Sentences with phrase «of masking tape»

Put a 2 - inch wide strip of masking tape on the floor or sidewalk.
Each stamp and roll of masking tape makes a difference.
I spent one evening labeling all the faces indicating what size they would get which is why there are little pieces of masking tape on them in some of the pictures.
At Whitechapel, the deviant retrospective is in reverse chronological order; it has, in lieu of wall text, large Fujifilm - green strips and lingering snippets of text from the gallery's prior exhibition, Adventures of the Black Square; and its mobile walls, some of which have been flown in from a previous show in Germany, are marked with bits of masking tape, scribbled shipping instructions, and drilled holes.
For this reason, I decided to create for them set of masking tape bandages they can decorate themselves AND make them reusable!
You will enjoy easy assembly of the kit with use of your masking tape, screwdriver and glue.
Lay out two diamonds on the floor using small pieces of masking tape as bases.
Task: Teams of 4 must build the tallest free standing structure in 30 minutes, out of only 20 sticks of spaghetti, a role of masking tape, string and 1 marshmallow.
Add a second layer of masking tape attached to newspaper, and make sure to cover up the entire portion of the hat that will not be painted red.
Stella's stripes were made without the aid of masking tape, and often the black paint bleeds into the white gaps, or gets thicker and thinner as Stella applied differing pressure or various numbers of coats.
This combination of the two and one - half inch stripe of the brushstroke plus the quarter - inch width of the masking tape resulted in the mesmerizing internal structure of his works.
But upon closer inspection, the vertical stripes, or «zips,» as Newman called them, which he created with the help of masking tape, bleed color from side to side, as a cross would if it were vibrating like a plucked guitar string.
Lay down a second line of masking tape with a 1-1/2 ″ space in between and continue this process to the opposite edge of the straw hat.
When the paint is dry, attach the stencil to the pot with tabs of masking tape.
And as I grew up and started managing a kitchen of my own, that problem persisted — until one roll of masking tape changed my life.
Make a small wad of masking tape, sticky side out.
Enter the magic of masking tape or painters tape.
Any adornments straying from these bare bones are equally minimalist: claustrophobic webs of masking tape, some tame Chinese floral prints («why can't he paint leaves and pagodas?»)
If it isn't tight enough, you can always wrap a little bit of masking tape around the bottom of the mirror that will be hidden in the ball to make it more secure.
It seems to have been made as a theatrical costume, as it is hand - sewn and came to me with a piece of masking tape at the collar with a woman's name scrawled on it in magic marker.
Strolling around downtown Chi city: a little man made out of masking tape... in the middle of an intersection!
Place a square or rectangle of masking tape about a foot or so beyond his desk on all four sides.
(NOTE: Painters tape is more easily removed than other kinds of masking tape if furniture is marked.)
Every hose, every connector got a little strip of masking tape so I knew where they went.
«No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch.»
A bit of green here, a piece of masking tape there, a wallpaper sample, a scratchy grid and an abundance of white — these are artful maneuvers, clumsily stated yet unfailingly elegant.
Binder, instead, works with acrylic spray paint; gesture - drawing faces and objects, while using the application and removal of masking tape to create crisp lines of illustration and various textures.
This work shows Langa's ability to brilliantly orchestrate anarchy — random ink lines, washes of colour, cryptic words and overlays of masking tape — into a visual coherence.
In previous series the artist presents, as the final work, compositions that simulate the presence on the canvas of masking tape debris or torn papers, as if the work was still in progress and is exhibited when still unfinished.
Odder examples of minimalist use of everyday objects include sticking a one - inch cube of masking tape on every wall in a building.
This work consists of masking tape on the floor and two framed collages on the wall.
In its entirety, Flayed Earth / Flayed Skin (Skin / Sink) is an installation, consisting of «a radiating spiral of masking tape affixed to the floor,» the book informs, as well as the text, which was both mounted on the wall and distributed as a brochure to visitors.
His delivery of mixing marble, plywood, and building material with the images of masking tape, clay, stickers, and ink doodles allows viewers to interpret the link between the support medium and the images as well as to read the artist's whimsical humor.
Step 2 For a clean line, lightly score the edge of the masking tape area before removing the tape.
Grab a roll of masking tape or painter's tape to lay out your hopscotch design.
Or you can go DIY and use a bit of masking tape — on your laptop, your smartphone, even your smart TV... If your job requires you to be on camera, such as for some conference calls, and you want to look a bit more pro you can buy a webcam cover.
The Japanese Nintendo Labo website has revealed five new sets of masking tape, which will be available at launch.
The two artists share something as basic as the use of masking tape (to achieve an almost perfect hard edge) and as crucial as the reliance on whim.
Lay out two diamonds on the floor with small pieces of masking tape as bases.
Whether it's a leaky faucet or a sliding screen door that won't close quite right, my approach was always to let it go for a few months before seeing what I could do with a role of masking tape.
The layer of masking tape was wound so tightly around its» body — so tight that the vets were having trouble cutting it out.
Made with tiny sable brushes without the aid of masking tape, Smith's paintings, conjuring an unusual combination of joyfulness... read more... «Cary Smith's hand - painted precision»
The result is an array of wall - sized canvases, whose stripes of an inch or so (usually the width of masking tape that greatly aided their making) fairly undulate with rhythm and unexpected pattern.
Her small markings are clearly formed by hand, not with the help of masking tape; and when these markings are connected by large, swooping, spiraling lines of color, her individual touch is made even more evident.
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