Sentences with phrase «of medical reasons»

You may need a c - section because of medical reasons that affect your pregnancy.
There can be a number of medical reasons that can cause cats to be particularly anxious, fearful or reactive (and subsequently aggressive).
All those health conditions are pretty high on the list of medical reasons for disability claims, so the policies are priced accordingly.
There are a multitude of medical reasons why babies need formula, including stabilizing their blood sugar — which is a common problem for larger babies and babies born to diabetic mothers.
I told her that not all babies make it to term for a variety of medical reasons.
Aside from a short list of medical reasons — recent pelvic surgery, open heart surgery, that sort of thing — there is no reason not to use seat belts.
There are a host of medical reasons and conditions that can prevent you from giving birth anywhere other than in a hospital.
We have relocated my mother back in the states because of medical reasons / safety concerns.
Just as humans are treated by specialists for a variety of medical reasons, animals should be treated by veterinary specialists when advanced care is warranted.
However, if you are taking the product for strength training purposes instead of medical reasons, a prescription is not required, and you'll be able to take Sustanon pills or Sust 250 tablets instead of injections.
While it's a good idea to avoid having a c - section for non-medical reasons, there are plenty of medical reasons to skip a vaginal delivery.
There really are a slew of medical reasons for this ultrasound since the baby's organs are clearly visible and many medical issues and potential problems can be spotted, but of course, the Big Reason many of us get super jazzed about the ultrasound is because of the Big Reveal of the baby's sex.
Well, what would you do when a mother has low supply of milk or can't feed b «se of medical reasons?
Having traded a Pontiac ssei sedan for the van beacuse of medical reasons we've found many of the amenities of the sedan lacking in the van and not available as an option.
Until the law is changed, Border Collie Rescue welcomes applications from private individuals for dogs to perform the role of Assistance or Therapy dogs but would need to have confirmation of the applicants ability to train the dog to behave responsibly in a public place and would also need evidence of a medical reason why the applicant needs such a dog.
There are hundreds of medical reasons people are unable to work and need Social Security disability benefits to help them pay bills and buy food.
Has he seen his doctor, there can be all sorts of medical reasons for loss of libido, like depression or stress.
Other players may transfer out of the program (running back Kareem Walker is a favorite name for speculation) or decide they are done playing football because of medical reasons, as was the case with 2017 signee Corey Malone - Hatcher.
Doctors may need to induce delivery prior to 39 weeks for a number of medical reasons: hypertension, diabetes, a problem in the growth of the fetus or abnormalities with the amniotic fluid.
In most cases, color contacts, eyeglasses or sunglasses needed for cosmetic reasons instead of medical reasons are generally not covered by insurance.
Although any one person's chances for achieving a pregnancy will vary due to a number of medical reasons, many clinics in San Diego have excellent IVF success rates.
You have to formula - feed your baby for a short term because of a medical reason but want to resume it when possible.
You should always place your baby on their back to sleep and not on their front or side (unless your doctor has advised you of a medical reason to do so)
An investigation into whether the senior MP Keith Vaz broke parliamentary rules by paying male escorts has been suspended because of medical reasons.
But if you're not guilty of any of these and your doctor has cleared you of medical reasons, you might want to incorporate more fatty foods into your diet.
So what are some of the medical reasons to get your hug on?
my grandfather lives with me because of medical reasons but that does nt interfere with anything.
Obedience classes usually require their canine students to be six months old because of medical reasons — to protect the participants, dogs in class need to have their permanent vaccinations, some of which can't be given until age six months.
If you are leaning toward applying for guaranteed / no questions life insurance because of medical reasons, don't pull the trigger quite yet.
Compassionate benefits include a visit of one immediate family member in case of hospitalisation, repatriation because of medical reasons or death of a family member resulting in interruption in study, and reimbursement of tuition fee of the remaining period in the event of death of the sponsor.
If your application is declined because of medical reasons, an independent agent is likely to have an alternative product that will help meet your needs.
It gives me so much hope as a mama to a girl that may herself be looking at adopting one day because of medical reasons.
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