Sentences with phrase «of meaningful conversation»

Also, I'm still trolling through Miiverse for some glimmer of meaningful conversation.
In order to have any sort of meaningful conversation about this — and these movies are nothing if not gushing valentines to the joy of long, meaningful conversations — we're going to have divulge a few things.
The film is more ephemeral than anything the director has ever done; it is that murder - mystery party you and your pals dress up for in a suburban living room as a convoluted excuse to hang out without the bother of attempting any kind of meaningful conversation.
@hinduism source of hindufilthyracism — you are obviously ignorant and not deserving of a meaningful conversation.
The hosts provided guests with index cards featuring examples of meaningful conversation starters, like suicide prevention and dominatrixes.
Your fit rate is calculated by determining the number of meaningful conversations (or, better yet, the number of sales qualified leads - SQLs) that your salespeople need to talk with to get to the point where you're able to make a proposal (or formal request to buy).
Newman saw Rome as gain, but there was also loss: Loss of filial affection, loss of meaningful conversations, loss of physical contact with nieces and nephews, all of which took their toll on him over the years.
I had a number of meaningful conversations during the Jewish New Year festivities, but my favorite was at a break - the - fast gathering, where I met a lovely woman who had spent the last year working with traumatized female veterans.
Try to have a good number of meaningful conversations; don't monopolise one person.

Not exact matches

Bucketfeet is a footwear company that collaborates with a global community of artists to design limited - edition shoes with the goal of sparking meaningful conversations to create a brighter world.
Carr says the Liberals intend to have more «meaningful conversations with indigenous communities,» whose principles of land and water stewardship will be embedded in new policies and processes.
People share a lot of information, and if you take the time to listen to what they are saying, you will be in the best possible position to have meaningful conversations with the right people, and offer «just the thing» they want or need at that moment.
So whilst the closed door discussions will be about how to keep the status quo regardless of the rapidly increasing power costs and breakdown of service that is now being experienced around the country, the open conversations being had by the people are excited discussions about the future because we trust the likes of Elon Musk and Mike Cannon - Brookes to get the job done more than we trust big power and Government to come to any kind of meaningful and affordable long term solution.
When meaningful conversations are part of the way an organization manages, work cultures change.
This makes for more meaningful conversations and ensures that I'm likely to meet the right people at the right time for the betterment of my business and life.
In a statement on Friday, Chase Carey, Fox's president and chief operating officer, said Hulu's owners «had meaningful conversations with a number of potential partners and buyers, each with impressive plans and offers to match.»
«By engaging in meaningful conversations, we manage to impose meaning on an otherwise pretty chaotic world, and inter-personally, as you find this meaning, you bond with your interactive partner, and we know that interpersonal connection and integration is a core fundamental foundation of happiness,» Mehl told the New York Times.
Get in the habit of talking to people; you never know when a casual conversation might lead to a meaningful opportunity or a significant introduction.
Also surprising: Young people with the highest rates of social media use reported very similar feelings of loneliness to those who barely use it, Still, Cordani says, «meaningful social interaction» was seen as key to reducing isolation so more face - to - face conversations are needed.
«By taking the lead on the conversation, you're getting other people to focus on the positive and meaningful parts of life.
Elevating the conversation from day - to - day responsibilities to big - picture vision will help potential candidates see the role as an opportunity to be a part of something truly meaningful, rather than just another paycheck.
Trying to make everyone in the office best friends is a bad idea for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have meaningful conversations outside of a typical work environment.
I am not as hyper - focused, but try to have a meaningful conversation with only about five people at every event I attend or for each day of a conference.
By having a meaningful conversation with one or two people outside of your department on a daily basis, you gain a much clearer picture of how your work impacts the rest of the company.
The survey concluded that given access to solid sales intelligence, sales reps were able to have meaningful, and mutually beneficial, initial conversations with each and every one of their target prospects.
This means that on top of surveys, they should go out and have meaningful conversations with prospects, shadow them as they work, and interview them about their problems.
Exclusive access to an invitation - only council of CIOs that connects members and portfolio company entrepreneurs to provide introductions, forge meaningful partnerships and engage in thoughtful conversations about business and technology trends.
The first day of Swell concluded on October 15, and the program delivered on its promise to facilitate meaningful conversations about the future of digital assets, as well as the...
But being able to walk into a room of strangers, carry yourself with composure, have conversations that are meaningful and walk out with contacts is a skill that takes practice.
Keep track of potential deals, questions, comments, and requests — and start having better more meaningful customer conversations.
According to Harvard Business Review, companies that try to contact potential customers within 1 hour of receiving an inquiry are nearly 7 times more likely to have a meaningful conversation with a key decision maker.
In January of this year, Facebook announced that in order to earn a prominent spot in users» newsfeeds, content (including brand and publisher content) had to have the potential of creating «meaningful interaction» (i.e., real conversations) among regular users.
Social media is an essential tool for getting your content in front of your target consumers; it also can serve as a powerful engagement platform in its own right, enabling brands to conduct meaningful, two - way conversations that are more timely and relevant than other content formats might allow.
She serves clients globally across a diverse set of industries facilitating meaningful conversations within and across multiple generations on matters relating to firm continuity, next generation preparation, governance and, when needed, conflict resolution.
In the wake of the shooting, students are demanding a more meaningful conversation on gun regulation, Robert Runcie, superintendent of the Broward County schools acknowledged at a news conference Thursday.
I'd take a deep / meaningful conversation with a human being (of any faith / non-faith) over a volume of systematic theology any day.
I have heard thousands of prayers in prayer meetings that are genuine, heart - felt, meaningful, conversations with God about Who He is, what He has done, and how we would like Him to help us live life and serve Him better.
Those of us in the middle need to join the conversation in meaningful ways.
For churches already heavily invested (monetarily and otherwise) in computer technology in worship, moving toward this kind of limited use may be a first step in recognizing the effects of PowerPoint in worship and in generating meaningful conversation.
These rules have «created an arena where people of different faith commitments can work together and have meaningful conversations
CLEARLY this was a hit for a lot of folks and started meaningful conversation as I scrolled down past the 60 plus comments to add mine.
Professor Alice Roberts talks to us about why we need to understand the connections with food, the environment and human health — and why we need to start by engaging a meaningful conversation with communities to increase general awareness, maybe even with the help of sociologists, philosophers, poets and artists.
Often, kids prefer to simply «serve their sentence» rather than have a meaningful conversation with their parents about the reasons for and impact of their lie.
Holding a space, setting a tone, interacting one - on - one in real and meaningful conversations, and... (best part of all, for me anyway), watching the connections between people that happen when they gather in a space of likeminded individuals.
Since 3 year old kids are not well known for keeping deep and meaningful conversations, I have to think of ways to connect with her, or she becomes a little monster that nobody can tame.
Another section of the book I found very helpful was how to foster meaningful conversations and success with our children.
Daily Parent Page: Parents will receive an email after each day of camp with photos, a summary of the day's accomplishments, and questions to spark meaningful conversation at the dinner table.
Through a few simple yet meaningful things such as frequent conversations between his parents and teachers, his mother's involvement in the classroom, and stimulation of his natural curiosity at home, Dylan's parents have helped their son gain a sense that school is important and that doing his best at schoolwork is his current role in life.
And, Rhonda Richardson, PhD, co-author of «What Kids REALLY Want to Ask: Using Movies to Start Meaningful Conversations»» A Guidebook for Parents and Children Ages 10 - 14.
- A time when I have the best and deepest, most meaningful conversations with my kids... still my favourite time of the day.MB
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