Sentences with phrase «of mastery over»

The goal of this type of therapy is to give children a sense of mastery over the event, allowing them to feel in control, and helping them develop a more positive outlook on their lives
The ultimate goal of crisis intervention play therapy is for the child to gain some feeling of mastery over traumatic experience through the realisation that it will no longer continue to impact on his / her life.
CBiT is a structured approach often used to help patients develop a sense of mastery over their Tics.»
Maintain names of websites, articles of interest, and people to look up on LinkedIn to refer to later, steps which will contribute to your sense of mastery over the process.
Often, this is «the only systematic opportunity in the first year to criticize students» degree of mastery over course material.»
Using these abilities and completing the levels is easy initially, but as the player progresses the levels become more difficult, and it will require quite a bit of mastery over Aaru's abilities as well as quick and precise actions to avoid getting killed.
In addition, you will also gain access to some of the deepest and darkest secrets of The Children of the Sun cult which will invariably lead you to the secret of their mastery over the infection.
What good is a luxury car that doesn't impart a feeling of mastery over one's environment — and even over the weather?
This idea of mastery over memorization is the core principle behind the Singapore Math Method used by Thinkster tutors.
Developing a sense of mastery over their own complex, unmapped, and emerging selves is no easy task for our students.
They felt a certain sense of mastery over the computer, and saw themselves as authors and digital citizens for the first time.
In the pages of popular fiction, the new Mistress Shaw would resist his advances, and reject any opportunity to sit in the throne of mastery over other enslaved peoples.
In an example of his mastery over the medium of film, Spielberg is able to (a) provide sufficient background for the uneducated viewer to understand the basics of the situation, (b) avoid oversaturating the film with exposition, (c) developing two compelling characters, and (d) keep the pace from flagging.
The higher reps are going to help you achieve a certain level of mastery over the move and the harder progression is going to feel more natural.
Psychologists tell us that visualizing concepts can help give us a sense of mastery over them.
The age of scientific discovery is giving way to the age of mastery over our world, says superstring theorist Michio Kaku, but are we really ready for it?
Innovation and imagination is what will continue to bring forward unprecedented levels of achievement in terms of our mastery over our natural resources.
To that question, Royce had a perfectly pragmatic answer: «the attainment of mastery over our experience» — in other words, concepts that make reality clear and predictable.

