Sentences with phrase «of mea»

Now i see, under the radar, giving no credit to Nick, we have a revision, a sort of mea culpa, that yes in fact he was right.
It would be even weirder as DLC, but the company may try it as a sort of mea culpa.
He had recently co-authored a sort of mea culpa for his enthusiastic support of supposed school reforms in Washington, DC.
In that sense, Wonder Wheel is the opposite of a mea culpa.
Now «Wee Dougie» has had his personal punishment for those mistakes, but shouldn't some of the PLP and Progress be holding up their hands in a bit of mea culpa.
Do I continue to hope, as I wrote earlier, that this Long Lent will bring us to resurrection and renewal, that the time of mea culpa will be succeeded by felix culpa, the celebration of happy fault that occasioned so great a redemption?
(CNN)-- In the ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Sha'ari, Joe Liebovitz explains why Jews burn bread for Passover.

Not exact matches

First, a mea culpa of sorts.
«Read through Zhang's apology and it is quickly apparent that this is a mea culpa made under extreme political pressure, in which Zhang, an engineer by background, ticks the necessary ideological boxes to signal his intention to fall into line,» David Bandurski, co-director of the China Media Project, wrote on the site.
CNBC's Phil LeBeau reports the latest mea culpa from United in the wake of the way they handled the incident with a passenger removed from an overbooked flight.
The Vancouver, Canada - based company's fall from grace began with the embarrassing revelation that some of its pants were see through and the non mea culpa of founder and chairman Chip Wilson, where he claimed in November that «some women's bodies just don't actually work» for the clothing.
So instead of theatrical mea culpas, GM has focused on solving the problem in the real courts, where fairness — not theatre — is the expectation.
Not for them the kind of televised mea culpa by CEO Michael McCain that set Maple Leaf Foods on the mend after its 2008 listeria outbreak.
In the wake of all the mea culpas of 2017, more states are likely to follow.
Zuckerberg's congressional testimony and his and other Facebook executives» mea culpa media blitz is perhaps the start of taking a hard look at privacy protection, data, and information manipulation online.
This mea culpa may be his way of getting them to reconsider.
One strategy the document puts forward is a «Letter from the CEO», essentially a mea culpa from Mark Karpeles that admits Mt. Gox's technology was inadequate to deal with the task of maintaining a bitcoin exchange, both in transaction volumes and response to the the malleability issue.
By August, the company, which sells thousands of drugs and says it fills one in every 13 American prescriptions, was making mea culpas and renewing its promise to «do what's right, not what's easy,» as the company's mission statement goes.
Sitting alone at a witness table before senators on Tuesday and House members on Wednesday, the co-founder of Facebook Inc. stuck closely to his intended theme that the world's largest social network didn't do enough to prevent its tools from being used for harm and to his mea culpa: «It was my mistake and I'm sorry.»
It's worth noting that Wynne offered her mea culpa not to the people of Ontario, i.e. the ones paying the usurious bills that drop through the mail slot, but to fellow Liberals meeting to discuss party issues, who were no doubt concerned at the government's plummeting popularity.
Check out HBO for Mea Maxima Culpa if you waht to learn both sides of the story.
Watch Mea Maxima Culpa, los of evidence.
To demand full mea culpa from all of the mentioned parties, however, is another thing entirely.
This is not a cheery thing to say during the Great Fifty Days of Easter, a time of feasting not fasting, a time for alleluias not mea culpa.
But the most significant mea culpa came in Albania from 145 representatives of «virtually all Christian confessions,» who said they were sorry for having abused each other.
In my view, these opinions expressed by the people of God should compel bishops to declare a profound mea maxima culpa.
A couple of weak mea culpas, a bit of mild self - deprication, and * pop * off to the races in attack mode.
Hi thanks for this cos that scripture has given mea lot of sleeplessnights.
I did not mean to imply that pacifists of the messianic community have consciously built upon liberal — humanistic pacifism (though my sentence can be so read — mea culpa), but only to point out what should be obvious to all: that the inroads pacifists of the messianic community have made in Roman Catholic and Protestant mainline circles can be traced to a prior acceptance of liberal — humanistic pacifism by many in those circles.
Because a depressingly signficant number of people were freaked out by the idea that a phone app might not be pro-choice, the CEO of one of history's greatest tech companies felt the need to issue a mea culpa.
