Sentences with phrase «of modern painting»

It's hard to think of another painter these days who has such infectious fun with the philosophical analysis of modern painting.
The story of modern painting is largely masculine and fairly linear.
For more about the people and personalities involved in the evolution of modern painting and sculpture, see: History of Art.
But then again, my nostalgia for the good old days of modern painting is another part of the art - world spectacle.
His «white writing» style helped shape the course of modern painting, so why isn't the artist better known?
With all their damned talk of modern painting, I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colours is black!
There was nothing the matter with this «how - to,» formal phase of modern painting while it lasted.
There is an almost disposable feel to her works, but they are grounded in an appreciation of modern painting.
• For a chronological guide to the evolution of modern painting, see: History of Art.
These reveal his extraordinary ability to depict the lustrous, pearly color and texture of skin and to impart lyrical feeling and plasticity to a subject; they are unsurpassed in the history of modern painting in their representation of feminine grace.
Art forms a focal point of this boutique hotel with a remarkable collection of modern paintings with works by artists such as Marc Chagall, Frank Stella, David Hockney, and others.
Inspired by jazz and his family's quilting traditions, since the 1980s Al Loving has been broadening the definition of modern painting and drawing, experimenting with heavy paper and color to create three - dimensional collages.
As De Keyser's last works brood at the David Zwirner, a sweeping account of modern painting from Chris Ofili's sexual fireworks to Lucian Freud's meaty closeups lights up London's White Cube
He has pursued an incisive exploration of American history, literature, and society across a body of work that builds on the legacies of modern painting and more recent conceptual art, working in a variety of media, including painting, neon, installation, video and print.
Finally, fin de siècle and early 20th century brought us to beginnings of modern painting within the practice of Georges Braque, who is assigned as one of the key figures of Fauvism and Cubism.
Bradley works in series, pivoting between abstraction and figuration, the earnest and the comic, wielding a range of techniques that draw upon his profound appreciation for the history of modern painting as well as underground comics and outdated periodicals.
This year's exhibiting galleries include Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, featuring a large series of modern paintings by Andrew Masullo, a 2012 Whitney Biennial artist; Galerie Richard, New York, showcasing works by Paul Henry Ramirez; and Von Lintel Gallery, New York, presenting a range of recent works from artists Melanie Willhide, Catherine Howe, and John Chiara.
Founded in 1915 as a cultural program to the University of Chicago, the Society's nearly 100 years of history include a 1916 lecture by Paul Shorey on The Service of Art, to An Exhibition of Modern Paintings in 1918, to the current Francis Alÿs solo exhibition.
Pierre Bonnard is acknowledged to be one of the great masters of modern painting yet as a draughtsman he has been neglected.
In his highly influential 1960 essay «Modernist Painting,» critic Clement Greenberg asserted that flatness was the most essential and unique aspect of Modern painting.
Symbolizing «life's continuity,» the spiral - shaped works of Detroit - born Al Loving (1935 - 2005) represent 40 years of experimentation, pushing the possibilities of modern painting.
In the last 20 years Sean Scully has emerged as one of the true giants of modern painting.
Wondrous the metaphor for cultural wipeout extracted by the same Huang Yong Ping from a glop of paper that had held the history of Chinese painting until run through a washing machine (The History of Chinese Art and A Concise History of Modern Painting Washed in a Washing Machine for Two Minutes, 1987/1993).
Dr. Charles Stuckey, art historian and former Curator of Modern Painting, National Gallery of Art, W...
By the 1940s, however, Pollock turned his attention towards painting again, largely to address what he saw as «the problems of modern painting»: too much reliance on the easel, on idleness, on tradition.
The confluence of these individuals made New York an ever more boisterous and diverse artistic ground, where the iconic names of Modern painting with all its variety of styles intermingled and intertwined, preparing the way for the emergence of an inimitable New York style of painting generally known as Abstract Expressionism.
His paintings show a steady movement through the various schools of modern painting of the 20th & 21st Century.
«Every intelligent painter carries the whole culture of modern painting in his head,» Motherwell once said.
March saw his landmark debut with Nosei: Jeffrey Deitch praised his «ability to merge his absorption of imagery from the streets, the newspapers and TV with the spiritualism of his Haitian heritage, injecting both into a marvellously intuitive understanding of the language of modern painting» (J. Deitch, quoted in Jean - Michel Basquiat, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, 1999, p. 326).
Mahmoud Saïd (1897 - 1964) is renowned as the father of Modern painting in Egypt.
Tammi Campbell's drawings and paintings deploy the formal vocabulary of modern painting to consider its legacies and mythologies.
In certain accounts of modern painting, Pollock is seen as a culmination.
He was Chairman of the Modern Painting section of Maastricht Art Fair from 1994 to 2004 and Chairman of the Picture Section from 1996 to 2000.
The versatile Luce, like many of his contemporaries, experimented with several of the modern painting techniques and schools developing in France throughout his career.
Indeed, the movement marked the shift of the creative centre of modern painting from Paris to New York City in the postwar decades.
His idea of modern painting is to deliberately, and constantly, reveal how modern life disfigures and traduces the old nobilities, as expressed in artistic tradition.
As he told Artspace in a recent interview, «There hasn't been a comprehensive history of modern painting after Pollock, mainly because after the 1980s painting became very disreputable and people didn't really want to go back and look at the whole history.
A captivating presentation of modern paintings, important design, and ceramic art will be front and center with Jason Jacques Gallery at this year's The European Fine Art Fair, TEFAF, in Maastricht, Netherlands, from March 10th to 18th.
Rauschenberg mixed traditional forms of modern painting and sculpture with photographs, found objects, studio printmaking techniques and mass - produced pictures gathered in postcards, postage stamps and newspapers.
This yearʼs exhibiting galleries include Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, featuring a large series of modern paintings by Andrew Masullo, who has been celebrated as a standout of the recent 2012 Whitney Biennial; and Tyler Rollins Fine Art, New York, exhibiting a series of photographs by Tracey Moffatt, entitled, «Plantation» (2009) and «First Jobs» (2008), whose film works will be shown concurrently at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
• For more details of modern painting in France, see: Homepage.
Blending abstraction and figuration, Romanticism and psychedelia, von Wulffen's large - scale paintings wryly revisit and reprocess tactics and tropes of modern painting from German Expressionism onward, while recent series of drawings have tweaked the conventions of the children's book, the comic strip, and the storyboard, turning these formats into vehicles for her own psychologically charged narratives.
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