Not exact matches

«You can not extend the mastery of government over the daily life of a people without somewhere making it master of people's souls and thoughts.»
These days, employees and customers alike demand a sense of purpose and mastery over their lives.
This way they maintain their razor - sharp edge, and a complete mastery of the very same methods, strategies and tools that Tony Robbins continuously develops and uses as he helps millions of people — in more than 100 countries all over the world.
Throughout the course, you complete over 700 lessons and solve hundreds of labs to gain a mastery of programming fundamentals as well as build fully functioning web apps and a massive digital portfolio of your skills on GitHub
Throughout the course, you will complete over 700 lessons and solve hundreds of labs to gain a mastery of programming fundamentals as well as build fully functioning web apps and a massive digital portfolio of your skills on GitHub
«We are seeking a level of Mastery in understanding the fundamental truths that enable a business to earn superior returns, with a healthy margin of safety over the longest duration possible» Christopher Begg
The mastery of the human race over its natural environment has not, of course, been a uniform process.
Given that you openly state that an original text can only be interpreted from the perspective of a later text exemplifies on many levels the kind of misguided arrogance that people who think they have a superior mastery over knowledge of God typically exhibit.
Once in Africa, Schweitzer gradually came to understand what well may be the most important mistake made by the Europeans (and Americans) since the rise of Western civilization — namely, their pride in their superindustrialized «mastery» over the forces of Nature, a much - vaunted control which is leading to the destruction of our biosphere.
The bodily act of begetting, by which parents transmit their humanity to their children, can become an act of technical mastery over that part of nature which happens to be the human body.
Definition of OWN transitive verb 1 a: to have or hold as property: possess b: to have power or mastery over (
Their evil character was none of his doing, and if they entrapped him or gained mastery over him, that was the work of forces alien to himself.
These assumptions, which have their origins in a theologically motivated rejection of a classical understanding of God and creation, lead by an easy path to the view that human beings fully realize themselves by producing concepts that give us mastery over limitless possibilities — first mastery over nature, then over ourselves.
To live the values of this spiritual mastery over our selves is to realize a new power, a peace and joy that surpasses all other joys.
Securing solidarity and cooperation for this agenda, however, requires extending reason's mastery and control over social relations of distribution as well, so as to ensure that the possibilities of self - transcendence are widely shared by «humanity.»
This transition reaches maturity in those who have achieved a transparent mastery of the spirit over the movements of the flesh.
Science and technology have shown that our minds can master aspects of the cosmic unity of matter - energy - a unity over which only a greater mind (God) can have complete mastery.
However, today those hostile to modernity have argued that Western power leads only to the mastery of some men over others.
Excessive eating may also be an expression of the power urge in people who inwardly feel powerless, for nothing more clearly demonstrates mastery over things than does the act of devouring them.
The increasingly apparent growth, overriding the monstrous and chaotic human dispersal which so distresses us, of this force of auto - unification emerging from the psychic energies released by our technico - social mastery of the earth: this surely is a guarantee that, within our universe, the impulse of totalization must eventually triumph over the impulses of dispersal.
One is tempted to call them blind, since they fail to perceive that all these material instruments, ineluctably linked in their birth and development, are finally nothing less than the manifestation of a particular kind of super-Brain, capable of attaining mastery over some super-sphere in the universe and in the realm of thought.
The very existence of power relations, the inequality of the strong and the weak, the mastery of the former over the latter, the differentiation between ruler and ruled was attributed by nineteenth century liberals to autocratic government and is attributed by contemporary Marxists to the class structure of society.
If you could control your Thetan and gain mastery over Matter, Energy, Space and Time, would you still reject the teaching of L. Ron Hubbard?
For the act of resignation faith is not required, for what I gain by resignation is my eternal consciousness, and this is a purely philosophical movement which I dare say I am able to make if it is required, and which I can train myself to make, for whenever any finiteness would get the mastery over me, I starve myself until I can make the movement, for my eternal consciousness is my love to God, and for me this is higher than everything.
It was because of Patrick's knowledge of the cultural customs, his mastery of the language and his boldness that the Gospel soon spread throughout Ireland and he was able to establish churches all over the island.
The so - called mastery of nature in reality is nature's victory over human ignorance and self - will.
So when we read about Jesus Christ in the Bible, or when we read about how Christians are in Christ, it is important to not over-spiritualize word Christ, but instead to recognize that a statement is being bad about the Lordship and Mastery of Jesus over all things.
Nevertheless, as mysteries of the natural world are «explained,» and as man gains more and more mastery over nature, one particular necessity to invent «gods» tends to die away.
He proposed seven such amendments, including: «We will take charge over our genetic programming and achieve mastery of our biological and neurological processes... refining and augmenting our physical and intellectual abilities beyond those of any human in history» and «we will cautiously yet boldly reshape our motivational patterns and emotional responses... We will seek to improve upon typical human and emotional responses, bring about refined emotions.»
William Pollard sees technology today as a Promethean quest for human self - sufficiency, omnipotence, and complete mastery over nature, a celebration of man's glory rather than God's.
It remains an often brilliant exploration of the ways in which Western humanity has succeeded in creating a world in which all values have become subordinate to the demands of the human will, and in which knowledge and human creativity have become almost entirely confused, conceptually and practically, with the exercise of instrumental reason's mastery over all of reality.
If the husband has entered into marriage with a lack of self - mastery over his egoism, concupiscence or domineering attitudes, he can be helped to develop greater respect for the dignity and free personhood of his wife.
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