Sentences with phrase «of meconium aspiration syndrome»

The Epidemiology of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: Incidence, Risk Factors, Therapies, and Outcome

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The authors chose to evaluate the results by creating an index of primary events comprising intrapartum stillbirths, early neonatal deaths, neonatal encephalopathy [brain damage] meconium aspiration syndrome, brachial plexus injury, and fractured humerus or clavicle.
Intrapartum stillbirths and early neonatal deaths accounted for 13 % of events, neonatal encephalopathy for 46 %, meconium aspiration syndrome for 30 %, brachial plexus injury for 8 %, and fractured humerus or clavicle for 4 % (see appendix 8 on for distributions by planned place of birth).
Main outcome measure A composite primary outcome of perinatal mortality and intrapartum related neonatal morbidities (stillbirth after start of care in labour, early neonatal death, neonatal encephalopathy, meconium aspiration syndrome, brachial plexus injury, fractured humerus, or fractured clavicle) was used to compare outcomes by planned place of birth at the start of care in labour (at home, freestanding midwifery units, alongside midwifery units, and obstetric units).
The primary outcome was a composite of perinatal mortality and specific neonatal morbidities: stillbirth after the start of care in labour, early neonatal death, neonatal encephalopathy, meconium aspiration syndrome, brachial plexus injury, fractured humerus, and fractured clavicle.13 This composite measure was designed to capture outcomes that may be related to the quality of intrapartum care, including morbidities associated with intrapartum asphyxia and birth trauma.
If your doctor notices stool in the amniotic fluid that your baby has inhaled, it may affect the airways of your baby and cause meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS).
Two babies had meconium aspiration syndrome, another was thought to have aspirated clear amniotic fluid, and the fifth had evidence of meconium aspiration although none was seen during labour.
Meconium aspiration syndrome (they may choke on their own first bowel movements because of a lessened amount of amniotic fluid and increased amount of bowel movements in utero)
Rates of perinatal mortality, 5 - minute Apgar scores, meconium aspiration syndrome or need for transfer to a different hospital for specialized newborn care were very similar for the home birth group and for births in hospital attended by a physician.
«We found that babies exposed to opioids pain relievers were more likely to be born preterm, have complicated births, low birth weight and have complications such as meconium aspiration syndrome (a sign of infant distress at birth) and respiratory distress,» said lead author Stephen Patrick, M.D., MPH, assistant professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy in the Division of Neonatology with the Monroe Carell Jr..
These outcomes were perinatal mortality and a composite of neonatal morbidity (defined as neonatal intensive care admission, sepsis, meconium aspiration, necrotizing enterocolitis, respiratory distress syndrome or intraventricular hemorrhage).
While many children suffer meconium aspiration at birth with few long - term effects, some will develop meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) as a result of breathing in the waste products they excreted in the womb.
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