Sentences with phrase «of modern debate»

And Cleanthes» early departure from the scene marks the impossibility of achieving his dream within the standard terms of modern debate.

Not exact matches

Before tucking into some turkey and informed political debate with your relatives, millions of travelers like you will face the joys of modern commercial air travel.
Saturday's rallies, organizers said, were attempting to demonstrate a show of force in that debate: Many citizens do not automatically want their nation's economy to expand (it's an almost universally - accepted idea in modern economics that expanded trade will provide net economic expansion to both countries) but instead they care how those benefits are distributed.
The article itself goes on to debate the ethics of such a punishment but, well, ethics rarely enter into the modern conversation of how prisoners should be treated.
If modern Christians have a sense of martyrdom as you claim then please feel free to debate them in the here and now... I don't hear a lot of Christians saying «you can't say / do this because 2,000 years ago Rome was busy killing us.»
@Let Us Prey You wrote: «The concept of «truth» has been debated since the inception of modern religious philosophy.»
The concept of «truth» has been debated since the inception of modern religious philosophy.
Thompson explores the Psalms, the Synoptic Gospels as well as John, the Wisdom literature, the current debate over the «astonishing exchange» in Christ, and the image of the child in Scripture and modern spirituality.
Many of its defenders were scientists and many of its opponents were religious, so it was easy to caricature the debates as a clash between the modern, rational, scientific view and an irrational, religious mindset.
In a debate between Bart Ehrman and Michael Licona, 3 facts were given that nearly 100 percent of modern scholars studying the subject at the time of the debate agree upon:
Even as the world becomes ever more modern and sophisticated, child preachers remain a subject of fascination and debate.
The point here is not to debate the relative merits of Hobbes and Locke, but to stress the atomistic individualism of modern political theory in both these forms.
It comes over in all the modern debates — economic development and resources, use of environment, pollution, population, the «doomsday» debates.
The principal critics of practical theology therefore advocate a radical rejection of modern questions about reason and practice in favor of a discussion in which the most important questions about the meaning and validity of the Christian message are assumed, precisely so that the details can be intelligently debated.
Some of you might have heard some echoes from the modern debate about church.
For more recent theological debate, H. R. Mackintosh's Types of Modern Theology (Nisbet, 1937), and J. M. Creed, The Divinity of Jesus Christ (Cambridge University Press, 1938), both reprinted by Collins / Fontana, are useful, and also John Macquarrie's Twentieth Century Religious Thought (SCM Press, 1963).
Readers of First Things should by now be well - acquainted with the heated national debate - in part inspired by these very pages - over the role and legitimacy of the modern Supreme Court, armed with the power of judicial review, in a country that proclaims itself to be self - governing.
The problems of Babel are reflected in modern America in our ongoing debates about history, identity, the future, and how we can live together as a nation.
The mentality that Rauschenbusch deployed to seduce his readers — the turn away from troubling debates about doctrine, the shift from personal salvation to social reform, and the reassurance that progressive disdain for traditional religion was in fact a sign of a more authentic and scientific faith — provided a way to remain Christian while setting aside whatever seems incompatible with modern life.
Indeed, this age - old dilemma is at the heart of much contemporary political debate between democratic socialists and democratic capitalists in modern Western societies.
But, as they both believed, the issues for which they contended were issues in which men's souls were at stake; and they would have agreed on this at least, that the urbanities of modern theological debate betokened a failure to appreciate how serious the issues were.
Debate over the precise implication of Scripture's inspiration has continued almost unabated within modern evangelicalism.
This debate is further evidence of religions ability to leverage post modern liberal philosophy to the advantage of divisive groups.
Dr Peter Hodgson, formerly head of the Nuclear Physics theoretical division at the University of Oxford, has long been involved in the science — faith debate and has contributed widely to the Catholic Church's appreciation of modern physics, especially as a consultant to the Pontifical Council of Culture.
Such actions on the part of God should give us moderns pause when we reason about «nature» in the same - sex attraction debates.
Much modern intellectual debate, particularly within the popular arena, centers on disputes between religion and science over such seminal issues as creationism versus evolutionary theory, or theological explanations of the origin of the universe versus the «big - bang theory» of the new cosmology.
Niebuhr said that the history of modern culture began as a debate between those who explained man in terms of his reason or in terms of his relation to nature.
