Sentences with phrase «of magnetospheric»

Studies of magnetospheric imaging.
By using superposed epoch analysis, these authors studied changes in F - region parameters before and after the onset of magnetospheric convection, the latter represented by sudden increases of Kp - index above 4.
The primary physical mechanism responsible for much of this energy, mass, and momentum flow is magnetic reconnection, which can explosively convert magnetic energy into kinetic energy of the magnetospheric plasma and disconnect or break parcels of magnetic flux.
We attribute the observed variability to inhomogeneities in the inner disk, near the corotation radius, where gas and dust may co-exist near the footprints of the magnetospheric flows.
In addition, he was a pioneer in the discovery and study of magnetospheric accretion onto newly forming stars, including the use of «veiling» to measure accretion rates, and was a co-discoverer of brown dwarfs by carrying out the first successful application of the «lithium test» for substellar objects in 1995.
Although the nature of the electromagnetic engine powering brown - dwarf aurorae is still to be determined, the scenario of the subcorotation of magnetospheric plasma on closed field lines, powering in turn magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling currents, has been suggested as a plausible model for this case (Schrijver 2009; Nichols et al. 2012).
«As we move forward and continue shaping the future of magnetospheric physics, the global picture of substorms and other important phenomena will become clearer as more spacecraft are deployed using innovative orbital configurations and instrumentation.»
After only a few months in orbit, the four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission flew through a region of space where reconnection takes place and measured — for the first time — the movement of the electrons thought to be responsible for the phenomenon.

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Considered one of the enabling technologies on the agency's flagship Magnetospheric Multi-Scale (MMS) mission, Navigator GPS recently was included in the Guiness World Records for the highest - altitude GPS fix.
The Magnetospheric Multiscale mission's four satellites are designed to study the phenomenon responsible for powerful bursts of powerful magnetic particles
Magnetospheric science objectives of the Juno mission.Space Science Reviews.
The four craft of NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission fly in formation in and out of Earth's magnetosphere to probe the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection.
To get a global picture, the scientists used data from four individual NASA missions — the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, Van Allen Probes mission, Geotail, and the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms mission — plus the LANL - GEO spacecraft.
«This demonstrates the feasibility of detecting the magnitudes and locations of electrical currents on a global basis,» says Robert Robinson, program director for magnetospheric physics at the National Science Foundation.
The solar UV irradiance from the thermosphere of Saturn and the solar wind are the most probable sources to account for the long - term variability of the electron radiation belts (Roussos et al. 2014), suggesting that external drivers play indeed an important role in Saturn's magnetospheric dynamics.
Since the Hermean magnetosphere occupies a unique position in the space plasma physics scenarios, the study of Mercury's magnetospheric processes will not only provide a clear picture of the planetary magnetosphere itself but it will also broaden our field of view of space plasma physics, in general.
We are especially looking for expertise in modelling of the solar corona, experimental solar wind research, observations and modelling of the inner magnetospheric waves and wave - particle interactions.
«It was not envisaged before that magnetospheric processes could trigger an interaction with the upstream solar wind», says the first author of the publication, reseacher Yann Pfau - Kempf from the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
It also has The Space Environment Monitoring (SEM) subsystem has been enhanced by the addition of the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) sensor, Energetic Proton, Electron, and Alpha particle Detector (EPEAD), the Magnetospheric Electron Detector (MAGED), the Magnetospheric Proton Detector (MAGPD) and dual magnetometers on a 27.9 foot (8.5 meter) long boom.
The most visible manifestation of the interaction of the Sun's outer atmosphere and Earth's space magnetospheric environment is the aurora.
The Earth's field sustains the magnetosphere and it is not constant either, it shows similar decadal variability, as shown in the data from and used by number of distinguished geo - magnetic scientists and researchers (Jault Gire, LeMouel, J. Bloxham, D. Gubbins, A.Jackson, R. Hide, D. Boggs, J. Dickey etc,) Since changes in either of two fields affect strength of the magnetosphere, it would be expected that the «magnetospheric variability» time function could be produced by combining two sets of available data.
On long - term variations of simple geomagnetic indices and slow changes in magnetospheric currents: The emergence of anthropogenic global warming after 1990?
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