Sentences with phrase «of modern yoga»

We're not saying there's anything fraudulent about many of the mental and physical health benefits claimed by practitioners of modern yoga, however.
He's currently writing a book on the shadows of modern yoga culture.
Though his name is perhaps less well - known than his most famous students», it's not an overstatement to call T. Krishnamacharya the father of modern yoga.
The philosophy of YogaDigital is strongly influenced by the tradition passed down from T. Krishnamacharya (acknowledged as the «Grandfather of Modern Yoga») through his son TKV Desikachar and passed down to his students.
However, Ashtanga Yoga has left certain traces also outside the formal boundaries of the established tradition: a large number of modern yoga styles developed from Ashtanga Yoga, from Jivamukti via Sharon Gannon and David Life to Brian Kest's Power Yoga.
As the biomechanics and functional movement people plow towards perfecting the therapeutic promise of modern yoga, I hope the useless things they're challenging don't disappear entirely.
Included in this collection of yogis are four of the most recognizable and influential personalities of modern yoga who collectively guide millions of students worldwide; namely, Yogacharya Sri TVK Desikachar, the late Vidwan Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Paramahansa Niranjanananda Saraswati, and Yogacharya Sri BKS Iyengar.
The Integral Yoga global community includes over 5,000 Integral Yoga teachers — many of whom have become leaders in the changing paradigm of modern Yoga and healthcare, as well as founding successful programs for specific populations.
Iyengar and the Invention of Modern Yoga by Michelle Goldberg from New Yorker Magazine — More Information
Many people don't know this, but Ashtanga yoga was developed by a guy named Shri Pattabhi Jois and it was transmitted to him by what we considered to be the father of modern yoga, a guy named Krishnamacharya.
Viniyoga referes to the tradition passed down from T. Krishnamacharya (acknowledged as the «Grandfather of Modern Yoga») through his son TKV Desikachar and was passed down to his students.
Often referred to as «the father of modern yoga,» [3][4][5] Krishnamacharya is widely regarded as one of the most influential yoga teachers of the 20th century and is credited with the revival of hatha yoga.
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