Sentences with phrase «of lochia»

This is the first and heaviest stage of lochia.
In this final stage of lochia, rather than blood you'll see a white or yellowish discharge that's generated during the healing process and the initial reconstruction of your endometrium.
There are only three events in your life that trigger oxytocin release: nipple stimulation (like when I'm breastfeeding), labor (the oxytocin released during childbirth stimulates uterine contractions, which is why nipple stimulation might be suggested when labor stalls, and also explains why sometimes, after you breastfeed me, you feel an increased expulsion of lochia and maybe some cramping), and... orgasm!!
With a rather heavy postpartum flow of lochia (which is sort of like the heaviest, longest period ever), massive diaper - like sanitary pads have to be worn at first.

Not exact matches

During the three month point of your postpartum experience, lochia should begin to reconcile itself as your body becomes adjusted to its postpartum state.
While you are waiting for lochia symptoms to fully abate themselves, you can effectively manage the condition by making use of sanitary pads.
Lochia is a vaginal discharge that is made up of blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus.
The bloodshed after the vaginal or cesarean birth of your baby is called lochia.
It's called lochia, and it's a mixture of blood, mucus, and tissue from the lining of your uterus.
Extreme physical activity at the early parts of postpartum may cause redder and heavier vaginal discharge called lochia.
Here is a graph of what normal postpartum bleeding aka lochia will look like.
For the first few days after birth, lochia contains a fair amount of blood, so it will be bright red and look like a heavy menstrual period.
This type of bleeding and discharge is called lochia.
Also, for about six weeks after delivery you'll probably need to wear a full - size sanitary napkin to absorb the flow of blood called lochia, which ranges in color from red to yellow to white.
Your midwife will also let you know about signs and symptoms of complications to be aware of in you and your new baby, letting you know what's normal, such as bleeding after birth (lochia), and what could be a sign that something is wrong, such as passing large blood clots.
Taking Care of Yourself It will be necessary to wear sanitary pads for the first few weeks postpartum until your lochia finishes.
If you have foul smelling lochia, chills or a fever, it can be a sign of an infection and requires medical attention.
One of these is an extended period of bleeding called lochia in which the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, is sloughed off and the uterus shrinks down to its pre-pregnancy state — the size and shape of a pear.
After a vaginal delivery or C - section, you'll experience a vaginal discharge called lochia, which consists of leftover blood, mucus, and sloughed - off tissue from the lining of the uterus.
It is not recommended by any of the manufacturers, and I wouldn't use one for lochia.
Normally after the birth of puppies or kittens, the mother dog (bitch) or cat (queen) will have some vaginal discharge (lochia).
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