Sentences with phrase «of meaningful legislation»

Obviously the situation in the US is a peculiar one, and from where I'm sitting it seems pretty obvious that for the time being any hopes of meaningful legislation (or any legislation at all) to combat climate change are dead — Obama had his chance in the earlier part of his term and didn't take it.
Cuomo urged Felder to reconsider, and said that unless the Democrats take the Senate, there's little chance of meaningful legislation passing.
And, for better or for worse, that's what they did - Obama was effectively neutered after 2010, and accomplished little in the way of meaningful legislation after that election.

Not exact matches

Ms. Reiter said the governor's appointees would support a meaningful raise only if the Legislature — which is not due back in the capital until early January — held a special session before the end of this year to pass legislation that would «address the public's concern and opposition by making the position effectively full - time and limiting outside income.»
The New York State AFL - CIO is willing to continue to work with Governor Paterson and both houses of the legislature to pass meaningful Unemployment Insurance legislation that accomplishes the goals of helping individuals who have been victimized by the current recession, and bringing our economy out of this historic economic downturn.»
Recognizing a role for the federal government in helping Lyme sufferers like Kaleigh and their advocates like Holly, Chris worked across party lines to get meaningful legislation through the House of Representatives.
Obviously we await the details of the legislation, which are important, and the decisions that face the State Education Department will be critical: this evaluation system must do more than simply exist — it must be meaningful.
WHEREAS, the legislation fails to offer any meaningful solution to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not belong, on the back of law - abiding citizens and as unfunded mandates for county governments; and
WHEREAS, this legislation fails to offer any meaningful solutions to gun violence and places increased burdens where they do not belong, squarely on the backs of law - abiding citizens; and
With just three scheduled days left in the legislative session and the corruption trial of several close associates of Governor Andrew Cuomo for their roles in a bid - rigging scandal scheduled to commence in October, the Legislature has yet to pass any meaningful legislation to prevent such abuses of the procurement process.
«The Commons,» he writes, «should schedule its own business; select committees need more powers and resources to get to the bottom of the misdeeds of banks or government departments; backbench MPs should have a meaningful opportunity to introduce legislation that has wide support.
«NELA NY is against the current Senate and Governor's bill in their present form and we urge them to pass meaningful legislation that advances protections for employees who are victims of unlawful discrimination,» said Miriam Clark, president of NELA NY, in a statement.
Aside from the failure of the US Congress to pass meaningful climate and energy legislation, there is some good news for a domestic energy revolution.
The deaths of a climate scientist and of meaningful climate - change legislation bode poorly for a prosperous energy - independent future.
In the wake of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals» recent decision to uphold most of the state's immigration enforcement legislation, Senate Bill 4, we renew our call for the San Antonio Independent School District to provide meaningful protections for our undocumented students and their families, and ask that our district make ensuring the safety of our most vulnerable community members its top priority.
These examples of the pathways set out for districts and schools by legislation are only as meaningful as they are high - quality, relevant, and implemented with boldness.
That's because if Californians — and teachers especially — had a second to look inside the legislation, they'd see that lawmakers are about to remove any chance that the state's educators have of receiving the meaningful feedback and support they need and want to improve their craft.
Especially with a cadre of new governors and legislators taking office, along with issues that intersect with education such as criminal justice reform on the agenda, reformers should use the time now to pass meaningful legislation that will help all of our children.
As the proposed legislation now stands, Connecticut parents would continue to have virtually no meaningful protections when it comes to the use of data collected about their children.
TEO seeks to advance meaningful legislation that would allow for every child in Texas the opportunity to attend the school of their parent's choice, specifically in the form of an education savings account.
TEO seeks to advance meaningful legislation that would allow for every child in Texas the opportunity to attend the school of their parent's choice.
We soon realized, however, that despite the deplorable conditions in puppy mills and periodic exposés (even Oprah did one), legislators at the state and federal level were reluctant to pass meaningful legislation to improve the conditions of commercial breeding operations because puppy mills fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture and their state equivalents, and dogs in puppy mills are considered to be livestock, and animal welfare of any stripe is a much harder sell in those circles than it should be, sadly.
We must seize the grass roots momentum that started last year, and like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the grass roots organization that placed the wrongfulness of drunk driving into the minds of everyone, we must let legislators and other elected officials know that we do not want lip service and a mysterious end to animal welfare legislation; we want meaningful change for companion animals in Oklahoma.
Furthermore (although I have no idea of whether Spencer was aware of it at the time of writing) Barack Obama has said that absent meaningful legislation on emissions within the first 18 months of inauguration, should he win he will allow the EPA to have the authority to regulate GHG emissions as dangerous pollutants.
After years of first trying to deny the facts about climate change, then dragging his feet on doing something about it, now President Bush wants to pre-empt any meaningful legislation and claim that as his «legacy».
