Sentences with phrase «of materials needed»

The manual also includes lists of materials needed for each session as well as a summary of the critical adherence items for each session.
The first thing you need to do is figure out the amount of material you need and the type of material that you want to use.
This template allows you to customize a list of materials needed for each class or subject.
For example, a startup candle company could start a lucrative business for the cost of the materials needed and website hosting costs.
But so far, these startups have struggled to produce the mass quantities of materials needed to support large commercial markets.
The setup of equipment and preparation of materials needed for the day's lesson are also commonly done by the assistant teacher.
Keeping a steady supply of the materials needed can be a challenge, but the savvy hunter should have no trouble.
In the economic dimension of life, liberation means the satisfaction of the material needs of men for health, nourishment, clothing and somewhere to live.
They often face obstacles in raising money quickly and at reasonable rates so that they can purchase a lot of materials they need to produce the order.
You can use the can itself to measure the size of the material needed.
Take care of permissions — While writing, an author might make a «mental note» of material she needs permission to use.
For instance, a mother sent her boy to a driving school because the price is just way to low, exclusion of the materials needed.
Standing between you and your coveted upgrades are the beasts who provide a substantial portion of the materials you need.
The type of job you're applying for has a direct influence on the depth and amount of material needed to put across the right impression.
However, if you have one of the materials needed for the upgrade, it should show up.
Read all about the initiative, see a full list of materials needed to join in and sign up to receive each activity in your inbox here.
Some are solely looking for a rich man to take care of their material needs.
Many of these Christmas tree crafts are budget - friendly, too; in fact, you just might find most of the materials you need in your supply of crafts!
I found however that I was able to get most of the materials I needed by mining on the ground via the Nomad, which involves launching a probe when in a resource - rich location.
Upgrading your weapons requires you to hand over monster parts, and you can view the list of materials needed by using the analog stick to highlight the next upgrade tier.
With so much of the materials needed already on hand, and partly because it's not overly Christmas themed, I thought this would make for a pleasant transition into the holiday table decor world.
Possession and Knowledge of the Materials needed to stay organized and get deals closed faster
Friedman hopes that market principles can save environmental diversity, that the global network will be used to organize environmental defense, and that technology will reduce the volume of materials needed for the economy and engineer new genetic forms.
Writ large, it can be argued that many of the material needs of the American poor have been relieved in the past century.
To do that in conventional semiconductor junctions, the crystalline structures of both materials need to match.
Perhaps this would all make more sense if the required resources were hard to find, but in my entire 50 + hours with the game I never once came across anything short of an abundance of materials needed to keep travelling.
For nuclear and renewables the Fatalities per TWh of electricity supplied are roughly in proportion to the quantity of materials needed per TWh over the plant life.
Looked after the usage of lab resources and ensured steady supply of materials needed through maintained records.
Assisted in printing of a variety of materials needed for the college campus, including: booklets, posters, brochures, and department - created text books.
Keeping track of materials needed to copy images to a CD for patients and inform Medical Assistant or Site Manager prior to running out.
Have a basic understanding of materials needed for this work, such as miniatures 4.
In view of the limited amount of material needed for such a power reactor, and of the spectacular character and difficulty of the steps necessary to divert it, we would regard such power reactors as safe provided there were a minimum of reasonable supervision of their design, construction, and operation.
Introduced a new system for processing library material holds to the [company name] cutting the time by more than half, reducing cost of materials needed to complete the task to a fraction and reducing the number of employees needed
Open House — Orientation Tips Here you will discover two fabulous classroom ideas for open house: a «giving tree» of materials needed in the room, apple name tags for parents, and thank - you postcards.
Looked through work orders to determine type and quantity of materials needed for each production batch.
If and in so far as socialism... means the satisfaction of material need and social justice in a material democracy, socialism is the symbol for the liberation of men from the vicious circle of poverty.
The PADI Instructor Development Course crewpak includes most of the materials needed to prepare for the Instructor Development Course.
Attended and observed Partnership Coalition Meeting and Louisville Metro Council Meeting and assisted with the preparation of materials needed for meetings
It will own a vast distribution apparatus; have the rights to more comedy programs than most of its competitors; and be producing much of the material they need to do battle with one another — as well as, inevitably, with Dynamics itself.
Rejuvené, a naturally - derived compound found only in Young Again food that helps keep the immune system in supply of the materials it needs to help it operate at peak performance.
This pre-lab activity would allow them to use different «chemical tools» to break down the various parts of the cell and, in the end, identify a list of materials needed to complete the DNA extraction lab.
Took measurements to calculate the area to be carpeted and the amount of materials needed for installation.
We previously showed the extraordinary amounts of materials needed to build a Tesla Model S.
All of these materials need to reflect the ways in which you will be collecting and using this data.
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