Sentences with phrase «of marriageable age»

So, don't tell me that logging into a dating site would be «preferable» to Ukrainian women as compared to using Whatsapp or Viber on their mobile phones — ALL women of marriageable age in Ukraine have mobile phones.
When Jewish men and women come of marriageable age, their parents usually turn to a matchmaker to help them find an appropriate mate for their children.
~ 24 % of parents of marriageable age children are trying to help them find suitable mates, according to the 2010 China Marital Status Report.
He originally gathered all the young women of marriageable age because he wanted to find a queen.
One may plan in a way that a lump sum amount is available when the child becomes of marriageable age.
They estimate that a majority of young men and women of marriageable age today will spend some time in a cohabiting relationship.
Did you know that in days gone by a blue door meant the a single woman of marriageable age lived there.
* * * At fifteen, Poornima came of marriageable age, and she stopped going to the convent school.
History: The Prophet Isaiah was said to be sent to Ahaz, with his son, to tell Ahaz that his wife, (an «ALMAH», in Hebrew, (which is mistranslated as «virgin», but is correctly translated as «maiden» or «young woman of marriageable age») and later translated into the Greek «parthenos» which can mean «virgin» but a Hebrew listener / reader would have understood the meaning), would be found to be pregnant.
The word is a mistranslation from the Greek «parthenos», which was a translation of the Hebrew word which meant «woman of marriageable age».
Virgin birth is on shaky ground — the original Hebrew used the word almah, which means a young woman of marriageable age.
Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right.
a woman who's of marriageable age!
Similar to that of a sweet - sixteen party the origin of the Quinceanos was to announce to the community that the young girl was of a marriageable age and informed prospective husbands that the girl was available.
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