Sentences with phrase «of macho guys»

The brilliant lights of clubs, their outlandish guests, other artists in their studios, eccentric old cars, nude girls, amusing graffiti — everything is equal here in this very personal narrative of sex, drugs, and rock «n» roll, of macho guys and celebrities, and the façades of buildings and people.
You have free dating with http: they prefer loving a fascistic, sadistic type of macho guy naturally.
It's goofy and ridiculous and preposterous, and yet it makes you feel good, and there is something oddly heartwarming about the sight of this macho guy melting with feelings of protectiveness and maternal concern.
His ears are cropped (one ear is white and one is brown) so he looks like kind of a macho guy.

Not exact matches

But the problem with that line of thinking is the assumption that all Americans share that goal and those mostly macho male values of wrestling, where it is just you and the other guy on a mat.
And that is not to knock Marshall, because I think it's admirable that not only did he get help for his mental health issues, but that he is now also an outspoken advocate of other guys doing so — which we all know had been taboo in macho sports like football for far too long.
SINGLE girl at a wedding: «To me a guy's only macho if he has hair on his chest — and also on the hood of his Porsche.»
A lot of russian women dream about white prince, they fall in love with macho guys, and it looks like some algorythm.
Myth # 2 Dating women want macho men When you and your dating women are in a relationship and a number of casual guy hits on her.
You do not look for your next girlfriend or wife; however, avoid being like those guys that post pictures of their private parts, show off their muscles, or act like macho men.
Kiwi guys, this means you'll want to be extra cautious of coming across as too macho or dominant.
We're so used to seeing Statham as the tough macho guy, but he gets to play a caricature of that here.
Whether that actually a good thing or more of a Trojan Horse to smuggle in more hyper macho battle scenes and slow motion sequences of giant mortar shell casings falling to the ground (because big guns are so awesome, guys, right?)
Here the urban tough guy finds himself all adrift among the country mice, particularly his new partner, PC Danny Butterman, a fantastically overweight and lenient bobby played by Nick Frost, who is saucer - eyed with excitement about the macho world of London law - enforcement.
She's the only person on - screen who feels like a real person, and the irony isn't lost that she's also the only woman among this crew of macho tough guys.
There's a special power in how it builds an atmosphere of macho excess before quickly nicking the whole thing, taking deranged pleasure in watching an ensemble of tough guys get completely obliterated for by an alien for two hours.
sorry, but I'm not a «man - cave» guy, just a normal male living in the USA, so I really don't see the point of this «macho» vehicle.
Be a know - it - all The guy who wants to get his macho mojo back will certainly have an interest in The Indispensable Book of Practical Life Skills: Essential Lessons in Everything You Need to Be a Fully Functioning Adult.
TV guy and sometimes cooker Gordon Ramsay can get pretty macho with baby animals when doing publicity for something he's selling, but you'll never see a puppy peeking out of one of his pots.
I would love to see some of the macho hunter guys take on a stag deer or elk with just his hunting knife.
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