Sentences with phrase «of missed opportunities»

Sounds like a bit of a missed opportunity for an awards worthy flick.
Of course, this weekend does represent something of a missed opportunity for the champions.
There were a lot of missed opportunities in that game which could have made it the best.
There is a sense of the missed opportunity here as the protocols could be used more effectively.
, with a much more interesting world, a stronger art style and better voice acting, but it still has that lingering feeling of missed opportunity.
The most I can do is try to tease out a central conceptual problem and a couple of missed opportunities.
No one could say for certain, but considering that 31 percent of online legal traffic comes from mobile search, the number of missed opportunities could have been substantial.
And that time has a cost in terms of missed opportunities resulting from your delays.
This bleak inheritance is now more likely because of the missed opportunity of this Spending Review.
Speaking of missed opportunities, there's a complete lack of character progression and vehicle customization.
Your investment is $ 160 per hour, which is much lower than the cost of missed opportunities.
- A move upward can be powered by a switch from the fear of losing money to the fear of missing opportunity.
However, a share of missed opportunities and moments of drama made this victory more difficult than it needed to be.
It shouldn't require ovulation predictor kits, tester strips, frantic sex scheduling or months of missed opportunities due to lack of ovulation from that same stress and anxiety.
Many singles limit their search criteria too much, increasing their chances of a missed opportunity to meet a potentially compatible match.
This lead to an always healthy cash position and a multitude of missed opportunities.
It unfortunately creates a bit of a missed opportunity for a more engaging gaming experience.
If you don't live and breathe your genre, I can assure you there are a lot of missed opportunities for sales, promotion and readership growth, right under your nose.
But the sense of missed opportunity and ultimate failure will always hang over what he achieved.
That made for plenty of crazy games but also a feeling of missed opportunity.
The game is a classic example of a missed opportunity for greatness, as well as an example of undeserved over-hype.
It was a case of missed opportunities for Barcelona tonight, and they certainly rued not making the most of their dominance early on after Valencia got a late equaliser against the run of play.
While the lack of edge smoothing comes across as something of a missed opportunity considering the extra rendering bandwidth and available RAM compared to the 360, PS3, and Wii U, jaggies are never an issue due to the way the predominantly sprite - based artwork is displayed alongside various effects - such as depth of field and bloom.
While the two goals the Dynamo allowed showed some of the cracks in the Wilmer Cabrera system, the real disappointment in the game came from tons of missed opportunities by the Dynamo.
«A series of missed opportunities hindered by partisan bickering, protracted litigation and other distractions,» Walsh said.
Jürgen Klopp summed up Liverpool's sense of missed opportunity at the Otkritie Arena in September.
More chilling than SYRIANA and UNITED 93, events highlighted in the best selling report from the 9/11 commission expose a string of missed opportunities that lead to our nation's greatest tragedy.
A feeling of missed opportunity haunts The Wolfpack, although it seems unlikely that the unleashed Angulos will miss their own moment.
One reason for the difference with our player award and the Premier League shortlist could be down to the Champions League matches not reviewed in their analysis, but at the same time, the Basel match was full of missed opportunities for Alexis, while Walcott was the man to bag both of the goals in that match, which should have been more in favour of the latter.
A sad tale of missed opportunities and unforced errors despite having waited since 1992 -LRB-!)
Voluntary sector leaders warn of missed opportunity to reach into communities and make new structures fully representative
He said he was always anxious to return to Western New York and now would like the area to take advantage of missed opportunities, which he called heartbreaking.
They move onto the difficulties of maintaining passion and the tragedy of missed opportunities, before ending ambiguously on a Nina Simone song and a smile.
A report into William's care concluded that there were a number of missed opportunities which would have prevented his death and found the following:
It still presents an interesting location to explore, with small amounts of world - building to tide people over until the sequel, but it feels like a bit of a missed opportunity considering just how creative the original game is.
Alternatively, those relationships can amount to little more than a series of missed opportunities if business owners fail to recognize the potential contribution that well - seasoned accounting advisers can make — especially to companies whose internal financial departments may be woefully understaffed.
It comes off as even more of a missed opportunity, since the game has a charming storybook style that it uses to tell its tale and weave its yarn - except there isn't much of either, so it's just left spinning gears, mostly.
The visuals are a definite standout, though there was a little bit of a missed opportunity in combining the Rabbids with traditional Mario enemies.
«Don't be duped by the illusion of missed opportunity where you think you have to do everything that comes your way,» Brown says.
But one can't help but despair of the missed opportunity to make regulators stop bullying entrepreneurs whose innovations are light - years ahead of our regulatory framework.
Pence's office responded with a combative statement accusing the Palestinians of missing another opportunity to pursue peace.
In the stock market there is no day of missed opportunity (well, you can miss your opportunity if you decide to stay out and sell all your positions (close them) out of fear or panic and Continue reading →
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