Sentences with phrase «of marital therapy»

The workshops are shown to achieve results similar to those of 6 months of marital therapy (though this workshop is not therapy).
We have since had several sessions of marital therapy and last night we had a session with the child.
The cost of marital therapy will depend heavily on the therapist.
This review aimed to provide an overall assessment of the role of marital therapy among psychological treatments for depression.
In comparison with drug therapy only data from two studies about dropout rates were available, showing significant relative risk in favour of marital therapy.
It is not a quick fix but if you both are willing to do the hard work of marital therapy, many couples can stay together.
In their unique and captivating approach the authors invite you to be a fly on the wall of marital therapy sessions and what happens in the couple's relationship between sessions.
In the world of marital therapy, we emphasize the importance of turning toward your partner.
This workshop has been shown to produce positive results for 94 % of those who attended and to achieve results similar to those of 6 months of marital therapy.
Ellyn is a past - president of the International Transactional Analysis Association and a recipient of the Clark Vincent Award for an outstanding literary contribution to the field of marital therapy from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.
Dunn, R.T. & Schwebel, A.I. (1995) Meta - analytic review of marital therapy outcome research.
A pioneer in the scientific study of marital therapy, he is also coauthor (with A. Christensen) of Integrative Couple Therapy, as well as the author of more than 200 articles and textbooks on a variety of subjects in psychotherapy.
EFT continues to be one of the most empirically - supported forms of marital therapy in practice.
Although there is no evidence to consider marital therapy as more or less effective than individual psychotherapy or drug therapy for depression, the evidence for improvement in couple relationships due to marital therapy may favour the choice of marital therapy when marital distress is perceived as a major problem.
A significant part of my marital therapy practice is done through marital intensives.
Instead of a reinvigorated system of marital therapy, the authors present a reasoned, objective discussion of modern models of marriage that are rapidly becoming real across the country.
Emotionally Focused Therapy is a clear and delineated model of marital therapy and therefore requires a clear and delineated map of how to teach it.
Turning our gaze to the Midwest, we come to William Doherty, a remarkable man who I have known for years as one of America's deans of marital therapy.
«We came to Better Marriages as we were ending a course of marital therapy.
Infidelity, boredom, lack of desire, abuse, or problems with children are all topics that can be discussed within the bounds of marital therapy.
One key consideration in determining the value of marriage counseling before divorce is the fact that many people who offer couples counseling services may in fact have little actual training in the area of marital therapy.
Since I do a lot of marital therapy, it is particularly useful in helping members of a couple fully articulate their differences — the first step towards finding resolution.
I found fundamental inaccuracies in contemporary sex therapy by looking at it through the lens of marital therapy and systems theory.
What Couples Therapists are Doing These days: A review of Clinical Handbook of Marital Therapy, edited by N. S. Jacobson & A. S. Gurman.
My recollection is that the term «conjoint» was always used in the context of marital therapy.
None of the clients of marital therapy hopes for it to help them get a divorce (not consciously at least), but they expect a magical cure - all for all their frustrations.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples is a collaborative and respectful form of therapy as well as a leading form of marital therapy treatment.
Generally, the pursuit of marital therapy begins when one partner has simply had enough and says, «I can't do this... like this... anymore.»
Indeed, to end a marriage without benefit of some sort of marital therapy or counseling is now widely viewed as somehow irresponsible — as if the couple were remiss for not making that last - ditch effort to put themselves back together again.
Poignant and well written, it is certain to be a classic in the field of marital therapy..»
This highly experiential two - day couples workshop has been shown to produce positive results for 94 % of those who attend and to achieve results similar to those of 6 months of marital therapy.
He was involved in a pioneering study of marital therapy a the Lafayette in the early 1980's.
This book introduced the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy and won the Clark Vincent Award from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists for its outstanding contribution to the field of marital therapy.
The past three decades have produced an abundance of research in the field of marital therapy and the psychobiology of relationships.
I lift the burden of responsibility from their shoulders, but I also break one of marital therapy's cardinal rules.
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