The protest, organized by environmental groups, comes after a separate three - day stretch of activities in Washington for young people, called Power Shift 09, including a day of lobbying their elected representatives to pursue meaningful climate and energy legislation.
This meaningful legislation addresses our moral obligation to protect families from toxic contamination in the products we use every day in our homes, houses of worship, and local businesses.»
The stakes also are huge for Obama, who has little chance of pushing major climate legislation through a divided Congress but has vowed to take meaningful action against emissions that raise carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Aside from the failure of the US Congress to pass meaningful climate and energy legislation, there is some good news for a domestic energy revolution.
Still, despite a host of climate change bills introduced in both the House and the Senate in the 113th Congress, the passage of meaningful climate legislation was not yet in the cards, and is even less of a possibility today given the current political climate.
Since international climate change negotiations began in 1990, the United States has yet to adopt meaningful greenhouse gas emissions reduction legislation For almost 20 years arguments against US climate change legislation or US participation in a global solution to climate change have been made that have almost always been of two types.
Jane Meyer says the Koch brothers» PAC has representatives pledging to vote against «legislation relating to climate change unless it is accompanied by an equivalent amount of tax cuts» and that «the pledge essentially commits those who sign to it to vote against nearly any meaningful bill regarding global war [m] ing».
BUT: With climate and energy legislation stalled in the Senate, there appears to be slippage in the direction of an energy - only bill, without any clear path to getting the support needed to pass a bill that includes a meaningful climate policy mechanism (such as an emissions cap).
In June of 2009, passage of meaningful climate legislation in the Senate was already unlikely, because of the terrible economic recession in which the country found itself, and — of even greater political salience --- lingering high rates of unemployment.
«Given the uncertain political climate after the elections and the start of the new «rate - payer impact statement» next year, we worry the window to achieve some of the most meaningful climate change legislation in over a decade will close at midnight Wednesday.»
In the longer term, Obama will need to work on building a broad base of public support and on grassroots political pressure to change our political systems (especially in Congress) so that we can pass meaningful, bipartisan legislation on climate change.
In today's hyper - politicized Senate, where any bill requires a 60 - vote majority, it is nearly impossible to pass any meaningful piece of legislation, let alone one so important.
Yes, the previous administration deserves every ounce of criticism thrown at it for their failure to enact any meaningful legislation that would slow global warming.
Duke Energy is a member of the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, which has been criticized for including member companies that actually worked to derail meaningful climate legislation.
These campaigns always pretend to offer inspiration about we can do in America if we set our minds and hearts to it, but in fact the real message is what we can't do: we can't power America without coal, we can't keep our lights on without destroying Appalachia, and most important of all, we can't pass meaningful carbon legislation without wrecking the American economy.
This leaves precious little time for the Federal government to craft meaningful legislation that follows the guidelines set out by the Supreme Court which would permit hastening death on behalf of mentally competent patients facing a «grievous and irremediable medical condition».
«If what the framers of the legislation had in mind was that the leave test was going to be a meaningful obstacle that would screen out cases, there's no indication in the two cases that have decided leave so far that that's going to happen,» he said.
The case involved legislation passed by Saskatchewan provincial government concerning essential services, but which effectively removed any right to strike from large portions of the public service without any meaningful mechanism to challenge the government's decisions concerning which services were essential.
The HPRB reasoned that «the legislation made the complainant an active party to the review and that it would undermine the intent of the legislation and the ability of the complainant to be an active and meaningful participant if documents, generally speaking, were not made available to the complainant.»
While this kind of language provides the CRTC with a nice out, it does nothing to provide meaningful guidance to legal practitioners, individuals or businesses that are just trying to navigate some very complex legislation.
Legislative drafting is a technical art, subject to a lot of very useful conventions to ensure that legislation is internally consistent and consistently meaningful.
«What is particularly concerning is the uncontested fact that Alberta and AUPE had come to meaningful agreements on certain issues during collective bargaining, but rather than respecting those points of common ground Alberta has by legislation «wiped the slate clean» when it unilaterally imposed all terms from the 2011 Collective Agreement,» the judge said.
I share the author's interest in «comprehensive, meaningful criminal justice reform,» especially any form of federal legislation that «eliminates mandatory minimums, reduces the prison population, and addresses the disparate impact of our criminal justice system on communities of color.»
[104] This Court suggested in Sparrow that the following factors will be relevant in determining whether a law of general application results in a meaningful diminution of an Aboriginal right, giving rise to breach: (1) whether the limitation imposed by the legislation is unreasonable; (2) whether the legislation imposes undue hardship; and (3) whether the legislation denies the holders of the right their preferred means of exercising the right (at p. 1112).
These gaps allow contentious legislation — think: Bill C - 51, the Fair Elections Act, the omnibus mandatory minimums crime bill, and the bill limiting refugee access to Canada — to be passed without open, adequate, and meaningful consideration of their constitutional vulnerabilities (i.e. if, how, and to what extent a proposed law may violate the Charter).
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