Sentences with phrase «of modern discovery»

When combined with the non-dualistic physical ontology of modern discovery, the holism has been put under threat and the reductionist reaction of much atheism has been fostered (see our May issue).
Nora Gedgaudas, author of Primal Body - Primal Mind, visits Dr Lo Radio to discuss the health benefits of a hunter - gatherer diet with the addition of modern discoveries.

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Known since the Middle Ages, colchicine had been one of those ancient discoveries that had found new life in a host of scientific and medical applications during the modern era.
As the backbone of our society, construction impacts nearly every industry directly or indirectly — whether it's building new labs to foster scientific discoveries, hospitals to tend to our sick or injured, or modern classrooms to learn.
With the recent discovery of anatomically modern humans evolving 100,000 years earlier than previously estimated, it's not out of the question that our ancestors did a lot of moving about.
The Happiness Advantage reveals the most important discoveries coming out of modern psychology.»
It's amusing how you use the discoveries of modern science to retro - fit the validity and understanding of bible verses.
He is the author of Genesis and the Big B.ang, the discovery of harmony between modern science and the Bible, now in seven languages.
In this discovery, I owed much to Karl Löwith's lectures on the theological rootage of modern philosophies of history as well as to Gerhard von Rad's interpretation of the Old Testament.
The discoveries of modern science are real advances in the knowing of God's creation and so have an impact upon theology.
The editorial advocated a re-evaluation of Thomas» thought in the light of the discoveries of modern science and suggested that in such a work of re-evaluation and realignment Holloway's contribution was eminently worthy ofconsideration.
everything from how the Bible said the earth is round before Galileo or any of the other modern discoveries, all the way to how relationships work in the sense that men crave respect and women crave love, and everything in between.
In defining the complex notion of wisdom, Deane - Drummond introduces the concept of wisdom as an understanding of different facets of reality, a contemplative «way of knowing» lost by modern science with its focus on specific discoveries.
The presentation of theology, that is the way in which the Church's teachings have been integrated with secular sciences, has not kept up with the discoveries of modern science.
Hand in hand with this Western victory over its Eastern Christian roots went a new discovery of nature, not the nature that has been present in modern art, but rather a nature charged with Christ's presence.
To cite just one example, it is difficult to see how this synthesis, relying as it does upon a basically Aristotelian concept of nature or form as a static unchanging reality, can accommodate the discoveries of modern science.
I shall discuss how much traditional metaphysics and theology needs to be revised in the light of modern scientific discoveries with four examples: the «new physics» of the 17th century, the theory of relativity, quantum theory and evolution.
And we find that the deepest discoveries of modern physics and mathematics give hints, if not proof, that the mind of man has something about it that lies beyond the power of either physics or mathematics to describe.
We think that modern science's discovery of the inter-related, hierarchical unity of all the parts of the cosmos provides a solution: namely that individuals are defined through their universal relationships - see for instance our Sept 2006 editorial: The Catholic View of Matter: Towards a New Synthesis.
Actually, modern science put a lot more of effort into discrediting discoveries that point to validity of claims made by religion, than the opposite.
When a modern historian sets about writing the history of the United States he feels it necessary of course to go back to the period of discovery and colonization; and to give some account of the European people, chiefly the English who colonized and came to rule the Continent.
Whitehead pointed out long ago, in Science and the Modern World, that the habits of medieval rationalism prepared the way for the scientific discoveries of the seventeenth century, an insight given far more documentation, depth, and scope in the writings of the historian and philosopher of science Stanley L. Jaki in our time.
In one sense the discovery of human individuality was necessary for the development of human rights, the economic individualism orientated to profit and free market produced the modern economy; the separation of human being from nature coupled with the autonomy of the world of science helped the development of technology; and the autonomy of different areas of life like the arts and the government, each to follow purposes and laws inherent in it, did make for unfettered creativity in the various fields.
Modern study of the Bible has brought the discovery that the Christian hope is not at all exclusively tied to an other - worldly form; indeed, as we have seen, that is just what it had started to lead men away from.
