Sentences with phrase «of local contexts»

With careful design and consideration of local contexts, it can be made to support the continuation of a building culture that's relevant to the place and times.
Because of the challenges for international entrepreneurs working in Chinese markets, CEIBS recommends finding a local co-founder, «somebody who can provide you with the access to local resources, who can provide you with a deep understanding of the local contexts, who can help you overcome language barriers,» Velamuri says.
She explained the importance of local context, stating that the extent to which this can be achieved by standards in China depends very much on different perspectives, risks and challenges.
Diana Mitlin, the author of the October 2015 editorial and co-author of the April 2015 editorial said: «What is evident is that global commitments can and have made a difference — especially if there is the understanding that progress in sanitation requires a sophisticated knowledge of the local context and projects owned by those who are intended to benefit.
We encourage our teachers to come to school with enthusiasm and commitment, balancing those traits with recognizing the value of experienced teachers and their unique knowledge of the local context.
At least five dimensions of local context are important in determining the strategic responses of education organizations to choice policies:
With his paintings, Léopold Rabus wants to show us an exaggerated representation of the local context of his home.
His interest ranges from folk embroidery, made on vintage fabrics taken from his mother's chest, to natural history studies and specimens under glass; from drawings, seemingly childish and clumsy and made in response to familiar situations to elements of Russian culture, scattered around the exhibition space and combined with memories of the local context.
Artists selected for «Songs for Sabotage» are connected by their deep engagements with the specificity of local context and a critical examination — and embrace — of the internationalism that links them, according to New Museum.
In recent years, Breitz has spent long stretches of time producing works in Jamaica, Italy, Germany, Austria, Japan, Sweden, Great Britain, Ukraine, South Africa, the United States, India and Nigeria, typically working with a local crew in each new location, and endeavouring to respond to the particularity of each local context as it relates to the broader global context in which her work is made and exhibited.
Masdar can be a successful example if the planners are aware of the local context, the type of people that will live there, their needs in terms of services and jobs, and, most of all, the need to link it to existing cities.
In the final stage of development, it becomes appropriate to assess whether the SEL program is achieving the intended outcomes and whether the program can be adjusted to best serve the needs of the local context.

