Sentences with phrase «of millet flour»

For this recipe use a rice flour instead of millet flour and just follow the same instructions.
This sauce is no exception to the versatility of millet flour!
Do you have any recommendations for brands of millet flour?
Is there another flour that I can use instead of millet flour?
To add color, teff is used in place of millet flour in this crust.
Followed your recipe perfectly, using 1/2 cup rice flour in place of millet flour which we didn't have.
i tried your receipe this morning sub W / W pastry flour and almond meal in place of barley and then 1/2 c of graham flour and 1/2 c of millet flour.
And again I have to sing the praises of millet flour for working so well in this.
She also shows you how to make blueberry crumble gluten - free by using smart substitions of millet flour and gluten - free oats.
(I ask because I found a package of millet flour in my pantry that I'd like to use somehow) Or can I use it to replace one of the flours when making the bread?
You could also make it yourself by finely grinding almonds in the food processor (best if you grind them with a bit of the millet flour).
My mum makes a tonic with whole spices, millet flour, jaggery and ginger to fight a cold but I'm not so much a fan of millet flour.
1 cup cornmeal 1 cup Bob's Red Mill Gluten - Free All Purpose Four 1/4 cup of millet flour (optional) 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons ground flax seeds in 6 tablespoons water 1 ripe banana 1 cup non-dairy milk or water 1/2 — 1 cup additional water 1/2 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1/4 nuts or seeds (we used a mix of peanuts, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds)
Do you think it will affect the texture to much to use coconut instead of millet flour, or to use twice the amount of quinoa flour?
I wonder how garbanzo bean flour would work in place of the millet flour?
Instead of millet flour you can use buckwheat or other gluten free flours as well.
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