The difference between Greek pessimism and the oriental and modern variety is that the Greeks had not made the discovery that the pathetic mood may be idealized, and figure as a higher form of sensibility.
Too bad modern science ignores possibly the greatest scientific discovery of all time because of an anti-religious agenda.
We accept and even embrace the discoveries of modern science.
Modern technology is evidence of the fruitfulness and truth of the basic discoveries and theories of modern scModern technology is evidence of the fruitfulness and truth of the basic discoveries and theories of modern scmodern science.
This situation is witnessed to by the fact that the only metaphysical issue where there is a virtual consensus among mainstream twentieth century Catholic thinkers, apart from the reality of human subjectivity mentioned above, is the claim that the discoveries of modern science should not have a significant influence upon metaphysics.
Might the discoveries of modern science have implications for theology?
Modern science's discovery of objective facts is no exception to this basic pattern of human observation.
A second set of theological issues to which the discoveries of modern physics are relevant concerns the nature of time.
This pamphlet explains how the discoveries of modern science lead us to abandon the popular notion that faith and science do not agree.
One of the important consequences of the major intellectual discoveries in the modern world, from Copernicus to Einstein, is our increased understanding of the detailed empirical processes which shape our thinking, behavior, and being.
Lewontin thus saw creationism as falsified not so much by any discoveries of modern science as by universal human experience, a thesis that does little to explain either why so absurd a notion has attracted so many adherents or why we should expect it to lose ground in the near future.
Yet a truly modern subject or «I» is a doubled or self - alienated center of consciousness, and is so in a uniquely Cartesian internal and radical doubt, one never decisively present in previous cognitive or philosophical thinking, although its ground had been established by Augustine's philosophical discovery of the subject of consciousness.
It is impossible to use electric light and the wireless and to avail ourselves of modern medical and surgical discoveries, and at the same time to believe in the New Testament world of spirits and miracles.
Government monopolies over information and technology are being broken down as scientists, engineers and visionaries share their dreams and discoveries via the global network of modern communication.
Susan wrote,» I have provided you with a link to the noblest concept of reality available on this planet at this time, a philosophy that is not only logical but commensurate with modern discovery
I have provided you with a link to the noblest concept of reality available on this planet at this time, a philosophy that is not only logical but commensurate with modern discovery.
On the other hand the Christian transcendent, personal God, Pell argues, has a rational foundation in the reflections of Greek philosophy, as well as the discoveries of modern science.
This modern meaning of hermeneutics is only the discovery, the manifestation, of the hermeneutic situation which was present from the beginning of the Gospel but hidden.
On the other hand, theology remains for the most part out of touch with the discoveries of modern science, and so it fails to direct its mystagogical expertise toward a natural world that corresponds to a plausible cosmology.
Bishop John Austin Baker, as dean of Westminster Abbey, put it this way — in a guide to the Abbey — commenting on the fact that the Abbey is the final resting place of Charles Darwin: «Today most Christians... are glad that one of the intellectual giants who laid the foundation of our modern understanding of the world should lie here in the house of God in whom he himself did not believe but whom we know so much better as a result of his discoveries
There are only gullible people like yourself, who have been suckered into the ancient, illogical, stagnant mythology of magical thinking and others, like me, who choose to pursue the scientific method and spend the rest of my life improving my own knowledge with new discoveries and participating in the great modern renaissance of mankind!
It is impossible to use electric lights and the wireless and to avail ourselves of modern medical and surgical discoveries and at the same time to believe in the New Testament world of spirits and miracles («New Testament and Mythology,» Kerygma and Myth [Harper & Row, 1966]-RRB-.
This is not at all a modern discovery, though the «theologians of revolution» seem to think so.
This connection was not just the discovery of modern critics, for it is part of the kerygma itself.
This is typical ofCatholic culture... the experts say that his theory of «continuity», which holds true both in the natural sciences and in geometry, accords well with some of the great discoveries of modern physics... (he) knows, in the light of truth, how to engage fully the resources of reason with which he has been endowed by God himself.
And the whole foundation of the Faith movement, of course, is an attempt to integrate modern rationality, not least as inspired by the discoveries of modern science, with the timeless truths of the Faith.
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