Sentences with phrase «of marginalized communities»

, a consultant group supporting the efficacy, sustainability and wellbeing of organizations whose programming serves youth and families of marginalized communities.
The ranks of those young law - students who fail to get paid work articling will disproportionately be comprised of members of marginalized communities, while young hetero (or passing), able - bodied (or passing) white men (such as myself) will be disproportionately represented amongst articling students.
Our East Bay Sex Therapists, Couples Counselors & Individual Queer & LGBTQ + psychotherapists understand the unique needs of marginalized communities, such as sexual and gender minorities.
An Israeli - Palestinian NGO is using solar and wind energy to transform the lives of a marginalized community of Palestinian famers and shepherds.
AWAZ Foundation Pakistan: Centre for Development Services - AWAZCDS is striving for the Socio - economic development and political empowerment of marginalized communities especially women and young people across Pakistan since 1995.
SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.
The simplicity of our model is not only straight - forward, but logical; we release the income potential of marginalized communities and make various value chains more efficient by creating enterprises.»
Ames Simmons of Equality North Carolina says, «When we vote for politicians who choose to make policy based on false stereotypes of marginalized communities instead of actual data rooted in scientific methodology, we threaten to set back progress in our country to dark ages of superstition.»
In addition, the existence of marginalized communities in Western democratic societies, which stand as the pinnacle of the liberal democracy model, as well as some contested international policies of some democracies in recent history, have questioned the mythology of the liberal order in its current form as an aspiration of all peoples and the natural course of history.
«I look forward to collaborating with Council Member Johnson in his new role on many issues, including elevating the concerns of marginalized communities and working to solve the problems that we must all face together in the next four years,» Williams continued.
• Improving access of marginalized communities to science and technology?
Twiggy and Sara's insider - outsider approach to their stories breathes fresh life into the representation of a marginalized community who demand visibility and real political power.
One such type of school is the Parijat Academy which aim is to reach the children of marginalized communities.
Because school segregation is as much a story of failed public policy as it is one of white / privileged families thwarting it, our hearts - and - minds campaign offers a new model for integration in which this undertaking falls not on the backs of marginalized communities, but on white and / or privileged families who care about equity.
JAFFERY: My hope is that Salaam Reads publishes books that showcase the diversity of the Muslim community, both in the U.S. and throughout the world, and also that the launch inspires artists from all kinds of marginalized communities to create stories for children.
DeVille's assemblages speak to the displacement of marginalized communities and the destruction of deep - rooted regional histories.
Rodriguez's figures and sculptures are studies of marginalized communities and reflections on community and belonging, and aim, he says, «to bring people closer.»
Aux 4th Curatorial Fellow, Anthony Romero will present a performative lecture regarding his interest in the political potential of the voice for artists of marginalized communities.
She complicates the notion that increased visibility of marginalized communities will result in recognition by those in power, and therefore, infrastructural change.
Here, the ambiguous line of joinery deconstructs architecture as the fixed order that governs space, violently pressing against the chaotic, autogenic nature of marginalized communities, creating a visual representation of regeneration of space, the dialectic of creation and un-creation.
Los Angeles - based artist Nicole Miller investigates the landscapes of marginalized communities through the lens of socioeconomic status, race, and gender in Every Word Said: History Lessons from Athens and Tucson.
It's an assemblage that is clearly personal, relating to Kelley's own urban experience, but it's also recognizable and accessible, characteristic of a marginalized community that feels so immediate it's impossible to ignore.
These compelling and seemingly simple installations are informed by contemporary art practice as well as folk art, vernacular art, and the physical conditions of marginalized communities.
In his images of marginalized communities, he tends to capture celebratory rituals instead of scenes of poverty.
He investigates the past and imagines the future from the perspectives of marginalized communities and marginalized plants.
Endia Beal is a North Carolina based artist, who is internationally known for her photographic narratives and video testimonies that examine the personal, yet contemporary stories of marginalized communities and individuals.
«Until affirmative action is described and understood as one mechanism by which to make amends for historical wrongdoing against members of marginalized communities, it will fail to meaningfully address the inequality that exists as a direct result of federal policy,» he says.
Our San Francisco Bay Area Sex Therapists, Couples Counselors & Individual Queer & LGBTQ + psychotherapists understand the unique needs of marginalized communities, such as sexual and gender minorities.
Jawad Al Malhi's work includes painting, photography, video and site - specific work and is preoccupied with the experience of marginalized communities and their relationship to space.
B. currently serves as the co-founder of the InVision Contemplative Collective, a consultant group supporting the efficacy, sustainability and wellbeing of organizations whose programming serves youth and families of marginalized communities.
Calamus is particularly interested in experimental work, as well as work by members of marginalized communities.
This position will be filled by an attorney with a strong work ethic, a passion for mission - driven work, a good sense of humor, and a commitment to addressing the needs of marginalized communities.
The concept of «equality» includes protecting the rights of members of marginalized communities, from LGBTQ folks to people of color — not to mention the importance of equal pay for equal work, and a call to close the pay gap between male and female workers.
We honor and value diversity and our San Francisco couples counselors and psychologists are queer identified and / or sensitive to the unique needs of marginalized communities.
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