Sentences with phrase «of mayoral control of city schools»

The mayor, however, has other fish to fry, including a longer - term extension of mayoral control of city schools.
The issue of mayoral control of city schools was not addressed and will be up for debate again when the legislative session resumes.
De Blasio once again this session will have to seek a retention of mayoral control of city schools after Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the Legislature approved a 12 - month extension of the policy.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday pushed back against Senate Republicans for criticizing his decision not to appear at a hearing on the future of mayoral control of city schools.
Seven years later, Assembly Speaker Heastie is thought to be Mayor Bill de Blasio's greatest ally in the fight to renew the system of mayoral control of city schools as is.
«While Carl took on [Gov.] Cuomo on behalf of the mayor, he wasn't very effective in doing so because he's basically afraid of the governor, and hence you wound up with just that one - year extension [of mayoral control of the city schools],» the lobbyist continued.
The mayor's chances of getting anything more than a one - year extension of mayoral control of city schools from state lawmakers look increasingly grim, as the Senate Republicans are not budging from their proposal to extend the power for just a year.
Mayor Bill de Blasio took his stump speech on the virtues of mayoral control of city schools to the United Federation of Teachers» annual spring conference on Saturday, after weeks of pushing Albany to renew his power over schools.
He barely managed to cling to another short term of mayoral control of the city schools that was due solely to a back - room deal where he agreed to stop denying unused city school space to charter schools.
Last night there appeared to be an agreement on a one year extension of Mayoral control of City schools but that now seems to have fallen apart.
No group in the city has amassed more political clout than the teachers union, which has scored a new contract for its members, helped block charter schools from expanding, pushed for the renewal of mayoral control of city schools, and ensured the city education budget continues to soar.
Last year, de Blasio sought a permanent extension of mayoral control of city schools, an ask that came amid ongoing tensions between the Senate GOP and the liberal New York City mayor.
The 2015 state legislative session had just come to an end, and the mayor had received a humiliating one - year extension of mayoral control of city schools.
While there are two Long Island races still being counted that could change things, it appears that Republicans will continue their hold on the state Senate, putting a dent in de Blasio's hopes for voting reform and other priorities, like a lengthy extension of mayoral control of city schools.
De Blasio traveled to Albany to press for reforms to the 421 - a program, New York City rent regulations, and an extension of mayoral control of city schools, but told reporters that he emerged from meetings with the governor and the Democrat - led Assembly with «no commitments.»
A frustrated de Blasio this week bashed Cuomo for undermining his efforts to accomplish his agenda in Albany, which included an extension of mayoral control of city schools, extending rent control for New York City and the renewal of the 421a tax abatement.
Meanwhile, de Blasio is seeking an extension of mayoral control of city schools.
It is likely that lifting the cap on charter schools by the end of the legislative session will be linked to an extension of mayoral control of city schools, or possibly expanding mayoral control to upstate cities like Buffalo.
And the mayor had another dismal year for his agenda in Albany, where the state Legislature voted for the second year in a row to grant him just a single - year extension of mayoral control of city schools.
Amid this onslaught, Mr. Cuomo and the Senate delivered a rebuke to the mayor this year by agreeing to only a one - year extension of mayoral control of city schools.
In 2009, Albany awarded Michael Bloomberg a seven - year extension of mayoral control of city schools.
In 2015, de Blasio went to Albany hoping for an extension of mayoral control of city schools, for reauthorization of rent - regulations, and for a change in the 421 - a tax abatement program, taking care to praise «the very positive elements» in Cuomo's address.
Then, in recent weeks, he began to criticize the governor explicitly, as he realized his top goals in Albany — a three - year - plus extension of mayoral control of city schools, rent reform and an overhaul of the 421 - a tax break — were in danger.
The end of session in Albany brought losses for the city, as the mayor's top three agenda items — a three - plus year extension of mayoral control of city schools, rent reform and an overhaul of the 421 - a tax break — all went unaccomplished.
The charter - space controversy comes as Mayor de Blasio attempts to secure an extension of mayoral control of city schools.
The mayor also insisted he would have won a longer extension of mayoral control of city schools had Cuomo not pressured the State Senate to push for a one - year deal.
The Democratic mayor had been negotiating in recent days with GOP Sen. Majority Leader John Flanagan over an extension of mayoral control of city schools, which ends June 30.
In the final hours of this year's legislative session, for instance, the Republican - controlled Senate demanded a number of concessions for charter schools in exchange for granting New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio a one - year extension of mayoral control of city schools.
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