Not exact matches

One of the biggest risks I encountered was not having enough local knowledge to really understand the context of what was happening in the country.
«But I will definitely miss what the promise of Facebook used to be — a way to connect to community in a very global and local context
Entrepreneurs exist in the context of their particular geography — be that their local, national, or even supranational economy and society.
Instead I hope these conversations of practice return us to the unique image of God our churches were meant to reflect in our local context.
The picture of the Church that emerged was distorted by this apologetic context — too much emphasis was being given to points that were disputed (the authority of the pope, for example) and not enough given to other important points (such as the nature of the local churches).
Property rights and government takings have evolved with both real costs and benefits, e.g. Kelo allowing economic development as a legitimate «public use» v. the various cases finding in favor of property owners in the context of local government mandated dedications and exactions.
This discussion is complex, nuanced by all kind of factors like biblical interpretation, church tradition and local contexts.
Finally, the explosion to satellite communications in the eighties matched in the most recent years with fiberoptic switching systems and computer processing of cash, words, images, and data — the internetting of global consciousness — has swept up most human endeavors from local names and habitations into the global context of international trademarks, common credit cards, shared diets, world class athletics, and intercontinental rock concert tours.
in context that GOD created... He can cause it to happen in HIS way... laws of nature did not exist until there was something for it to influence... the writers of the Bible did not believe in flat earth or the sun revolving around the earth... seems to me you cant see figures of speech, but only false stuff... so why don't you tell the weather man at your local TV station to stop saying surinse and sunset eh?
All the servants of Christ in the new Testament were trained for their service in the context of the local church.
All the magic happened in the context of the local community of believers.
Sean, again it's probably semantics but Paul's missionary work always put him in the context of a local congregation, even if it was one that he brought there with him.
Schumacher's vision of an economics devoted not to consumption but to attaining given ends with the minimum means, and his promotion of what he calls appropriate technologies (such as implements that local farmers and manufacturers can fashion and / or maintain themselves), are fundamental, to Berry's vision of a context for re-inhabiting the earth.
Therefore it can become one potent source of inter-communal community in society outside the church also, a sort of secular koinonia and of the development of the ideology of a genuine secular human community at local, national and world levels in the modern pluralist context of many religions and cultures.
These individuals are then mentored and trained within the context of the local church.
As one who has written so poignantly about the horrors of exclusion in religious communities in our own day, Volf is surely not maintaining that local congregations can somehow become hermetically sealed off from their immediate cultural influences or ideological contexts.
But Roman Catholicism is a little leery of context, because context bespeaks local church, and local church is always in tension with universal church.»
For example, the rise in immediate cost of transportation, in a context where its indirect effects on speeding the melting of the glaciers are recognized, will almost certainly favor local production of food.
All of their work takes place in the context of strong financial and prayerful support from local individuals, the majority of whom are members of churches in Luton and its surrounding towns.
The point is that the New Testament scriptures command that women are not to «teach» scriptures to men, nor are they permitted to hold the office of «pastor, elder, etc.», IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LOCAL CHURCof «pastor, elder, etc.», IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LOCAL CHURCOF THE LOCAL CHURCH.
What I mean is that, if you take 1 Timothy 2:12 in it's most plain sense, at face value, then women are not allowed to teach period; somehow you have inferred that men can learn from women when done «PRIVATELY» but not «IN THE CONTEXT OF THE LOCAL CHURCH.»
The courses arose out of Hopewell's hunch that it was important to get seminary and church working together on specific issues arising from the local context.
Nevertheless, contextual theologies do claim to highlight aspects of the faith that are of relevance, far beyond the specific local context.
God has ordained that the ordinary means of grace (Bible reading, prayer, fellowship, sacraments, preaching) be done in the context of a local church.
He also stated that the head of science had been «duped into talking to the local press and was quoted out of context
Working in groups in western Europe, North America, and to a lesser extent elsewhere, the study team produced and encouraged many papers and books on the problem of the local church.7 Naming as its focus the Missionary Structure of the Congregation, the study proposed that radically different forms of Christian assembly and witness be fostered within the secular context.
In this respect, I read this book as I read any other great book: I assume that every word counts; I attend especially carefully to the sequence and the local context, in the belief that the meaning of each part is dependent partly on what comes before and after, both immediately and also remotely.
This, however, is not an isolated phenomenon, but has to be placed within the wider context of the globalization of culture and the attempts at standardisation, which has stimulated the attempt to rediscover the local and the indigenous.
The true context of history, wrapped in value - laden local languages, is replaced by the pseudo-context of media images, drafted to meet the immediate needs of the powers that control, or merely the convenience of technicians that operate, the electronic media system.
This would simply misrepresent the diversity of goals held by the various Christian mission agencies; gloss over the historical shifts in the nature of relationships between the East India Company, the British empire and the mission societies; and conceal the multiple ways in which local subjects — the colonized Indians — thought and acted within this context to demonstrate their identity as independent agents.
Many in this context have pointed very strongly to the «growing gap between the rich and the poor that has ensued whether this is experienced locally, nationally or internationally, and how the «open and borderless world of economics» that has emerged has destroyed local and national economies and created conditions for the untold new sufferings of people.
It was in this context that John Taylor saw the importance of the local church.
However, for people who are dissatisfied with their local church, who have little established connection with a local church, or whose religious consciousness may be awakened by a viewed religious program, the research indicates that paid - time religious programs, by presenting themselves as competent alternatives to the local church, offering a range of services similar to the local church, and not referring respondents or enquirers to a local church, may be acting as a barrier to people's developing their faith most fully within this interpersonal context.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
Therefore, the context of preaching is not only the human community, both local and global; it is also the entire community of God's creation.
This is of crucial importance, for when we seek to place preaching within the context of the «wider community,» meaning by that both the local community in which a congregation exists and the global community, part of what we seek is a theological understanding of that context.
«We continue to hear from many people on the debate over sexuality that our current Discipline contains language which is contradictory, unnecessarily hurtful, and inadequate for the variety of local, regional and global contexts,» the proposal said.
Jeremy, it would seem to me that you have a bit of a problem scripturally in that you are disregarding the pattern clearly established in the New Testament that believers are to fellowship regularly in the context of a local congregation.
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