Sentences with phrase «of maximizing shareholder value»

Its mantra of maximizing shareholder value is distracting companies and their leaders from the innovation, strategic renewal, and investment in the future that require their attention.
Lack of long - term incentives and the requirements of maximizing shareholder value are the main obstacles to risk - taking in the private sector.
She warns that it would be difficult to superimpose the corporate model on an existing partnership — and that all concerned would have to be wary of the corporate goal of maximizing shareholder value.
Certainly, in the 1920's and 1930's, the idea of management running a company for the purpose of maximizing shareholder value was a totally «foreign» concept, one which didn't really come into the mainstream until the past decade and, even now, is certainly not an operative principle at all U.S. firms.
«This idea of maximizing shareholder value is an important reason why all that happened,» Wartzman said.
Fair or not, Welch became the face of maximizing shareholder value — the winners and the losers.
This is why, as a professional investor who is charged with looking after my shareholders» and clients» wealth and savings, I find it distressing when corporate boards and managements get distracted from their role of maximizing shareholder value.
REITs» professional management teams operate their businesses with the goal of maximizing shareholder value.
The Fund's strategy is value - oriented seeking to purchase shares at a discount to a company's true worth, as well as event - driven with the goal of maximizing shareholder value either through dividend increases, share buybacks, spin - offs or an outright sale.
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