Three changes occurred: (1) the prayer and the accompanying exchange of peace, which had followed the Agnus Dei, nowprecede it; (2) the prayer itself is no longer said silently, but rather is recited aloud; and (3) the possessive adjective modifying «sins» in the Latin text has been changed from the singular mea (my sins) to the plural nostra (our sins)-- a change, which subsequently found its way into the vernacular translations.
Yeh I agree with you on the first part David — it was stupid of me to engage with Sabio for the reason not unlike you describe — mea culpa.
Start with Mea Maxima Culpa or Boys of St. Vincent, watch, learn and just maybe you won't be such a hypocrite.
Towards the end came the Magnficat (the song Luke put into the mouth of Mary the mother of Jesus in his version of the Gospel), with its inspiring poetry, Magnficat anima mea Dominum, «My soul doth magnify the Lord... He that is mighty hath done great things for me: and holy is his name... He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts... He hath put down the mighty from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meek... He hath filled the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent empty away.»
Do your diet a favor and but together one of these protein - rich snacks instead — the little boost of protein will help keep you feeling full until your next mea!
The name manapua comes from the Hawaiian phrase «mea ono puaa» which translates to «pork pastry» or «mauna puaa» which means «mountain of pork».
A double - bogey there and a bogey on his way out of The Trap gave Lowry a 5 - over 75 for his final - round efforts and he was in no mood to issue any mea culpa afterward.
In the aftermath of the Yang comment, Jenkins couldn't even muster an apology, leaving Golf Digest editor Jerry Tarde to offer a boilerplate mea culpa.
So he endured a few days of merciless heckling and booing from the party at the 16th, then delivered his usual mea culpa apologizing for his original comments.
So following an unprecedented collapse — just as you aren't supposed to come out of nowhere to win a national title, you aren't supposed to win a title and fall to 3 - 9 two years later — Auburn basically issued a mea culpa of sorts, replacing Chizik with the guy he marginalized following the national title.
Ali himself, after his public mea culpa, kept piously mum for as long as one could reasonably expect of so loquacious a fellow.
not a peep from the wenger junkies must be experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms... i hope they took my advice and stocked up on the chicken soup... they have been defending this relic over a decade of decline yet do nt have the decency to come out with a mea culpa and call for him to go... shame on you all
And that's exactly what captain Juli Inkster's players did after what unfolded on the 17th green in the match that ended in tears, finger - pointing on both sides of the field, the thrilling surge by Team USA, and an eventual emotional mea culpa from the embattled Pettersen.
Ironically, those who have abused our struggling players in the past would then follow up their mea culpa with immediate abuse of a current struggling player.
Had Fergie been at the helm, he could have held his hands up, said something like «mea culpa, I took my eye of the ball and did n`t replace some players soon enough, but this will only be a one season blip believe me» and he would probably have got away with it, and been able to sign some top talent, but not this guy.
A lengthy, well - researched, and powerful article in the Spring 2015 issue of the NCAA's Champion magazine, not only reports the belief of many top concussion experts that the media narrative about sports - related concussion trace has been dominated by media reports on the work of Dr. Ann McKee, which was the centerpiece of PBS Frontline's League of Denial, but Dr. McKee's, however belated, mea culpa that «There's no question [that her autopsies finding evidence of CTE in the brains of most of the former athletes were] a very biased study,» that they involved «a certain level of... sensationalism», that there were «times when it's overblown» and went «a little too far.»
I wrote Mea a note and stuck it in her lunchbox the first day of school.
The mea culpa came during the latest in a series of candidate debates.
Despite mea culpas and the public backing of his boss, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Kevin Jennings, a so - called schools czar in the Obama administration, continues to be the target of a conservative campaign against his long - ago actions as a schoolteachers.
BTW - I mean't to say to you Sunder, that although I disagree with a lot of your articles - I think you should be praised to the heavens (forgive the religious reference) for your blog allowing a very catholic (there I go again!)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z