In 1967, Lynn White, Jr.'s controversial essay, «The Modern Roots of our Ecological Crisis» (S 155: 1203 - 1207) started a debate that raged through the 1970s among theologians, philosophers, and scientists.
The genre of the book of Esther has been debated, but very few scholars would identify this as a strictly historical text, particularly based on our modern, Western understanding of history as a relatively objective recounting of facts.
Louis Fisher surveys the full sweep of U.S. history» from colonial debates about religious liberty to modern judicial, legislative, and executive positions on the status of conscientious objection, compulsory flag salutes, school prayer, Indian religious practices, and the religious use of peyote.
Most modern definitions of God are based on Platonic philosophy anyway, so maybe it is time for a reset on the entire debate about God anyway...
For in the earliest round of the debate, Griffin remarked on how forced, unnecessarily cautious, or simply unnatural are Ford's readings of relevant passages in Science and the Modern World and Religion in the Making — readings claiming that panpsychism is not truly found in either book, and that the appearance to the contrary is due to our reading into them ideas derived from the canonical portions of Process and Reality (REWM 194 - 201).
The surge of disposable capital in post-World War II consumerism gave impetus for the debate over modern society.
Their approval or disapproval alone distinguished their otherwise parallel interpretations of the course of modern history since the Renaissance, for the liberals ascribed all virtue to liberal Christianity and all vice to authoritarian Catholicism while their ultra-conservative colleagues in debate simply reversed the order.
A prolific writer on the theological, philosophical and ethical issues related to the faith - science debate, Jaki's work can safely be summarised as the intentional repudiation of the modern, secularist agenda which seeks to place science and Christian faith in radical, philosophical and historical opposition.
The safety of bringing a baby into an adult bed has been the subject of much debate in modern society, especially recently.
But I hope that it will also provoke the media to think how it can promote a more open and considered way of encouraging genuine political debate in a way which transcends the tribalism that marks much of modern politics.
It's not just something I treasure − it's a book I return to when I feel boxed in by the narrowness and lack of vision that characterises so much of the modern political debate.
Because most people with any sort of knowledge of the recent academic debates / fights in and around modern liberalism would know that Sandel is usually classed as communitarian critic of liberalism.
In addressing the subject of exit strategies, this book necessarily delves into and contributes to one of the most important unresolved scholarly debates of modern times: namely the characteristics and requirements of a sustainable peace.
This is evident in parliamentary debates about suffrage but also in the modern language of «makers and takers», «skivers and strivers», or Mitt Romney's famous «47 % comment».
And his refusal to hold a televised electoral debate with Tusk made him look out of touch with modern mediated politics.
And I am not suggesting that tweets from the chamber should be protected by parliamentary privilege... But in this age of immediate crowd - sourced mass communication, the idea that the Commons chamber can cut itself off from modern technology and social media is as doomed as when written reports of Commons debates were banned in the 18th century, or when discussion of current Commons business on the radio was not allowed until the 1950s, or, indeed, as obsolete as the ban on television itself before 1989.
This has been reflected in our consistently providing platforms for Labour - LibDem dialogue, seeking to foster engagement between party politics and civic pressure, and in co-hosting the left and liberty session at the Convention for Modern Liberty, and in being significantly engaged in debates about the pluralist reform of party politics, the broader political settlement and the new «movement politics» of a pluralist left.
The pros and cons of Nolan chart vs the others listed in the Wiki is a topic for debate, but pretty much any of them is orders of magnitude better than «left - right», whose main purpose in modern politics is largely «how can I better equate my political opponents to some historical monster».
Hofstra University was chosen to hold a 2012 presidential debate, making it one of only two schools to host back - to - back debates since the modern debate system was created more than two decades ago.
What to do about EU membership has, as a direct consequence, become one of the most important debates in modern politics, one that has caused no end of confusion in Tory ranks.
It is in the nature of modern political and moral debates conducted in parliament and the press that it consists largely of finger - pointing.
As investigators continue to figure out the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, the tragedy of Las Vegas is renewing a long - running gun control debate.
There is a new element to the nation's gun control debate, coming out of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
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