Sentences with phrase «of meaningful campaign finance reform»

«Campaign finance reform should not be a partisan issue, but Senator Klein is a Democrat and intends to work with his colleagues in the I.D.C. and the party to ensure passage of meaningful campaign finance reform
Horner concludes: «Given the tremendous institutional power of the executive, the support of the state Assembly, and the apparent support among many Senators, the fate of meaningful campaign finance reform will hinge on whether the governor can round up the necessary Senate votes....

Not exact matches

Flanagan needs to allow meaningful campaign finance reform and limitations on outside income to come to the floor for every member to take a position on this session or he will be sitting in the back row of the minority caucus come January!
● Enact meaningful campaign finance reform to get big money out of our state and local politics.
Anything short of limiting outside income and meaningful campaign finance reform is just another quick fix.
The biggest obstacle to meaningful campaign finance reform is Dean Skelos who re-affirmed his opposition to public financing right after the State of the State.
If a good portion of the corruption comes from downstate Dems that is more reason for Flanagan to stand up for limits on outside income and meaningful campaign finance reform.
But if Albany is serious about fixing its problems, a better system of contracting, new limits on campaign finance, new ethics restrictions on outside income, and the creation of an independent enforcer, are major components of meaningful reforms.
Jeffries noted that Gov. Cuomo's backing will be crucial to the success of the Fair Elections Act: «We need his leadership on this issue, and I'm convinced if he decides to lead and move this forward, we can get meaningful campaign finance reform in New York State.»
These reforms will restore public confidence in our government through stricter campaign finance rules, increased transparency and meaningful ethics oversight of lawmakers.
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