Sentences with phrase «of modern climate change»

There are a few publishing scientists that strongly disagree with the established consensus that humans are the primary drivers of modern climate change and yet they seem to find funding without much difficulty.
Neither scenario would be particularly good news in the context of modern climate change.
This is particularly true in areas which tend to experience more pronounced and cumulative impacts of modern climate change.
Although carbon dioxide increases are the largest driver of modern climate change, changes in the abundance of many other compounds also play a role.
As the Post noted («Study Confirms Past Few Decades Warmest on Record», June 2, 2006 [link]-RRB-, the academy study backed up the conclusions my colleagues and I reached more than a decade ago about the unprecedented nature of modern climate change.
Science has a good understanding of past climate changes and their causes, and that evidence makes the human cause of modern climate change all the more clear.
The findings mean the so - called Paleocene - Eocene thermal maximum, or PETM, can provide clues to the future of modern climate change.
This team's discovery also calls attention to the possible effects of modern climate change, because global warming was the ultimate driver of marine anoxia in the Early Triassic period.
Increasingly, as we found, many scientists no longer even mention the human cause of modern climate change in their papers.
Zeebe et al (2015) point out that our current climate change, occurring in just a couple of centuries, has no analog in the past 66 million years, which presents a challenge for our ability to predict the long term consequences of modern climate change.
Less than 3 weeks into the new publication year, the explosion of non-alarming depictions of modern climate change continues.
Many have credited this article to Roger Revelle, a man described by some as the grandfather of modern climate change science and whose name woul dhave given the article significantly more credence than Singer's alone.
His speech, titled «The Context of Modern Climate Change» can be viewed below.
«Researchers first became intrigued by abrupt climate change when they discovered striking evidence of large, abrupt, and widespread changes preserved in paleoclimatic archives... The chapter concludes with examples of modern climate change and techniques for observing it.
This enterprise will not only help in understanding the nature of modern climate change, but will permit us to decode the record of past climate changes hidden in tropical glaciers.
Scientists have been studying the event because it is seen as an analog, albeit an imperfect one, of modern climate change.
For example, the United States Enviornmental Protection Agency regulates several pollutants affecting air quality but does not currently regulate carbon dioxide, the primary driver of modern climate change.
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