Sentences with phrase «of major decisions»

Highlights will include analyses of major decisions in pay - for - delay, credit card merchant restrictions, product - hopping, data security and privacy, and financial benchmark litigation.
Financial Managers advise their employers about the financial implications of major decisions or policy shifts.
You stay in control of major decisions about your future in divorce mediation.
There are a lot of major decisions and long nights that go into ensuring that children and families receive the best education possible.
This kind of major decision about our rights is exactly the kind of change which needs to be addressed.
When they're involved, it makes it more fun and they feel like they're in control of some major decisions when it comes to their dinner.
A Corporate Resolution is the record of any major decision made by shareholders or a board of directors during a meeting.
The term life policy length is just one of the major decisions ahead for thirty five year old women shopping for level term life insurance.
One of the major decisions outside of the keeping the display was the camera placement, which we decided to keep the same.
They are sometimes required to be a temporary part of the faculty but are usually kept out of major decision making activities.
A parent who has full or sole legal custody has control of all major decisions affecting the child's life.
Instead of just being the parent, they want to be their child's friend who will be the first person the child will approach in case of any major decision or event.
You will be required to make a series of major decisions that can have far - reaching consequences.
This wouldn't be so bad except you're with her for most of the game and most of the major decisions involve her, but since I did not care for the character they meant nothing (except for the major choice near the beginning of episode 4.
Examples of major decisions include where your child will go to school, what type of religious upbringing he or she will have (if any), and non-emergency medical decisions.
Examples of major decisions include
«I consult with her on a whole host of major decisions.
The Chilcot inquiry into the significant intelligence and political failings before the Iraq war should be «a salutary lesson to all of us on the importance of there being total scrutiny of what goes on, and the government being required to come to the house in advance of major decisions», Corbyn said.
Since weighing the pros and cons of any major decision is wise, we've highlighted the potential pros and cons of a reverse mortgage so you can make the decision that's right for you.
«Joint,» «split,» and «shared» legal custody require both parents» approval of all major decisions.
In this scenario, the non-custodial parent (typically known as the «access parent») may express an opinion on important issues, and retains the right to be informed of all major decisions, but the custodial parent has the right to make all final decisions.
And if American public opinion is the measure, the Roberts court has made the right call in most of its major decisions since then, according to a recent study that asked respondents about cases.
Get docket alerts, perform legal research, get updates of major decisions and orders, use our advanced analytics, and more.
That Chief Justice Dickson would have led his Court so strongly, delivering something more than a double share of the major decisions, is perhaps not surprising, and the Chief Justice factor is only slightly less dramatic for Chief Justice Lamer.
In allocating how decisions will be made, the court may allow one parent to make important choices for the child, such as medical or educational decisions, or require the parents to make these kinds of major decisions jointly.
I have been left out of participation of every major decision in health care, education, extra-curricular events over the past four years regardless of my requests for inclusion, and those amazing «firsts» that parents have the great pleasure of experiencing with their children haven't existed for me.
Boards care about the legal implications of major decisions to be made, and they care about material litigation, but as to the internal workings of the law department, they are probably unconcerned.»
Business in Vancouver May 3 - 9, 2011; issue 1123 Mining Recruitment: Andrew Pollard Hidden in plain sight; major decisions are being made beyond the boardroom A lot of major decisions aren't happening in the confines of boardrooms any more.
Deloitte Access Economics offers a full suite of economic advisory services including economic forecasting, modelling, analysis and advisory services to help our clients plan for the future, understand the implications of major decisions, and navigate the complexities of economic policy.
It seems doubtful that we make any of our major decisions about life and love strictly on the basis of pragmatic concerns.
The decision to breastfeed versus bottle feed is one of these major decisions that parents agonize over, and it seems that everyone has a strong opinion one way or another.
One of the major decisions you have to make when you are pregnant (you know, aside from choosing a doctor or midwife, naming your baby, and ten thousand other things) is to decide where you want to give birth.
And he says under a leadership driven system like New York's, the Assembly Speaker is one of just three people, along with the governor and Senate leader, who make all of the major decisions about the budget and other important legislation that effects everyone in the state.
In secret, he telephoned his brother Bertie to tell him of his major decision — that he could no longer be King if it meant abandoning the woman he loved, Wallis Simpson.
It's one of your major decisions and needs to be done as early in the process as you can manage.
One of the major decisions you will have to take will involve choosing a veterinary clinic for your pet's health and safety.
One of the major decisions to make in choosing a flea and tick shampoo for your pup is whether or not to use insecticide based shampoos or natural based repellants.
99 % of major decisions and actions operate under «automatic pilot» formulated by the accepted «rules» being applied.
Sole legal custody exists when one parent is making all of the major decisions for his or her children.
Instead of all major decisions being made together, the types of decisions about the child are essentially divided, so that each parent makes all decisions about the child while the child is in their care, and each parent is assigned a «sphere» of major decision making.
This article argues that each of the major decision - makers in the federal sentencing process, Congress, the United States Sentencing Commission and the federal judiciary contribute substantially to mass incarceration.
This parent makes all of the major decisions for the child regarding health, education, and general welfare as well as all day - to - day decisions.
One of the major decisions you'll need to make other than choosing Delaware renters insurance is to determine which of the two main varieties of moving services you need.
A parent with full custody rights might have legal custody, which allows the parent to make all of the major decisions in the child's life, and physical custody, which establishes the child's residence in that parent's home.
Legal custody refers to the person who has the right to make all of the major decisions involving the child.
Mother had 100 % of major decision making power, but also had a duty to promote and ensure that the father continues to have information (and access to information) about the child.
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