Sentences with phrase «of mental energy»

Some days one doesn't want to put a lot of mental energy into creating new and fresh outfits.
With the amount of mental energy spent on that, we could start a revolution.
With adequate fluency, a reader can focus the majority of mental energy on the word meanings and purpose of the entire text.
But, if you're like most lawyers setting up a new business, you don't have a lot of mental energy for designing business cards or websites.
So much of my mental energy and thoughts over the years have been consumed with thinking about my body and wanting to be thinner.
Not only are your worries a waste of mental energy, but they might also begin to make your partner feel controlled.
In fact, we often can not help ourselves: We have run out of the mental energy we need to make smart choices.
After all, if most of your mental energy is focused on your matrix of credit issues, there won't be much left over for anything else, including having fun.
Doing things that don't mean anything costs [us] a ton of mental energy.
With work being so busy and tiring, I find that I don't have a lot of mental energy left for the evenings.
Individuals with neurological damage often report difficulties with cognitive fatigue, a subjective lack of mental energy that is perceived to interfere with daily activities.
We all have a finite store of mental energy for exercising self - control.
Quite simply: Why spend years of mental energy wishing to live in another location?
They both absorb a very high amount of mental energy.
Expect to dedicate most of your mental energy and a considerable amount of your physical time and energy to training and caring for this animal and turning it into a skilled assistant.
Training takes a lot of mental energy for both dogs and trainers, so short sessions are best.
I had a client who put an amazing amount of mental energy into meeting her idol, Kathy Ireland, whose worldwide retail empire is estimated to be worth some $ 350 million.
And you expend a lot of mental energy thinking about — and fretting about — your career prospects.
I would deliberately pace myself so I that I spent only 80 percent of my mental energy throughout the day.»
Instead of spending a great deal of mental energy over every sweet craving, I shortcut the process.»
A large reserve of mental energy combined with mental toughness.
What's not OK is spending every ounce of mental energy «fixing» things about the way you look.
One of the best decisions we made when beginning this process was creating capsule wardrobes, as it has saved hours of time, hundreds of dollars, and lots of mental energy deciding what to wear.
v - Pratyhara (sense - control): Pratyahara is the removal of the senses, withdrawal of the mental energy inwards or attachment to objects & external focuses while preparing the mind for meditation.
It's a form of mental energy that, like an overworked muscle, can get exhausted and stop functioning optimally.
I'm currently spending a lot of mental energy trying to maintain my * own * sanity without worrying about adventurers, so I don't think this game is for me.
The time - starved spend much of their mental energy juggling time.
In the early part of the 20th century Freud's view of attachment, or these «bonds of mental energy» (Freud, 1989), was that they were so significant that when there was a threat to attachment it would necessarily bring about activation of one of the predefined defined defense mechanisms, which would in turn play a large part in the development of the individual's personality.
(Besides, constantly worrying about what your employees are doing is a waste of mental energy.)
We have a limited amount of mental energy, and as we exhaust this energy, our decision - making and productivity decline rapidly.
Researchers at Yale University and the University of British Columbia found that women with high levels of «cognitive dietary restraint» (putting a lot of mental energy into restricting certain foods) had significantly higher cortisol levels, bigger appetites, increased consumption of sweets, more negative moods, and higher body - fat levels — even despite getting more exercise.
«Children seem to be more interested in fulfilling one accomplishment and taking it to its limit before spending a lot of mental energy on some other aspect of development,» says Kessler.
Using an effective trading method that is also easy to understand and implement will give you the mental clarity and time to focus 80 % on money management and discipline whilst only needing about 20 % of your mental energy for analyzing the markets and finding trades.
Damont Morgan, a seventh grader, would prefer to get core academic classes that take a lot of mental energy out of the way in the morning and go to electives in the afternoon.
You will lose faith in yourself and in the future, and waste an enormous amount of mental energy.
When you're performing lat pulldowns, you need to focus all of your mental energy on the pull of the weight using only the muscles that you want to activate — the ones in your upper back.
Regardless of whether you're striving to hit a new one rep max, trying to build as much muscle as possible, preparing for an endurance competition or trying to channel all of your mental energy into a creative project, caffeine, along with its numerous positive effects, should be a staple ingredient in everyday life.
Reappraisal demands a substantial amount of mental energy, and it can be even harder in individuals having anxiety or depression, since both are characterized by chronic negative rumination or negativity, making it difficult to see the positive.
So much of our mental energies are spent ruminating over the past or projecting into the future when luscious life lessons are being offered in the now.
Here's the thing: Blogging takes lots of mental energy, and lately it feels like all of mine is going toward keeping up with mothering and my day job.
Over thinking devour all of your mental energy and thinking processes and mental health.
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