Sentences with phrase «of metaphase»

Korenberg, J. R. & Rykowski, M. C. Human genome organization: Alu, lines, and the molecular structure of metaphase chromosome bands.
Somehow, this lengthening of metaphase early in development appears to cause more progenitor cells to be made later, Huttner says.
Prior studies by Kerr el al, showed that PP2ACdc55 played an essential role in controlling the timing of metaphase to anaphase during meiosis, in other words preventing cells from prematurely exiting meiosis.
Giemsa (G), C, Q, R — banding, SCE (Sister Chromatid Exchange) and silver staining of metaphase chromosomes
Here we describe a low - cost DNA sequencing and haplotyping process, long fragment read (LFR) technology, which is similar to sequencing long single DNA molecules without cloning or separation of metaphase chromosomes.
Some people take their final dose of MetaPhase about 1 hour before bedtime to make sure they have beneficial nutrients working while they are sleeping.
I perform direct microscope screening, analysis of metaphase plates, Image analysis / Automated Karyotyping (Metasystems), FISH (Fluorescent in situ Hybridization) on (a) prenatals, (b) haematological disorder,...
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