Sentences with phrase «of living with less»

Tiny houses are all the rage these days, as people look at the idea of living with less, without a mortgage, without the responsibility that comes with a bigger house.
Instead of living with less, I am living with purpose and intent.
If you feel frustrated when dealing with others, I can help you get more out of life with less frustration.
Exercising regularly will leave you feeling energised, a lot more invigorated and more toned, leaner, with less body fat and an improved quality of life with less health complications and sicknesses unlike if you don't exercise at all.
From ridiculously small energy bills (about $ 60 a month in winter, $ 12 in summer) to encouraging fewer possessions, the video clearly illustrates the inherent environmental benefits of living with less space.
But they are beginning to deal with the concept of living with less,
Lucky for all of us, the new brand of minimalism shows the trendy side of a life with less.
Building on some of the lessons I learned over the past few seasons of living with less, I think this season's wardrobe really is a great representation of who I am and the lifestyle that I currently live.
More examples of living with less: Living With Less: Stylish Swedish Living In 185 Square Feet Living with Less: First, Hide the Bed Living With Less: New York Couple Manages in 175 Square Feet
With a price tag of $ 10,000, Sustainsia's eco-workpod may seem a tad costly for a mere office shed, but with a dawning era of living with less, Biggs and Carr have already encountered clients who want to use them as full - time living spaces.
This is due to the fact that in 20 years; the kids are adults, a mortgage will be paid down or paid off and one is in a different stage of life with less dependent obligations.
This change in his routine gave him a higher quality of life with less stress and increased productivity — one he didn't know was possible without falling behind in his work.»
For these ideas of rethinking consumerism and ownership, it is important that the idea of living with less is seen as being less, but better, not a painful sacrifice.
Brooke McAlary learnt about minimalism and simplicity, immersed myself in the Slow Living philosophy and discovered the beautiful benefits of living with less.
But they are beginning to deal with the concept of living with less, and show a couple squeezing into a modest 1100 square foot house in Mill Valley, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright disciple Daniel J. Liebermann - that cost $ 1,125,000 to purchase and over $ 400 a foot to renovate.
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