or fathers with toddlers in the little front seat cart seat with kids hanging off the end of the...
Spurgeon convinced the little old lady to let him borrow the paper, and he took it down to the bank, and upon reading it they exclaimed «We've been wondering to whom the old gentleman left all of his money!»
I don't like atheists because they bring pointless law suits against old lady's who work in government buildings that put fake little xmas tree's on their desk or hang up pictures of Santa, or who wear really ugly albeit festive sweaters during the holidays.
Neither shall we rightly understand Christ if we play down the deity and imply that when we call Him divine we mean little more by the word than does the young man who uses this word for the lady of his affections.
She was known as «the Little Piano Girl» from East Liberty, Pittsburgh, and grew up to be one of the first ladies of jazz.
I think that the rational and, of course, most reasonable fix to the curious non-issue is for the little old cult lady to simply PRAY the HOA AWAY... Don't ALL members of CULTS do this?
All of these may come to the same temple room together: the king who counts too heavily on his liturgical legitimacy, the Deuteronomist who knows better and debunks, the janitor who finds only Torah tablets and seeks to obey, the little old lady who has nowhere else to turn, and holds desperately to the place of the liturgy which she regards as the place of presence.
I lust after recognition, I am desperate to win all the little merit badges and trinkets of my profession, and I am of less real use in this world than any good cleaning lady.
If he had died just a little while sooner or later, or if he had been visiting a lady of the sixteenth arrondissement under the pretext of works of charity, instead of bringing the revenue of his theological writings to a poor and needy woman, there would have been no scandal.
Frankie is an anti-Christ and anyone who cares for their own soul should steer clear and far away of this charlatan - he is a hack who takes MILLIONS in income from little old lady shut - ins to line his own pockets
The ladies of the Lutheran church have a little bookrack in the fellowship room where you can purchase pamphlets of an inspirational nature, but it doesn't do much business.
Chamaillard creates repurposed statuettes of the Virgin, turning Our Lady into pop culture stars like My Little Pony and Hello Kitty.
Little does he know that I've spent the last hour staring at pictures of purple and blue cupcakes designed for a «vintage sweets shoppe baby shower» at Hostess with The Mostess or admiring the fabulous raspberry - hued skirt and jacket the First Lady wore with her meeting Nelson Manela at
He cheats little old ladies out of their pension.
I like the story of the little old lady who was praying, her atheistic neighbor ask what she was praying about, answering she told him that she was praying for an orange.
It seems little disposed, therefore, to fall for a new version of the «white lady» myth.
Or the fact that I make roast beef in my slow cooker because of the recipe I got from a little old lady at the military commissary when we lived in San Diego.
For all these reasons and more, I'm delighted that Courtney and her husband, Will, are expecting a little mister any day now and eleven of our wonderful blogger friends are joining me today to throw this sweet lady a virtual baby shower!
They sell purple sweet potatoes!!!!!!!!!! I think the sound that came out of my mouth when I saw them, scared the lady behind the till a little bit, and more than likely, she thinks I've got some serious issues, because I did a little victory dance when I was leaving the shop... Oh well, small price to pay for having an access to these beauties.
I tell people about this all of the time — vegetarians, even, who nod politely; my husband, who thinks it's cool, but perhaps a little less than I do; this old lady on the crosstown bus who heard me talking about them on the phone... But wait, there's more: not only do you only need three ingredients to make carnitas, the cooking technique is kind of brilliant.
It gives me the heebie jeebies to think that I might have to explain the birds and bees to my son... my little darling who still occasionally calls me Mommy, still wants to snuggle when we watch TV and still manages to hang onto a good amount of innocence in this Lady Gaga world.
The little ladies are quite fond of these bars and request them as often as they request my chocolate chip cookies.
I am proud of both my little ladies.
I lost count of how many times my little ladies visited the chocolate table (the husband too)!
I am very happy to say, that the little ladies are big fans of pumpkin desserts.
Three of my sweet little ladies are attending gymnastics summer camp this week and they are loving it!
I rarely bring the little ladies with me down those isles because there is a guarantee of at least $ 20 worth of candy to be purchased.
The little ladies just can't get enough of this stuff and of course, I always seem to have more than enough boxes of Orville Redenbacher in the pantry.
That means lots of planning, cleaning, and looking for new ideas to keep the little ladies busy, while I am scrambling to get our huge family, holiday dinner on the table.
Haha, I can appreciate you wanting more heat as a Texas lady I think in general the amount of habaneros in the recipe just give a little warmth in the back of the throat at the tail - end, but everyone's tolerance to heat is different.
You are responsible for pushing me over the edge of purchasing a waffle iron, so I am glad to have your recipes, thank you, little lady.
I felt inspired to share this, it's just a link to a dessert blog I came across recently and this specific creation by the lady writing the blog reminded me of our little discussion.
My husband thinks of coffee cake as a dry - bland old lady dessert (no offense to any little old ladies...
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