Sentences with phrase «of marital discord»

[jounal] Gottmans, J. M / 1989 / Effect of marital discord on young children's peer interaction and health / Developmental Psychology 25 (3): 373 ~ 381
(The Perfect Storm) Financial infidelity: Money is a huge cause of marital discord, regardless of your tax bracket.
Results did not support the previous findings (i.e., temperament did not moderate the effect of marital discord on problem behavior).
Since instances and even extended periods of marital discord are quite common in marriage, children living in two - parent households generally have been exposed to some form of marital conflict.
Given that more extreme aspects of marital discord are typically perpetuated by men (Archer, 2000), neglect of these more strongly worded dimensions of negative marital interactions may lead to an understatement in the gender gap in marital appraisals.
Adaptation of the induced affect procedure for conjoint treatment of marital discord: An initial study of process effects with high and low functioning married couples: Dissertation Abstracts International.
Effects of marital discord on young children's peer interaction and health.
Spying and snooping on your spouse can create a lot of marital discord.
I'm often given a preamble of years of marital discord with immense crisis and I'm supposed to follow up with, «Let's spend 50 - 60 minutes and get to the heart of this.»
The truth: It's the children of marital discord who come from broken households, and the worst effect is seen in those children who are made aware that their parents have stayed together for their sake, only.
The fathers resented them, leading to all kinds of marital discord, some of it serious.
A smarter film about country music would cast the would - be cowpunk as a Jack White - type, somebody who would encourage the aging legend to reject Nashville values and make an all - out roots album (similar to Loretta Lynn's «Van Lear Rose», produced by The White Stripes frontman himself), which would add creative tension to the preexisting atmosphere of marital discord between Kelly and her commercially - minded husband.
With such prime examples of marital discord, Vivian can't imagine how her film might be anything other than a slam dunk.
A big winner at last year's Venice film festival, French theatre actor turned director Xavier Legrand's debut feature Custody is a masterful exercise in what could be termed Neo-realist horror: there's nothing fantastical about its story of marital discord, domestic abuse and the children caught in the crossfire, but the way it escalates the anxiety and threat at the heart of the story could teach genre filmmakers a thing or two about building tension in gut - clenching ways.
For most purposes a separated person is one who was married and either has obtained a legal separation, who is living apart from his or her spouse for reasons of marital discord or who is seeking a divorce.
According to a 2009 study by Jeffrey Dew at the Utah State University, one of the best indicators of marital discord is what he terms «financial disagreements.»
While flailing helplessly in the maelstrom of marital discord at home, Gabriela found no comfort at school.
In the midst of marital discord few of us have the courage to consider that the beliefs and practices we share with many couples are the source of our misery.
In studies examining parent - child interactions, child's emotional expressions, at - home peer interaction, and self - report of marital distress, a number of negative consequences of marital discord on child outcomes were demonstrated.
Research on emotion coaching, on the impact of marital discord, and the transition to parenthood are all elements of Gottman's parenting research agenda.
Some of the most recognizable sources of marital discord leading to a divorce or separation can include:
Possibilities for the prevention of marital discord: A behavioral perspective.
The role of fathers has been studied indirectly in the context of marital discord.
The relation of marital discord to the behavior problems of children was examined through a meta - analysis of the results of prior research.
The court noted that while the hiring of a private investigator may not be uncommon during a period of marital discord, the husband's experience of being trailed by strangers «must be viewed in context with Margaret's repeated death threats.»
Every relationship, every problem, every aspect of marital discord is different from person to person.
An empirical evaluation of alternative modalities in the cognitive - behavioral treatment of marital discord.
Effects of marital discord on the school behavior of children of schizophrenic, affectively disordered, and normal parents
Debates and arguments over household chores can lead to a lot of marital discord.
For some people — her phone voice can dissolve years of marital discord.
Second, as Wasserstein and La Greca (1996) found in their investigation of marital discord and peer support among children in middle childhood, children's close friendships moderate the negative effects of marital discord.
I hate to be the cause of any marital discord, but your husband is right on this one.
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