Sentences with phrase «of metabolic waste»

Instead, B12 increased the amount of metabolic waste products produced by B12.
This is because they are loaded with Vitamin C and other antioxidants, which protect the body from the negative effects of metabolic waste products known as free radicals.
Add to that the lymphatic system's roles in lipid absorption and transportation from the digestive system, and the efficient removal of metabolic wastes from tissue, organs and the central nervous system, and it's not hard to see why the lymphatic system is so nuanced (not to mention critical).
Hydration along with trace minerals and anti-oxidants helps provide clean energy for the body without the production of metabolic waste.
Low urine specific gravity (urinalysis too dilute) high levels of metabolic waste in the blood (elevated BUN and Creatinine) and increased body acidity (metabolic acidosis) are also common in Addison's disease; but they also occur in many health problems not related to your pet's adrenal glands.
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is often associated with reducing the size of lymphedemas, but the main function is actually detoxification and clearing of metabolic waste from the body.
Aloe vera contains 20 minerals to detoxify the body of metabolic wastes and 19 amino acids to fight inflammation and bacteria.
By releasing toxins, it encourages the body's discharge of metabolic wastes so the body is able to run more effectively.
Vericocele affects the production of the testosterone by hampering the ability for the blood to flow forward, meaning that there will be a buildup of metabolic waste decreasing testicular function.
However, this condition may also be triggered by poor nutrition, dehydration, overtraining, lack of sleep, and a buildup of metabolic waste in your muscles.
This feat is possible because cancer cells emit a different kind of metabolic waste than healthy cells.
Amyloid - β is one of the forms of metabolic waste that accumulates in Alzheimer's disease.
While you are exercising, your heart rate goes up, your blood pressure goes up, you get a toxic build - up of metabolic waste - products in your body, and your muscles get damaged.
• Elevated nitric oxide levels • Heightened muscle pumps • Increased nutrient delivery • Improved blood oxygen carrying capacity • Quicker recovery between sets via the accelerated clearance of metabolic waste products • Reduced blood pressure • Pro-sexual effects • Enhanced glucose uptake
It will speed the elimination of metabolic wastes and replenish muscle glycogen stores.
More blood flow meansbettersupply of nutrients and disposal of metabolic waste throughout the system.
Neem, which people usually recognize for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, can help to purify the blood and get rid of metabolic waste.
«It is interesting that the lateral sleep position is already the most popular in human and most animals — even in the wild — and it appears that we have adapted the lateral sleep position to most efficiently clear our brain of the metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake,» says Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, PhD, University of Rochester.
Remember that you eliminate up to two pounds of metabolic wastes and toxins per day through your skin.
Protein is the primary dietary ingredient from which the many of the metabolic wastes are created.
Veterinary acupuncture improves tissue blood motion, oxygenation, and eradicating of metabolic wastes and toxins.
Veterinary acupuncture improves tissue blood flow, oxygenation, and accelerates the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins.
Hydration along with trace minerals and anti-oxidants helps provide clean energy for the body without the production of metabolic waste.
In Ayurvedic nutrition, herbs and spices are used not only to add flavor to dishes but also medicinally to ignite digestive fire (agni) and detox the body of metabolic waste (ama).
• Dry skin brushing increases circulation to skin, encouraging your body's discharge of metabolic wastes, which greatly aids the lymphatic drainage of the entire body.
Antioxidants are thought to benefit the health of most animal species because of the role they play in combatting the negative effects of metabolic waste products called free radicals.
We are uncertain why dogs with advanced kidney disease loose their appetite, but it is almost certainly due in part to rising levels of metabolic wastes and toxins within their bodies (in doctorspeak: multifactorial metabolic derangements).
Acupuncture improves tissue blood flow, oxygenation, and removal of metabolic wastes and toxins.
The treatment stimulates the release of your pet's own pain relieving and anti-inflammatory hormones, and improves blood circulation, oxygenation, and the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins.
Veterinary acupuncture helps stimulate the release of the body's own pain relieving and anti-inflammatory substances and helps improve tissue blood flow, oxygenation, and removal of metabolic wastes and toxins.
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