Sentences with phrase «of machine»

I don't have to scrap the butter down the walls of the machine quite as often in this case.
Process until smooth and creamy, scraping down the walls of the machine a few times in between.
Make the caramel: Add dates, almond butter, maple syrup, vanilla, salt and coconut oil to a food processor and blend until smooth, this may take a minute or two depending on the power of your machine.
Initially, they were individually wrapped by hand in squares of aluminum foil, and the introduction of machine wrapping in 1921 simplified the process while adding the small paper ribbon to the top of the package to indicate that it was a genuine Hershey product.
It wasn't until our coffee started tasting moldy — literally and so gross — that we seriously considered the plastic parts and all that could be growing in the tubes and crevices of the machine.
Or melt in a microwave for a minute or two (depending on the strength of your machine), stirring every 30 seconds.
And I am thinking now of buying a Thermomix, but I am not so sure as it is very expensive: What do you think of this kind of machine for cooking your way?
I guess I'm trying to cheat a bit and use my Vitamix containers for everything, which was working ok until now What kind of machine do you use to make these?
For each type of machine it carries, the company stocks the highest - quality flavor mixes.
Joanne p.s the magimix is a weapon of a machine, thank you for the recommendation
He enunciated more clearly than anyone how creative evolution of living organisms can not be understood if the elements composing them are conceived as individual entities that maintain exactly their identity throughout all the changes and interactions, as is the case with the parts of a machine.
And since the human mind or soul can not be viewed as part of this machine, it belongs to a supernatural sphere not affected by the laws of nature.
In an age of machine mass production of identical items, individuality is in danger.
The main esthetic threat of machine civilization is the suppression of variety through the multiplication of identical mass - produced items.
«A great part of the machine made use of in those manufactures in which labour is most subdivided were originally inventions of common workmen» was his considered opinion.
He even cited the example of a boy whose task was operating the piston of a fire engine to open and shut a valve alternately, and who found that by tying a string from the handle of the valve to another part of the machine, the valve would open and shut without his assistance, thus freeing him to play with other boys!
the «running of the machine
Was the devil with the person who conceived of a machine that was built expressly for killing people en mass?
I think a significant portion of the Catholic administration do not even believe particularly strongly, they are just part of the machine.
If it were to be read in Hebrew, it comes across with the force of machine gun fire.
The main influence (e.g., on my notion of morphogenetic fields) was the idea that nature should be founded on the model of the organism and not on the model of the machine.
It turned out that the basic units of nature do not behave in the way expected of parts of a machine.
It is the tendency to take our mental constructs and imaginative models of the world, such as those of the machine, wave or particle, as though they corresponded exactly to the world itself.
But the danger of science was to interpret the whole world including the humans as parts of a machine, thus denying the spiritual selfhood which gives dignity to human beings.
Rather than reduce its self - image to that of a machine or an organism, the congregation might begin to give account of itself as the full, storied household the Bible promises it can be.
The sex of the machine will be indifferent; no more gender.
In principle, the drive of the machine is to reach everybody in the world simultaneously with the same message.
And for the final whopper...... how can we possibly survive long enough to make it to this Grand Time of the Machine without TWINKIES?!?
For example, General Motors has calculated that in a decade 90 per cent of its machine tools will be computerized, says Shaiken.
The thought of Plastic Perry behind the controls of a machine of destruction is beyond scary.
Pessimists maintain that, after a certain point, the necessities of integrating the whole network of machine and social systems will box in and choke off human freedom.
John Wilkinson (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964); Lewis Mumford, The Myth of the Machine (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967) and The Pentagon of Power (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc., 1970); Theodore Roszak, The Making of a Counter Culture (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1969 [Anchor paperback, 1969]-RRB-; Erich Fromm, The Revolution of Hope (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1968; Bantam Books [paper], 1968).
Technology: Both Jacques Ellul and Lewis Mumford see the clock as the epitome of machine design.
Rising social standards, the rise of the Machine, the growth of knowledge... We are naively disposed to marvel, or even grow indignant, as though these separate events and their conjunction were something accidental or surprising.
God was the external creator of a machine whose workings reflected infinite knowledge and control.
If one examines each part of a machine separately, it is possible to think of the whole as the joint working of the parts.
I am a part of the machine.
The working of the individual parts of a machine are not greatly affected by their role in the whole.
A revised philosophy of mechanism, understood from a contemporary image of a machine, must recognize that a good model is the best vehicle for describing nature, rather than old images of machines, which are not complex enough to represent adequately a reaction of a complex entity with its environment.
A mechanistic perspective entails viewing the world in the image of a machine.
Hence, on this issue, I see no objection to viewing DNA as a type of machine.1 Furthermore some machines can self - replicate if given the right instructions and materials, they are counterentropic, and they can determine necessary conditions for the development of other machines.
The author presents a mechanistic position based on a contemporary image of a machine and attempts to show its relationship to the ecological model of Birch and Cobb, in which a classical mechanism is presented based on an outdated image of a machine.
In this paper, I shall present a more adequate mechanistic position based on a contemporary image of a machine and attempt to show its relationship to the ecological model of Birch and Cobb.
This table specifies exactly the behavior of the machine.
It is the that each line of a Turing machine table, that fixed structure that determines the nature of the Turing machine, can be considered to be a simple mechanical structure or action on which the complex structure of the machine depends.
I am not claiming here that DNA is a machine, only that there is an image of a machine that can react as complexly with its environment, and in the same ways, as DNA does.
The internal relations of a Turing machine would have to be similarly complex constructs of the basic alphabet and vocabulary of the machine.
For historical and expository reasons, they chose to present a model of classical mechanism that is based on an outdated image of a machine.
Since the goal of this paper is to describe a mechanistic model of explanation, the connection between these logical notions and Turing machines will allow us to establish the relationship between the explanatory model and the image of the machine.
The rise of a machine civilization has depleted interest in the humanities and in artistic creativity.
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